Have a 2 yr old and a 5 month old. Wife and I are torn on whether or not to proceed with their vaccinations, considering all I’ve seen and how little trust we have in anything pharma related. I have nowhere else to post this and I have more faith in this community for information than anywhere else. Anyone else struggling with this decision or have info please comment! We have a great pede-iatrician that we trust and is very understanding of our concern.
No chance our kids or ourselves are taking the clot shot, more referring to the ridiculous amount of “normal” childhood vaccinations.
NO...SIDS is a made up diagnosis to cover up vaccine deaths in infants. Vaccines have ALWAYS been part of Big Pharma's chronic disease subscription model.
I’ve researched that and have to say I agree with you! Treat you for a lifetime vs actually cure the problem…
When i realized this, huge eye opener. My eyes were already open so i guess this just encites more rage in me.
The big tell is that every doctor knows that SIDS exists, but theres not a single doctor trying to figure out how to prevent it. Because to prevent SIDS, they would have to admit that vaccines cause SIDS, and in their way of rationalizing misinformation, its OK to lie about vaccines causing SIDS, and its even OK to lie and claim that vaccines prevent SIDS, because the alternative would be parents not vaccinating, and that would be the worst thing ever for their precious vaccine programs.
Whats it say about your cult, when vaccines that kill babies are your crowning achievement?
And to cover up things such as a parent rolling on a baby when drunk such as what happened with a family member
Dont risk your healthy child's, or your own lives for anything. God gave us an immune system for a reason. Not to mention treatments available should any of you fall victim to the virus.
100% agree! I’ve been researching natural alternatives and trying to phase out any and all man made medicine from our house… any info you have along those lines would be amazing!!
Billions of species of animals on earth, and only humans need vaccines? Seems legit.
Well animals get shots too, but I'm willing to bet the bad stuff in human vaccines aren't in animal vaccines. Plus, I'm no vet but maybe animals process vaccines differently than us so they're not as at risk?
I had a cat vaccinated. Developed an open, weeping sore at the injection site. Vet claimed it was something weird with white blood cells, put the cat on prednisone, which is a steroid, and immune suppressant. The steroid made his appetite insatiable, so i had to choose between limiting his food, and making him miserable, or free feeding him and making him obese. I could never ween him off of the prednisone, because the sore would come back right away. Eventually my cat became obese, and had health problems related to obesity. He died very young.
Crazy thing is, i didnt put all of this together into a coherent narrative until many years after his death. At the time, i had no idea what was going on, and just kind of relied on the vet to do a good job.
He was a good cat :’(
Animals die all the time from shots or end up with autoimmune, neurological, etc conditions as well. I read an article in a vet magazine that Purdue animal health program is pushing and researching and finding all these horrible consequences in our pets and the push has begun to scale back on frequency of vaccination for all pets because of the toxicity and side effects. Yet all we get is silence and more shots for us and our kids. Not for me, not my kids!! They know, they care more for the critters than humans. (I care for both, but we are made in God's image and are infinitely more valuable).
If I had it all to do over again, there is no way I'd let any kind of "vaccine" into my child.
I’m leaning that way too!! Thank you for the info!!
I'll be following..... we're in the same situation. Our 4 year old was fully vaxxed until his last check up (4th birthday). He was supposed to get 3 scheduled shots. We told the doctor we would hold off on getting them..... our one year old has her second year check up in January.... Been praying for guidance on this issue....
I hear ya!! I never thought this would such a tough decision, but the way things have changed has made it incredibly hard. I’ve been praying non stop, I’ll be sure to pray for answers in your situation as well!!
Did your doctor throw a hissy fit and “fire” you as a customer? Thats what a lot of pediatricians do. they are like pouty children, given a license to practice medicine
No he actually was pretty supportive and said a lot of his patients parents are questioning it as well. Told us he would support our decision either way, without trying to sway our decision one way or another… was pretty shocked at the response… I was prepared for a battle that didn’t happen
No... surprisingly, she didn’t really say much or ask about it. She just mentioned that by 6 he will have to have them for school
Pay me now, or pay me later
We refused all of them, and our child is the healthiest in her class. All others have multiple allergies and sicknesses, ours doesn't.
Vaxtards: correlation!
I appreciate the info!!
Three of my grandparents lived into their 90s. My parents are 93 and 88. None of them had vaccinations as a kid. The only ones I had as a kid were smallpox and polio. I and my three sisters survived chicken pox, both kinds of measles and mumps without any problems whatsoever. The vaxx craze is a recent phenomenon, starting around the late 1980s, and since then we've seen a drastic increase in kids with asthma, life-threatening allergies, autism, Asperger's and ADHD, none of which I ever saw in anyone all the way through school.
You: i think ill pass on the X vaccine thanks.
Your doctor: you must want your child to die of X!
