WTF. Was this Girl Recording the Jury? Smart contact lenses with Camera?
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Geez. At first I thought you meant the one with the ring thru her nose. Shift your eyes to the red head first, then watch the whole clip.
Nah, I used to do that when I wore contact lenses. After a few hours they starved my corneas of oxygen so I'd find myself opening my eyelids as much as possible to aerate the eyeballs.
Or she's a lizard
First thing I thought of, but then they didn't shift to reptilian slits like they usually do.
Pretty freaky but it is over. There is nothing the jurors can do now to undo the not-guilty verdict.
This just shows how high the stakes are!
Looks like there is some sort of sharpness filter being applied to the footage which causes the "doubled" look on her pupils. This can also sometimes happen either at the edge of a lens, where light is starting to separate into a spectrum (chromatic aberration), or the digital sensor of the camera is of lower quality.
Crack demon
I think she’s just fucking crazy
This really creeps me the hell out.
If her goal was to achieve the Twilight vampire look, she was successful.
Wowza, This a bastard love child of AOC and Schiff?
Or shes a lizard.... it definately aint right..
What trial is this?
Can someone please contact this lady and send her over to the Maxwell Trial?