I don't see Bill Clinton, Carter or Dick Cheyne. Looks like a full row of federal agents sitting behind them. Laura Bush still has that same look in her eye from papa Bush's funeral. She probably knows Trump is watching from a remote location. LOL
Y'know, I just noticed that there are no SS seated behind Trump and the other former presidents in the top photo. How much you want to bet the SS in the bottom photo are there to keep their "prisoners" in line?
Honestly, I think they are all actors in the lower pic.
I wonder if all the "attention" given to Jan 6 and the incarcerated insurrectionists is to draw attention away from the fact that these bozos are all at gitmo.
As I think about it... anyone willing to impersonate one of these demons is risking their life.
I agree. That is the Hildabeast double she has been using since Bidan's pre-taped, edited, and cgi-ed "inauguration". She is at least 6 inches shorter, 30 lbs slimmer and has deep-set, downturned eyes, that are very obvious when wearing a mask, which is always. The real witch hasn't been in public for a least a year and this double is not as good as the one ( or two) they used on the campaign trail. I wonder the same as you, what happened to the more believable double(s)? RIP Fildabeasts. Bill must still be "sick" and Carter is missing. Condi is missing, too, strange because she and Powell were like flies on cow flop.
BO looks several shades lighter, likely not the lighting, as Mooch looks the same, from what you can see wearing that burka at least. Dubya looks like a different dude, very close-set eyes, low-set ears, huskier body and much less hair. Looks chill compared to the rest, but the real Dubya is like that, too, because he is mentally retarded. Born and bred in evil, he was never more than a puppet for Cheney, Rumsfeld, Chertoff and the rest. Bidan is doing an obvious "hidden hand" signal.
I was hoping for more envelopes in the second. In the the first, you can see Michelle still glancing at it, disturbed (they studied theirs for a long time in the video), Hildabeast was smug and immediately dismissive, and Carter still searching for his (missing) message.
There is a good chance all, or at least most, in the second pic are doubles. Laura, Mooch and Jill seem real (watch the the wives?)
Brandon probably shit his pants when he found out Trump was having a chitty chat with world leaders from the White House while he was playing pattycakes with Popeyface at the Vatican.
Maybe they are wearing masks to hide their true identity. Notice the casket did not have a U.S. flag on it despite General and his long government service.
u/purkiss80 - is that a direct quote from a Qdrop?
"Wait until you learn what you essentially witnessed." -Q
I can only find similar comments about "have you ever witnessed"
"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here".
just seeking clarification.
okay, close enough paraphrase for me to follow the implication.
##2306 quotes part of ##2305 which elaborates further the implication of politically expedient executions....
HOWEVER, GHWB was a milllllion years old... yes, the letter passed around at the funeral was really, really weird...
I would believe No Name offed himself rather than face due penalty for treason... or something like that... but GHWB was one foot in the grave so I just don't know.
I can see maybe he turned state's evidence rather than face trial as a humanitarian concession to his declining health, but no deals, so I don't know.
Maybe the note said, "I shot JFK?"
I get goosebumps thinking about learning more about what we are watching. Like we can see things yeah but when we learn the truth and about the behind the scenes actions... oh man. I can’t wait. Ill take up reading books if they are about this time 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Yes, the Washington National Cathedral. Several state funerals have been held there, Eisenhower, Reagan, Ford and Bush. Funerals and memorial services for other high-ranking officials, First "Lady" Eleanor Roosevelt's funeral and NoName's memorial service.
The first thing that came to my mind: They all look so stupid in their stupid masks.
I am so sick of the mask charade.
They look like members of a secret society that practices ritual mask usage, if you ask me.
I don't see Bill Clinton, Carter or Dick Cheyne. Looks like a full row of federal agents sitting behind them. Laura Bush still has that same look in her eye from papa Bush's funeral. She probably knows Trump is watching from a remote location. LOL
They all look like they want to die themselves.
They would all still be carrying Secret Service.
Y'know, I just noticed that there are no SS seated behind Trump and the other former presidents in the top photo. How much you want to bet the SS in the bottom photo are there to keep their "prisoners" in line?
Not a betting man - but I like where you're going with this.
Spot on!! We don't pamper people that have and are willing to take us out. Logical thinking!
I read in another article that it is, indeed, the Secret Service.
I wanna see Carter get exposed before he goes. People think he’s such a great guy.
Honestly, I think they are all actors in the lower pic.
