From the chans. The crazy part is how aggressively the shills are targeting it:
So this dude who seems to be legitimately a longtime insider in Hollywood has released a roughly 90 minute phone conversation he had with someone at California CPS where he claims to be informing them of child trafficking in Hollywood with an assload of claims of all kinds against all sorts of big names, mostly Hollywood actors and entertainers but also stretching to CA Governor Newsom and fucking Pelosi herself. It's like a James Ellroy novel on steroids. Big if fucking true.
Vocaroo of the audio:
Be aware it starts out pretty contentious for the first 20 minutes or so and then the CPS agent begins to ostensibly take him seriously. Also he is evidently someone who was a child of a rich Hollywood family such that his formative years were spent with a lot of big stars, so these douchebags are pretty faggy and narcissistic. Nonetheless, this is a number of bombshells for a number of big names.
That was rough to get through but once you do get past it, so much is revealed. My opinion of Charlie Sheen has shifted.
I didn’t listen to the call, but I previously heard that Charlie Sheen used Crisco to rape 14 yo Corey Haim between two trailers on the set of Lucas.
Sheen later came out as HIV positive. He and Magic Johnson both contracted it via homosexuality while claiming it was from heterosexuality, which is nearly impossible. They were part of an agenda to scare straight people and attack our birthrates.
Listen to the tape.
I’m open minded to the possibility that Feldman or whoever lied about Sheen, and to the possibility that Sheen got HIV from needle drugs and not gay sex
Would make sense as it didn’t really start until Sheen was so jacked up he couldn’t speak for himself
rich celebrities sharing or reusing drug needles? Its possible but not likely. Even the bums rarely share or reuse. heterosexual white men make up so few of new diagnoses, the CDC doesn't even add them to its infographic:
HIV is primarily a gay disease, and many of the so called heterosexual cases in American statistics are a result of bisexuals being a bridge between the homo and hetero class, usually unbeknownst to the hetero people.
Conclusion: Mr Sheen is most statistically likely to be HIV positive due to homosexual behavior.
Wait. So females can’t give HIV to men?
during vaginal intercourse it is very rare
There was a very interesting theory posted here about parasites. Since they live in the intestines, transferring them through anal penetration would absolutely increase the risk? One of those things I keep in the back of my brain vault now.
Learned something new. So how do straight men get hiv or is it mostly bisexual men that give it to women?
Not trying to sound like an asshole, but what makes you think HIV can't easily be passed between genders?
Supposedly HIV is only passed via blood.
Homos get it do to extreme amount of anal sex they have, plus general depravity with poppers, criso, random insertions etc., plus an over 100-500 person body count.
The odds of a hetero dude having sex with his woman getting it are so low as to be negligible.
When AIDS was new, there was a newspaper on campus for gays called "The Advocate". They prominently advertised giving $50 for a pint of blood at a blood bank, and I wondered why gays get paid for their blood and we don't. I later realized this was probably how they spread AIDS in the gay community.
I recall hearing that Denise Richards broke up with Sheen because of the pedo stuff. I was pretty sure Sheen was part of the trafficking.
Yea mine too, This guy is not shy about sharing the dirt on anyone so why would he be lying about Sheen when he says he was not abuser, that he was a straight up, good guy.
Who’s the muppet asking questions on the other side of the phone call? For fuck sake I hope no agency actually hires that man. What an absolute idiot
It is 100% a cps worker and that is exactly what they are like