If humans ever want peace we have to rid ourselves of the idea that any currency is the answer. We will never control how much we can earn. We will never control the value of the things we buy. So we will always be slaves, just to a different system.
Haha! (You just want it named after you.)
I would like to suggest a modification to their motto: "They will own nothing and they will be happy!"
There, fixed it for them.
Nice one
Any non asset based currency can be inflated away. It is not the time to do that. Great REset vs Greater Reset.
I would own some..
I'd buy hahah
If humans ever want peace we have to rid ourselves of the idea that any currency is the answer. We will never control how much we can earn. We will never control the value of the things we buy. So we will always be slaves, just to a different system.
you havea great username for it. hilarious idea.