i go to a private school that overall is very conservative. My English teacher is probably conservative, but also a normie.
She is the only teacher that wears a mask now. She doesnt talk much about the vaccine, but she once expressed support when asked about it
Lately she has been down and we’ve been wondering if she's annoyed with us.
I talked with her daughter who is in my grade and she said that she just had a miscarriage. She said said she cries herself to sleep every night 😢. I didn’t mention the vax but i wondered.
My girlfriends two cousins both had miscarriages this year. Two.
Fucking terrifies me.
They’ve shown that the lipid nano carriers take the spike proteins to the ovaries more than any other location in the body. It’s by design.
so you're telling me the movie "Children of Men" was foreshadowing?
I completely forgot about that movie...such a good movie and with a sucky ending...
Never heard of it or seen it but I know Hollywood has shown us all kinds of truths beforehand.
Watch it. Also, it's predictive programming, not foreshadowing.
yup. that's more accurate. thanks
VIDEO: Medical Study Shows 82% Miscarriage Rate For Pregnant Women Vaxxed In First 2 Trimesters:
If she injected herself with an unknown experimental substance while pregnant it is safe to go ahead and say the miscarriage can be considered her fault. If a woman injected herself with heroine while pregnant and then had a miscarriage we'd probably assume the heroin killed the baby and not excuse her behavior with the argument that "Hey, there's a 10-15% chance she'd miscarry even if she had done everything perfectly." In both examples, mom has made a high risk, poor choice and the outcome is not surprising.
Treating people with compassion and charity during a hardship does not require subjecting ourselves to insanity.
And I'm not suggesting anyone tell her it's her fault or make her feel worse about what has happened. I'm just saying I'm not buying the "well, 10-15%" story because that has nothing to do with this scenario here which was not a 10-15% situation of a group of general population happily pregnant women who are taking every precaution and then still have an unfortunate outcome.
Personal responsibility is not something everyone believes. It is actually a big point of frustration when dealing with normies. I think they feel a collective righteousness if they all do it and so push us all to do the same thing.
I didn't drink coffee when I was pregnant. It was muy dificil.
10-15% chance of a miscarriage equates to a 1-2.25% chance of two women having a miscarriage which is indeed unusual. Possible, but unusual.
Verification link: https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/miscarriage-rates-by-week
So did my daughter in law.
My cousin has lost 2 since getting vaxxed and now cannot get pregnant at all. She flat out stopped ovulating.
If you believe in prayer, now is the time to put it into action fren.
Send or give her (when the rest of the class is not there) a sympathy card. Even if you just say I'm sorry for your loss, it helps. Since her daughter is in your class, you might want to give her daughter a card as well. As someone who has had a miscarriage, you can trust me, she's already on her own case questioning this as well. (We go through "the how could I have prevented this?" stage, even if we couldn't have) If other students ask why you gave her a card, or flowers or whatever you choose, just say "She seemed down and wanted to cheer her up." (Since it's true anyway. Don't give out any information that is not cleared by your teacher)
The teacher did not announce the miscarriage,. OP learned it from the teacher's daughter. The teacher has a right to medical privacy, which we the un-jabbed need to respect.
I agree. That's why I said this:
Apparently, the teacher's daughter trusted the OP (friend in class) enough to tell her. (this type of personal information is not the type that most will share with anyone who is not a fairly close friend.)
God's mercifulness will have a time to show kindness to her through you all at the right moment.
Don't forget, official stats before the shot showed a 25% chance of miscarriage.
I had no idea it was so common.
I had no idea it was so common until I had a miscarriage last year and then found out that like half of the women I know have had them too. I think women just don’t like to talk about it because it’s so painful to relive.
It's not that surprising when you see how many people don't take care of themselves. Before my homie and his wife had a kid they went full on organic and bought the biggest metallic water filtration system I've ever seen. Both dropped a ton of weight and had a smooth birth. Wish I could afford that lifestyle because the few times I've had dinner at their place it was fucking delicious lol.
Lots of misery because they want control, very sad.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Sounds like you're awake when being so young 👍
Your thoughts are on the right track...mYbe she will learn a sad but valuable lesson like other women.
the timing of that.... im guessing its her step mom?
Normies need to be told the truth. Tiptoeing around their sensibilities is a luxury we can no longer afford.
The war is upon us. Blunt, Direct Time. Wake up or become a casualty of the Cabal. A chance of survival or certain death. Choose.
Maybe so. But she is probably questioning and blaming herself already. Piling on with the guilt is NOT an approach I'd advise when someone is suffering this type of loss. Besides, the larger battles need to be fought by real men! We can assist in caring for you and doing some tasks, but you men need to take the frontlines. And the wounded do need care. We want them to be able to be cared for.
There is likely a veritable ocean of suffering and death over the horizon. We are only now at the point where people can smell the ocean when the wind blows just right.
We have poisoned more than half of our medical professionals and ostracised and dismissed the remainder. Resources to care for casualties may no longer exist. Against hope, people may experience so much suffering and death, they will exhaust their supply of tears. People will harden their hearts, simply as a survival mechanism. Expect many of the living to envy the dead.
Those that comply with the Cabal and surrender to their rediculous demands and conditions, have surrendered and placed their fate in their hands. The training wheels are off. Choices have consequences.
How old are you?....wait..username checks out