I wonder if all the "attention" given to Jan 6 and the incarcerated insurrectionists is to draw attention away from the fact that these bozos are all at gitmo.
As I think about it... anyone willing to impersonate one of these demons is risking their life.
Def the fake Hildawg, she’s easy to spot now even with the mask.
Hildawg... kek
I agree. That is the Hildabeast double she has been using since Bidan's pre-taped, edited, and cgi-ed "inauguration". She is at least 6 inches shorter, 30 lbs slimmer and has deep-set, downturned eyes, that are very obvious when wearing a mask, which is always. The real witch hasn't been in public for a least a year and this double is not as good as the one ( or two) they used on the campaign trail. I wonder the same as you, what happened to the more believable double(s)? RIP Fildabeasts. Bill must still be "sick" and Carter is missing. Condi is missing, too, strange because she and Powell were like flies on cow flop.
BO looks several shades lighter, likely not the lighting, as Mooch looks the same, from what you can see wearing that burka at least. Dubya looks like a different dude, very close-set eyes, low-set ears, huskier body and much less hair. Looks chill compared to the rest, but the real Dubya is like that, too, because he is mentally retarded. Born and bred in evil, he was never more than a puppet for Cheney, Rumsfeld, Chertoff and the rest. Bidan is doing an obvious "hidden hand" signal.
I was hoping for more envelopes in the second. In the the first, you can see Michelle still glancing at it, disturbed (they studied theirs for a long time in the video), Hildabeast was smug and immediately dismissive, and Carter still searching for his (missing) message.
There is a good chance all, or at least most, in the second pic are doubles. Laura, Mooch and Jill seem real (watch the the wives?)
Nice analysis. I think you're spot on.
Brandon probably shit his pants when he found out Trump was having a chitty chat with world leaders from the White House while he was playing pattycakes with Popeyface at the Vatican.
Fair question.
Wow biden is unrecognizable after 4 years.
Bill and Hilldog MIA
That's not Killary clone on far right?
The person sitting there appears much younger and slimmer then the beach ball pic of her prior to big willy going into the hospital.
Fat face on new killary. Looks like her known double
I've got to wonder if they are wearing masks because they are all doubles.
Poetic justice. Q wants them to watch their own funerals essentially. As time goes by with each funeral, they will look more and more ragged/fearful.
Oh boy, so what, another 5 years of this until they've all croaked
4 people looking directly at the camera, ...2 are going to the spa !
Maybe they are wearing masks to hide their true identity. Notice the casket did not have a U.S. flag on it despite General and his long government service.
Did Biden fall asleep again?
u/purkiss80 - is that a direct quote from a Qdrop? "Wait until you learn what you essentially witnessed." -Q I can only find similar comments about "have you ever witnessed" "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here". just seeking clarification.
okay, close enough paraphrase for me to follow the implication. ##2306 quotes part of ##2305 which elaborates further the implication of politically expedient executions.... HOWEVER, GHWB was a milllllion years old... yes, the letter passed around at the funeral was really, really weird...
I would believe No Name offed himself rather than face due penalty for treason... or something like that... but GHWB was one foot in the grave so I just don't know.
I can see maybe he turned state's evidence rather than face trial as a humanitarian concession to his declining health, but no deals, so I don't know. Maybe the note said, "I shot JFK?"
Call me Koo Koo but look at the bottom picture. Do you not see a white big envelope at top of picture? Signed..sealed...delivered! Fa la la Boomsea...
Is the guy behind Laura Bush and HRC the SS guy who passed the envelope to the Bush family? The bald one? I can't tell with the mask.
kek first thing i noticed...good eyes fellow pede
I get goosebumps thinking about learning more about what we are watching. Like we can see things yeah but when we learn the truth and about the behind the scenes actions... oh man. I can’t wait. Ill take up reading books if they are about this time 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
The flag on Powell's casket was wrinkled, like Bush sr. and McCain...
Sorry can't link pic from phone.
didnt trump sit on the obituary? hahaha
Too bad it is too fuzzy to see what is on the paper? envelope? at Big Mike’s feet in the top photo.
Is that the same church? The pew carving looks similar.
Yes, the Washington National Cathedral. Several state funerals have been held there, Eisenhower, Reagan, Ford and Bush. Funerals and memorial services for other high-ranking officials, First "Lady" Eleanor Roosevelt's funeral and NoName's memorial service.
Only when there are cameras around.
Look at pictures of Hussein's birthday party, or Pelosi's fundraising dinners.