Someone on GAW introduced me to the "Ford Play" yesterday. Nixon's VP was originally Spiro Agnew. Agnew resigned in 1973 over an income tax scandal and was replaced by Gerald Ford. Less than a year later, Nixon resigned and Ford became POTUS without ever receiving a vote. This is something to keep in mind.
edit: There is potentially a Constitutional loophole that could even allow for Obama himself to become POTUS for a third term. The 22nd amendment prohibits anyone from being "ELECTED" to POTUS more than twice, but as you can see from the Ford Play above, Ford was never elected to POTUS at all. Something else to keep in mind.
edit 2: since I got stickied (Thanks), I want to add that I'm not making a prediction here at all. Even if research on this idea checks out, I would still say that it's only one of many possible DS plans. Not all plans get used. Not all plans work out. Just something to keep in mind.
That is a loophole the size of a volcano. Fuck!
They could just as easily have written:
"No person shall hold the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term in which some other person served as President shall hold the office of President more than once."
Make no mistake, there is and WILL BE fuckery afoot.
One of the qualifications to serve as vice president is the eligibility to be elected president. It can't happen.
That would mean they still follow rules and are not willing to cover up things...
So if the “president” appointed obama to VP himself tomorrow, and the media said it was so, would anyone in the govt do anything to stop it?
Answer: no
I think this is the more important point anyway. I would think IF they tried to appoint Obama to VP it would certainly wind up getting argued in the SCOTUS. The same SCOTUS that helped Biden win a fake election.
How can anyone on this board STILL not understand that allowing Biden to steal the election WAS the Q plan?
They tossed doing this around in the media before Biden/Biden’s handlers picked Kamala. The idea wasn’t a home run, so I assume they ditched it.
Camela would shit a brick. Her greedy soul just might save us just the way Gollum did in the Lord of the Rings. Sorry to insult poor Gollum. She's of course, way more hideous.
I can't see them try to replace Cabal-a with Barrack... but more likely Big Mike Obama.
but they will fund raise $$$ like crazy as if they will do something.
Appointing a new VP requires a majority vote in both the house and the Senate. The president can't appoint someone and they just automatically become VP.
You might be right but there is at least some debate here. All the language I can find regarding "eligibility" to hold the office of the President is in the 12th Amendment. That's where it says you have to be 35 years old, you have to be a natural born citizen, etc. But it doesn't say anything in the 12th regarding how many terms you can have. Only in the 22nd Amendment does it say you can only be "elected" to POTUS twice. But it doesn't say anything about eligibility there. Obama still meets the eligibility requirements listed in the 12th (at least as much as he ever did) but he is now restricted from being "elected" again by the 25th.
edit: put another way, Obama is still eligible to be President but he is no longer eligible to be elected President.
edit 2: I think I left something out that more directly addresses your point: this from the 12th amendment is what you are referring to regarding restrictions on the VP: "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." Obama is not restricted in the Constitution from the office of President. He is only restricted from being elected to it.
The “president” who was never legitimate in the first place and the woman who verified his fake birth certificate was the only one who died in a controlled plane crash.
Compelling video made the rounds back then showing a diver pulling the woman under water. Looked pretty legit.
I've tried to understand this and it's confusing. To my understanding she was born here, but the fact that both of her parents were here on work visas means that she doesn't qualify?
Yeah can't happen! Like being elected and you are not a citizen! Like being elected with 20 million fake ballots! I could go on and on but the word can't needs to be taken out of the English vocabulary!
Understood. Shouldn't happen then.
We're not talking about being elected. The process described above is one of succession via appointment and approval by Congress.