Doomers go home. This is exceedingly hard for many of us - getting pushed out of work; rifts in family; worried about vaxxed family members; seeing our country ripped apart. That said, this is what we've been waiting on...the main event. Our "Resident" was just outed as a pedo to the rest of the world. Durham has started to show signs of activity. People are getting very pissed off, though not enough. Q proofs are coming hot and heavy. This is not a game. It had to be this way. This is the ONLY way to get to the win. NCSWIC.
For all the Doomers (people who actually have little idea what is really happening - otherwise they would be HAPPY) - there is this handy message from Q, right on the sidebar of this main page:
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc., should not be participating in discussions." Q
How can this be down voted? Do you people WANT this genocide to continue?
Do you think you're showing your faith in Q in some way that signals your Q virtue and purity making you more faithful and better than the rest of us?
Good Lord, people are being murdered. Don't you think people who have it all, and are in control should act to stop it? Are you really down voting that idea?
If you are, you need to rethink and get some humamity back.
Those who are being poisoned to death don't care about Durham indictments or wealthy people retiring. Are you people retarded? Wake up to the world wide genocide.
You Q virtue signalers are as problematic as SJWs.
We're seeing a worldwide genocide taking place against THE HUMAN RACE and the plan's response is forced retirements, maybe, and some indictments?
No wonder people are questioning the plan. They're rational. The plan is clearly questionable at this point. If you don't think so, just wait for some people near and dear to you to die out of the blue, for no reason and your life to be shattered. If ADE is real, as some very capable people have warned, a storm is indeed coming. But not the one we hoped for.
Q and Q+ need to be pushed back against and held accountable. They need to cut the knot and end the cabal. Stop fucking about. They're getting people killed. That's not acceptable.
Yeah? And then what? Be back here in 10 years? 20 years?
These Evil people waited 100 years, created a Great War, a Revolution and then assassinated the Czar and his family because his grandfather failed their plan to make a world government 100 years go.
fucking. years.
You think you can just pull the plug and they will be gone? Do you want our grandkids to be fighting the same fight and their grand kids and theirs? Because we were too much of pussies that we got too scared of the door to door jab man? Because a small minute faction of people who made bad decisions suffered (God Bless Them)?
You think after bringing us to the gates of hell, Q will just let everyone who got jabbed slowly wither away and die?
Doomers go home. This is exceedingly hard for many of us - getting pushed out of work; rifts in family; worried about vaxxed family members; seeing our country ripped apart. That said, this is what we've been waiting on...the main event. Our "Resident" was just outed as a pedo to the rest of the world. Durham has started to show signs of activity. People are getting very pissed off, though not enough. Q proofs are coming hot and heavy. This is not a game. It had to be this way. This is the ONLY way to get to the win. NCSWIC.
For all the Doomers (people who actually have little idea what is really happening - otherwise they would be HAPPY) - there is this handy message from Q, right on the sidebar of this main page:
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc., should not be participating in discussions." Q
Well said...
This too shall pass. Prayer Warriors Unite!! We are so close cause man the resistance is really trying hard to attack us.
Keep posting. We already won!
Think mirror. Round us up and exterminate. Nothing can stop what is coming. . . Hang on to your faith and stand for what you believe in.
Awesome delta for today!
Mandela effect. I was think'n NCSWIC
This was the only time "will" was used ...The other 16 drops were "can"...
Dang. Wish I'da know that 10 minutes ago. Now I already started drink'n!
You guys sure love this one. Was my fav on that
Great, can we please see some action now? Getting a little tired of having to deal with this bullshit on the daily.
"Don't shoot me, I'm just a messenger."..
Were you asleep all day Tuesday?
Also, what are you doing to help besides whining on the internet that they aren't doing things the way you think they should be doing them?
How can this be down voted? Do you people WANT this genocide to continue?
Do you think you're showing your faith in Q in some way that signals your Q virtue and purity making you more faithful and better than the rest of us?
Good Lord, people are being murdered. Don't you think people who have it all, and are in control should act to stop it? Are you really down voting that idea?
If you are, you need to rethink and get some humamity back.
Those who are being poisoned to death don't care about Durham indictments or wealthy people retiring. Are you people retarded? Wake up to the world wide genocide.
Starting to wonder if Q was just Scavino and a few others running a re-election operation.
Our country is currently being destroyed.
Controlled demolition in the style of 9/11
yeah u go Q. nothing can stop wots coming especially those door to door jabs at gunpoint.
My house shoots back. Yours should too. Until you figure out how to stop being a faggot, deported.
Lighten up, Francis.
You Q virtue signalers are as problematic as SJWs.
We're seeing a worldwide genocide taking place against THE HUMAN RACE and the plan's response is forced retirements, maybe, and some indictments?
No wonder people are questioning the plan. They're rational. The plan is clearly questionable at this point. If you don't think so, just wait for some people near and dear to you to die out of the blue, for no reason and your life to be shattered. If ADE is real, as some very capable people have warned, a storm is indeed coming. But not the one we hoped for.
Q and Q+ need to be pushed back against and held accountable. They need to cut the knot and end the cabal. Stop fucking about. They're getting people killed. That's not acceptable.
Yeah? And then what? Be back here in 10 years? 20 years?
These Evil people waited 100 years, created a Great War, a Revolution and then assassinated the Czar and his family because his grandfather failed their plan to make a world government 100 years go.
You think you can just pull the plug and they will be gone? Do you want our grandkids to be fighting the same fight and their grand kids and theirs? Because we were too much of pussies that we got too scared of the door to door jab man? Because a small minute faction of people who made bad decisions suffered (God Bless Them)?
You think after bringing us to the gates of hell, Q will just let everyone who got jabbed slowly wither away and die?
Think! Q showed you how to do that.
Yeah that's a deport, fag.
You shouldn't try to think...
The US Bible Belt has managed to achieve that feat for a couple of hundred years. So please teach me your ways