I have 2 girls almost exactly the same in age as your children. Against the advice of my ladies family, we chose not to get immunizations for either child. The CDC recommends something insane like 72 shots through the young years. Pharma industry is full of for-profit businesses. Notice you don't hear anything about good diet, exercise and positive mental attitude from anyone of medical authority.
Through adolescence also included. It is up there. Wish I was on my home pc for the archived CDC link. I still haven't seen evidence of vaccines in the past as being "kind of important" at all.
TDaP, DTaP and MMR are actually 3 vaccines in one shot, so those count as 3 doses each time they are administered. DTaP recommended 5 doses. MMR recommended 2 times. HPV recommended 3 times. Influenza recommended yearly so 18 doses. Hib x 3, HepB x 3, PCV13 x 3, Rotavirus x 2, HepA x 2, IPV x 4. TDap x 1 dose, but this one also trivalent so it counts as 3.
This count is somewhere in the high 50s or low 60s and I'm not sure I'm even reading it quite right.
Notice that they recommend TDaP 5 times and then follow up with a DTaP about 12 years of age. These vaccines are basically the same thing against the same diseases. I believe these are given so many times because the pertussis component of that shot is a garbage, non-sterilizing product so they think they have to keep giving it. We're probably giving kids way more of the Tetanus and Diphtheria shots than they need, but nobody makes these vaccines monovalent anymore in the US.
Can you post that link when you get a chance?
Do you want to supersize that is an amazing way to look at it!! It’s the only way I’ll see it from here on out!
Countinbeach "virus" in the combined shots it is like 72.
I would agree to the normal vaccines like tetanus. They have a long track record.
Not any mRNA vaccines - they are unsafe and completely ineffective IMHO based on my own research.
I don't think the flu shots serve any useful purpose either. I wouldn't get those for my kids. They just pick out a strain of the flu, but obviously that strain of the flu won't be the one that spreads that season. Should be sort of obvious to people but many don't get that.
The chance of you getting tetanus approaches zero, and the vaccine itself is supposedly only good for 10 years, but i suspect doctors know the vaccine isnt even good for that long, because they always want to give you another tetanus shot “just in case”
Ask to put off ones that at not needed right now. Like Hepatitis B. What are the chances of your child getting what the vaccine protects at this age? Then do a risk vs benefit analysis.
Ask if the vaccine has mercury.
I agree! I feel like the chances of them getting whatever the vaccines are supposed to protect from is so low. My granny (92) never had a vaccine of any kind and is the healthiest most active person in our family lol
That’s awesome… Do y’all do anything as far as nutrition or natural remedies if they get a cold or somethin?
Preciate the info!! I’ll have to look into those options as well, but I’m definitely hard leaning that way too!
Yeah partner and I just talked about this, glad we no longer have kids. We would pass. I'm not sure what that means about their rights, but we would probably home school this time around too (they went through public school and some christian schools.)
I have ZERO faith in Pharma now. It's made me re-think everything. Pray for wisdom. Stay healthy. Exercise every day, cut out all of the poison big grocery feeds us.
I suspect the plandemic plan was to have this big scary pandemic, and then science saves the day with a safe and effective vaccine, and 95% of the public gets the vaccine willingly, and they mandate the vaccine for the 5% who didn’t want it.
Then for the next 100 years, big pharma shills can point to COVID vaccines, and vaccine mandates, as good public health policy, and the vaccine critics would have all of their best arguments debunked in real world practice.
Thank God their plan went off the rails, they spooked the public, and have created far more vaccine critics than they had before.
Maybe someone has a link to lawsuit filed over FOIA request for HHS vaccine safety data since 1986 that shows they don't have the data.
Hey it was an honest oversight to forget to do safety studies for over 30 years
If I had it to do over again, I would probably not vaccinate my kids.
I have one with severe ADHD and think that contributed.
If you do decide to vaccinate, I would recommend slowing their schedule WAY down. There is no reason to have several vaccinations at once and scheduled so aggressively.
If i knew what i know now, i never would have given mine the baby vaccines!!!!! My 3 year old boy has a speech delay , might be "autistic". Pretty sure why.
Pretty much everyone who is vaccinated is “on the spectrum”.
A pro photographer who took school pictures observed that when they started doing school pics 30 years ago, every kid had bright eyes, but now every kid has dull eyes
Creepy. I still think my kids' eyes look bright but i just want to kill these fuckers.
never give any kid any vaccine. Vaccines cause far more problems than they prevent
Unfortunately infants are given the hepatitis vaccine in the hospital, generally on delivery day-4 days of life. Their immune systems really don’t kick in for the first 3 months. Then, if they are not breastfed, they are taking formula-a combination of cow’s milk and chemicals which potentially impacts brain development. Babies have little body surface to clear toxins. Now add to that the increasing number of vaccine introduced to children in a short time period, more than our children back in the 1970’s were introduced to. There is data that is suppressed linking autism to vaccines. None of the pharmaceutical companies has liability for damage from ANY of the vaccines administered. That should tell you all you need to know. I believe Congress passed that immunity for Big Pharma while Bill Clinton was in office, thanks to Big Pharma lobbyists and kick backs to our dear members of Congress. If I had it to do again, I would be more judicious regarding “vaccinating” my children. Back then I trusted my doctors, but no longer. I would home school before I would vaccinate my young child in order to attend school.
