What is being exposed today by the Sheriff is only a tip of the Racine iceberg. The real fraud is much bigger and wider.
Racine is the hub and model of the global elite and secret societies involved. They have been using Racine as the model community for generations leading to the current Agenda. The Knights of Pythias and Malta, Sphinx Head Society, CIA, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, CFR, Council on Global Affairs, Club of Rome, Pilgrims Society, Jesters, Shriners, Rotary, Freemasons, Knights Templar and many other groups are involved in the alliance.
Racine means Root and was founded by the Astors and the Bavarian Illuminati. Gilbert Knapp worked for the Astors.
It is an extremely significant community in past, present and future time going back further to ancient civilizations. It is the “Root” and model for their real Agenda.
It sits on the largest freshwater lake in the world, was founded and controlled by Illuminati families, was a key immigration hub for corrupt groups and secret societies, was a main route in the Underground Railroad leading to the formation of the current corrupt arm of the GOP, and is connected with ancient civilizations including Aztalan and the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
Do you have any evidence besides quoting Q posts? It looks like a generic ugly mid western town. What "model" is being displayed? Wheres the 5G mind control towers and chipped population living in pods eating zeh bugs.
The Anon before Q was US Senate Anon who said this before they vanished:
”keep digging into Racine”
It is a model of destitution by design. It was once the great invention capital of the world and model industrious city of America founded and controlled by the Astors and partner Illuminati families.
Racine was the first city in Wisconsin with 5G and the smallest model smart city in America. Sustainable Racine was the model used to forge Agenda 21 and 2030.
Racine is not a generic ugly midwestern town at all. Its a very charming town with a river that meanders throughout creating lovely ravined natural habitats. The bonus is it was built along the shore of Lake Michigan, an absolutely beautiful freshwater lake, the only one of its size in all the world. At any given time of the day, the lake has its own personality. Racine was home to many industries at one time. 5G technology is very close to being implemented.
This is a deal to seal and obfuscate the much bigger crimes and corruption involved. The corrupt District Attorney and Attorney General will never fully prosecute the criminal corruption among their peers. They are directly involved themselves.
No one will pay in the broken and dysfunctional system they control.
This is why Racine must be exposed to the world as their model community in order to reveal and unravel their real Agenda of global and Eternal Enslavement.
Slavery did not end in Racine as everyone was told. It evolved.
If this Sheriff and Sargent continue unharmed can we assume the whitehats are protecting them? If Racine is all you say it is they are like toddlers fighting a 7 headed fire breathing dragon. Surely they stand no chance at all...... UNLESS, team Q has their eye on them, maybe even without their knowledge. Do you see it any other way?
This is not as it appears. They are not whitehats and they have been aware of much deeper criminal corruption in their jurisdiction for many years. They will only pretend to take action, and the Root of the swamp will only grow more powerful.
What is being exposed today by the Sheriff is only a tip of the Racine iceberg. The real fraud is much bigger and wider.
Racine is the hub and model of the global elite and secret societies involved. They have been using Racine as the model community for generations leading to the current Agenda. The Knights of Pythias and Malta, Sphinx Head Society, CIA, Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Council, CFR, Council on Global Affairs, Club of Rome, Pilgrims Society, Jesters, Shriners, Rotary, Freemasons, Knights Templar and many other groups are involved in the alliance.
Thank you to everyone helping Expose the Root.
"Expose the Root" <- Is it a coincidence that the "Root River" runs through Racine? ;-)
Racine means Root and was founded by the Astors and the Bavarian Illuminati. Gilbert Knapp worked for the Astors.
It is an extremely significant community in past, present and future time going back further to ancient civilizations. It is the “Root” and model for their real Agenda.
Does this suggest that there is something physical in the Racine area, or something about the terrain, that makes the area so attractive to evil?
It sits on the largest freshwater lake in the world, was founded and controlled by Illuminati families, was a key immigration hub for corrupt groups and secret societies, was a main route in the Underground Railroad leading to the formation of the current corrupt arm of the GOP, and is connected with ancient civilizations including Aztalan and the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
Was just thinking that too. Similar to Sedona but with evil?
Weren't the mound builders around there? And something about the celestial bodies aligning in such a way that racine is the gateway to another realm?
That is indeed correct. It is unique positioned as a portal to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
The center of the Milky Way glides "just over the horizon" in Southern Wisconsin. Wind Point in Racine is where the center of the galaxy intersects with the largest source of fresh water on earth. This is extremely significant for the Mound Builder religion because nearly every single Native American burial mound is situated near a source of water.
Wind Point is the farthest extension of land protruding into lake Michigan. This is where Wingspread conference center is, where the worlds most important decisions have been made, such as nuclear arms control agreements.
Do you have any evidence besides quoting Q posts? It looks like a generic ugly mid western town. What "model" is being displayed? Wheres the 5G mind control towers and chipped population living in pods eating zeh bugs.
Racine was exposed long before Q began posting.
The Anon before Q was US Senate Anon who said this before they vanished:
It is a model of destitution by design. It was once the great invention capital of the world and model industrious city of America founded and controlled by the Astors and partner Illuminati families.
Racine was the first city in Wisconsin with 5G and the smallest model smart city in America. Sustainable Racine was the model used to forge Agenda 21 and 2030.
Racine is not a generic ugly midwestern town at all. Its a very charming town with a river that meanders throughout creating lovely ravined natural habitats. The bonus is it was built along the shore of Lake Michigan, an absolutely beautiful freshwater lake, the only one of its size in all the world. At any given time of the day, the lake has its own personality. Racine was home to many industries at one time. 5G technology is very close to being implemented.
What do you think will happen now the that this sheriff exposed this? Do you think the powers that be will now stop anything else being exposed?
Who will pay for this?
This is a deal to seal and obfuscate the much bigger crimes and corruption involved. The corrupt District Attorney and Attorney General will never fully prosecute the criminal corruption among their peers. They are directly involved themselves.
No one will pay in the broken and dysfunctional system they control.
This is why Racine must be exposed to the world as their model community in order to reveal and unravel their real Agenda of global and Eternal Enslavement.
Slavery did not end in Racine as everyone was told. It evolved.
So what's our next steps here? Since they control the system?
We must Expose the Root to the World to turn their own model against them.
We cannot win every battle if divided into tens of thousands across the globe.
We only need to win One by sharing The Truth. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
The Root must be Exposed for the real Agenda to be revealed and the Mark of the Beast to be denied.
If this Sheriff and Sargent continue unharmed can we assume the whitehats are protecting them? If Racine is all you say it is they are like toddlers fighting a 7 headed fire breathing dragon. Surely they stand no chance at all...... UNLESS, team Q has their eye on them, maybe even without their knowledge. Do you see it any other way?
This is not as it appears. They are not whitehats and they have been aware of much deeper criminal corruption in their jurisdiction for many years. They will only pretend to take action, and the Root of the swamp will only grow more powerful.
Q and Trump both know all about Racine.
Donald Trump can Save the World with One Word.
What does that mean?
The Word is Racine.
Donald Trump can Save the World with One Word to expose the Root, reveal the Agenda and deny the Mark.
There will never be justice in the current corrupt systems and branches of government. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.