When you consider that it just happens to hit on the 4 year anniversary of the first Q drop and subsequent 4YDs coming up specifically reference Podesta, then that's notable from where I'm sitting.
Remember when people on here were jacking off to Obama being Twitter silent or something, then he came back on. Sometimes this board just depresses me.
You should be depressed. Powerful pedophiles are hurting children every day. Most of them are walking free, writing laws, and talking to the public with immunity.
I come here everyday for hopium. If I thought any action, ANY ACTION, I could take would help - I'd already be doing it.
Right now, all I know is to learn everything I can so if anyone close to awakening asks, I can help them over to our side.
Maybe just maybe he is tied to a tree had his vocal cords surgically removed and is being tortured to death or perhaps he is now residing at Gitmo!!! 🧐
So for 5 days? Why is this a big deal?
In a vacuum, it isn't.
When you consider that it just happens to hit on the 4 year anniversary of the first Q drop and subsequent 4YDs coming up specifically reference Podesta, then that's notable from where I'm sitting.
Granted it is notable.
Some here find it here to understand “eyes on” does not mean “oooo dang somthin fidin ta go dewnnnnn”
Remember when people on here were jacking off to Obama being Twitter silent or something, then he came back on. Sometimes this board just depresses me.
Bunch of hopium addicts and I'm guilty.
Lol same here
My name is Pepe
And I’m a hopium addict
Hi Pepe! That's my name, too.
I am PROUD of it. I even have a vlog about it: "IT'S VOTING DAY!!! Diaries Of A Trump Hopium Addict Ep: 50" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ5PDLG1Q_E
You should be depressed. Powerful pedophiles are hurting children every day. Most of them are walking free, writing laws, and talking to the public with immunity.
I come here everyday for hopium. If I thought any action, ANY ACTION, I could take would help - I'd already be doing it.
Right now, all I know is to learn everything I can so if anyone close to awakening asks, I can help them over to our side.
I'm just hoping this is over soon. It's so terrible.
Yea. Sorry about that. Hopium addict here.
Also to point out, podesta on average tweets once per month. So, you'd have to wait for a couple of months of silence
No worries
It's a speculation board where people speculate on things because speculation is almost all we have.
And when we're wrong, it's ok.
Because anons being wrong reflects nothing on Q.
Don't take it personal, fren. I'm just tired of it all.
Sometimes the reaching on this site is just blatantly ridiculous.
OP even mentions that he only tweets a few times a month in a comment down below. "He's good for a couple of tweets a month"
Welllll Maybe just maybe he is tied to a tree had his vocal cords surgically removed and is being tortured to death or perhaps he is now residing at Gitmo!!! 🧐