Reagan signed it
The default position of NO feels like the right thing at this point to me too! Unless there was drastic change… And applaud your herbal medicine approach. I’m trying to go that route as well! God Bless your family!
I would not do it. I had my five and three year old get normal shots no problems. I didn't even think about it. My littlest got her first month old shots in January and got really high fever. So she isn't doing anymore. The Dr said she can get an exemption for school.
The kids all seem healthy. But I don't want to risk if #4 will be ok with shots or not so we're planning on not doing any.
None of them have had seizures.
Praying for you! I do not have kids, but this is something I have thought about and how it must be so hard for parents today. I had all my vaccines as a kid and I turned out very healthy with no issues. However, knowing what I know now… no more. Best of luck, my friend. I pray that God be with you during this tough time.
Thank you so much! Truly appreciate the prayers… God bless you!
When I had my daughter 5 years ago, I was already wary of vaccines but not against them. She was vaxxed but I spaced them apart and did an “alternate” schedule. The pediatrician was very annoyed by this. She hasn’t had any shots since 3.
I’m pregnant now and at a loss as to what we can do. Our state doesn’t allow any personal or religious exemptions. I have friends who do detoxes on their kids, using diet and things like TRS spray after their kids have to get shots. So I’m in the boat with you.
It’s sad that it ever got to this point! I don’t think I’ve looked into TRS spray, but I will for sure! I think there’s more of us in this boat than not…
I think so too. So many people are questioning everything now.
Back in the day (before Austism blew through the roof), newborns were given a few vaccines. Then some at 3 mos., 6 mos., 12 mos., etc. Giving them all to them at once in a big-ass cocktail, I believe, is what is dangerous.
Vaccine free 4 year old over here! M Do your research and take it one at a time! Each vaccine has a safety and efficacy value that can be applied. I feel when you are done your research you will find that very few are safe or effective.
Go see a naturpath and health food store and learn about medicinal natural plants. I have three grown children and six grandbabies. I vaccinated my kids until I learned that so many vaccines including all but one flu baccine and every Covid Vaccine are made using aborted human baby cells. Specifically HEK293 (reading up on it, it I learned that is comes from the liver and kidney of a healthy baby which is forcefully born alive early, then with no anesthesia the baby’s liver and kidney are cut out and baby tossed into a dumpster to die
Love the idea of a naturopath and health food… makes me absolutely sick to know what they’re doing to these precious babies!!! The most innocent among us. I’ve been reading up and trying to completely transition to natural medicines!! Tough but worth it!!!
I vaccinated all 6 of my kids until covid hit, and we skipped flu shots first time ever. Learned more and I don’t trust anything being injected into my family. I gave my 17 yo the option for a booster (I think it’s meningitis) and he said no. I had already gotten my 11 yo his but from here out I will not do another vaccination. My best friend was anti vax but had 2nd thoughts as her kids got older, her son is spectrum never vaccinated so she doesn’t really believe the correlation. Decided to take her 11 yo for vaccinations and had a reaction, cellulitis at the injection site she says she was right in the first place. My youngest is 8 so I am passed all the baby injections but I can say knowing what I know now there is no way in hell I would inject my kids with all of that again. I never realized there were so many, I just blindly trusted but I can’t trust them now. I’ve seen too much over the past 2 years. If you’re religious I would pray for guidance and then do what your heart and spirit tells you.
Are you fucking with us? What part of the vax being poison eludes you?
Be gentle. You gotta figure that most parents of young children have been brainwashed with vaccine propaganda since birth
You right. We should be gentle while RUBBING IT IN THEIR STUPID FACE! Whoo. My bad. Gentle. Got it.
Don't. I regret having given my older kids their shots. They have neuroprocessing problems, eczema, asthma, severe allergies. Anyway, I started research and realized it was from their shots. Fifth child I was arm twisted to give one combo shot and she reacted immediately. Sixth child no shots, no but K. Both the younger two are now thankfully completely normal and very healthy. No long term health issues like my older four have. They can always get them later If you change your mind, but you can never take it back once that poison is in their bodies damaging their god-given immune system
None. If the kid could talk, they would express great pain after receiving them. Thank God I threw a bloody fit at the doc when i was a child...they were too scared to bring me back.