Gaddafi was a good man; Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa: the oil wealth was generously distributed among the people by way of grants, free education, healthcare, subsidised housing and other benefits. He was taken down because he wanted to return to the gold standard and ditch the petro $. Illegal migrants were prevented from entering Europe from Lybia when he was in charge, all that changed after the coup carried out by cabal mercenaries.
I met a guy that worked for Esso and worked in Benghazi. He said the airport / airstrip there had Oil contractors on one side and military on the other. Every Wednesday they played poker together and Gadaffi would come and be a real gentleman and just give away his winnings to the guy playing that was in the most dire straits.
The guy from Esso - this conversation was in a hospital cardiac center and we were both there with a loved one being operated on.
He said “everyone here believes this shit and that just isn’t the man I met at all.”
It was when they were drumming up intervention - before Gadaffi was killed
Married couples received a one-time gift of $50,000 that they never had to pay back to buy a home.
Gaddafi was respected among most of the African nations and was angling to become the President of the United States of Africa, which would have been an embarrassment to the Globalists.
He also paid off all the IMF debt from the other African nations and forgave it, removing IMF debt enslavement as a tool for the Globalists.
There is no coincidence that the open air slave markets were back in business shortly after his death.
Yes, in the same way Putin is a good man: a dictator willing to torture and murder opponents to stay in power but also someone with good intentions for his nation as a whole -- and he didn't just TALK about improving the lives of his countrymen, he actually did so.
Wonderful quote. I was "gaddafi-pilled" a few years back, when I saw clips of his speech to the UN shortly before his brutal murder. My heart breaks over that man...he was spot on with so many things he said. I think it is too easy for Americans to overlook what a great evil Zionism truly is. Gaddafi once said that he thought JFK was killed because maybe he said a little bit too much about Israel, and the Zionists wanted to shut him up. I think he was onto something for sure...
To each their own. I've had the pleasure of meeting and knowing many who were absolutely outstandingly generous and wonderful people. To negatively judge and show prejudice against them all for the actions of others goes against my core beliefs, but hey, as I said, to each their own.
Having said that, "Lord" R0thsch1ld's State of Israel can eat a bowl of dick.
Balfour Declaration 1917:
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
The older I get, the more I realise the people we are told are the source of all evil are not - and actually they are quite wise.
Really, their "crime" is not doing what they are told by the US and subscribing to their MIC and dollar printing (and exchanging it for the real assets of other countries) regime.
Not saying Saddam was a saint, but he'd gassed Kurds for years while the US didn't give a shit then, all of a sudden, they claim he has WMDs and invade
Gaddafi was a good man; Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa: the oil wealth was generously distributed among the people by way of grants, free education, healthcare, subsidised housing and other benefits. He was taken down because he wanted to return to the gold standard and ditch the petro $. Illegal migrants were prevented from entering Europe from Lybia when he was in charge, all that changed after the coup carried out by cabal mercenaries.
He also kicked out the Rothschild banking cartel and expelled the Jews, yes he was a great man and that is why he was murdered.
I met a guy that worked for Esso and worked in Benghazi. He said the airport / airstrip there had Oil contractors on one side and military on the other. Every Wednesday they played poker together and Gadaffi would come and be a real gentleman and just give away his winnings to the guy playing that was in the most dire straits.
The guy from Esso - this conversation was in a hospital cardiac center and we were both there with a loved one being operated on.
He said “everyone here believes this shit and that just isn’t the man I met at all.”
It was when they were drumming up intervention - before Gadaffi was killed
Reminds me of another world leader who arrested a Rothshild...
Married couples received a one-time gift of $50,000 that they never had to pay back to buy a home.
Gaddafi was respected among most of the African nations and was angling to become the President of the United States of Africa, which would have been an embarrassment to the Globalists.
He also paid off all the IMF debt from the other African nations and forgave it, removing IMF debt enslavement as a tool for the Globalists.
There is no coincidence that the open air slave markets were back in business shortly after his death.
Yes, in the same way Putin is a good man: a dictator willing to torture and murder opponents to stay in power but also someone with good intentions for his nation as a whole -- and he didn't just TALK about improving the lives of his countrymen, he actually did so.
Nobody put a leash on Islamists like Gaddafi and Assad did.
Wonderful quote. I was "gaddafi-pilled" a few years back, when I saw clips of his speech to the UN shortly before his brutal murder. My heart breaks over that man...he was spot on with so many things he said. I think it is too easy for Americans to overlook what a great evil Zionism truly is. Gaddafi once said that he thought JFK was killed because maybe he said a little bit too much about Israel, and the Zionists wanted to shut him up. I think he was onto something for sure...
Says the quiet bit out loud....
Zionist><Canaanite. Same possessed demons, different millennium. Guarantee you could trace the family lines back. Sure as shit they know and do this.
"Fucking, killing and eating kiddies is my birthright".
Buy nothing from them. Watch nothing they produce.
And don't blame muh J3Mz because they they are just the thirteenth tribe - The Synagog of Satan.
To each their own. I've had the pleasure of meeting and knowing many who were absolutely outstandingly generous and wonderful people. To negatively judge and show prejudice against them all for the actions of others goes against my core beliefs, but hey, as I said, to each their own.
Having said that, "Lord" R0thsch1ld's State of Israel can eat a bowl of dick.
Balfour Declaration 1917:
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
"That went well..."
He should have kept his look like in this photo, so much better.
The older I get, the more I realise the people we are told are the source of all evil are not - and actually they are quite wise.
Really, their "crime" is not doing what they are told by the US and subscribing to their MIC and dollar printing (and exchanging it for the real assets of other countries) regime.
Not saying Saddam was a saint, but he'd gassed Kurds for years while the US didn't give a shit then, all of a sudden, they claim he has WMDs and invade