...using materials found here on GAW. I now wear the badge of a conspiracy theorist from their mods. They only allow CDC & WHO links in any discussion on these topics.
Comments (20)
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Hate next door. It's an app for Karens.
That's true. Tonight, I found a thread explaining what Karens are. So many of these women don't know they are one. In their case, other names may be appropriate,
Wear it proudly fren....welcome to the banned club! Lots of us here. Your in great company!
Count me as one
Next-door, is one of the most hateful social media website ever. I was part of it for a month, and I got off there immediately I could see through how hateful everybody was.
Lucky you to be out of it. They are the stasi in waiting.
Exactly this.
The funny thing is, if you read the CDC and NIH reports, they oftentimes support our findings and admit their errors.
The great thing is, you can get banned for using CDC & WHO links from the time before this particular wrongthink. I mean, it's not great. Ironic, or darkly amusing, or whatever.
Makes me wonder who are the mods of these "neighborhood" discussion boards. The DS has penetrated many other areas.
That app is terrible anyways, a bunch people Flipping out about their low resolution doorbell cameras catching an unknown animal......apparently people don't see foxes often. I was off it in like a week tops! Good riddance is what I say!
I got banned from 110 counties
If you had a friend who was banned from 110 bars, how could you draw any conclusions other than your friend is a piece of shit?
These people are insufferable
So you're that deviant guy?
Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈
What BS. Only approved propaganda allowed - nice try...
Oops. Haha. Now I’m going to try!
Did that to subscribers in our next door here in TN too...........
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