Precisely !! It is so simple, yet so few are actually doing it …. Practicing Non-compliance is exactly what we need to do whether it relates to mask wearing, taking the jab, Sharing our private medical information, or anything else that makes zero sense. Just stand up!
Don't even get ruffled when you see one woke brain waiting g for you to say a magic word so they can pounce. They are worthless to intellectual engagement. Therefore, should not impact your Devine deserved comfort of mind.
As a Packer fan... I'd love to see him take the team to the Super Bowl! a big FU to the woke slimes that infect the league. it's fun to go places in Wisconsin and see just how few people actually wear masks anywhere... yes, there are a few china-virus-karens here and there... but fewer every day... i went into Minneapolis today and about 30-40% of the people have not yet pulled their heads out of their asses yet.... they are a slow bunch... but hey... afterall.. they did vote in democrats for the last few rounds.... with the help of a certain machine run by a certain company north of the border...
Precisely !! It is so simple, yet so few are actually doing it …. Practicing Non-compliance is exactly what we need to do whether it relates to mask wearing, taking the jab, Sharing our private medical information, or anything else that makes zero sense. Just stand up!
Stop being afraid of people who are afraid of a virus with a 99.x% survival rate.
Don't even get ruffled when you see one woke brain waiting g for you to say a magic word so they can pounce. They are worthless to intellectual engagement. Therefore, should not impact your Devine deserved comfort of mind.
This was great. But I’d also like my brainwashed friends and family back at some point if we can accomplish that, too.
As a Packer fan... I'd love to see him take the team to the Super Bowl! a big FU to the woke slimes that infect the league. it's fun to go places in Wisconsin and see just how few people actually wear masks anywhere... yes, there are a few china-virus-karens here and there... but fewer every day... i went into Minneapolis today and about 30-40% of the people have not yet pulled their heads out of their asses yet.... they are a slow bunch... but hey... afterall.. they did vote in democrats for the last few rounds.... with the help of a certain machine run by a certain company north of the border...
How did he prove them wrong exactly?
Didn't he hail Joe Rogan's treatment and refuse the vax?
He is still alive!
c'mon, man!!! many like him too... but not quite that much!! lol.... er... kek!