How is this so much media?? This is his first interview.... Besides, getting out there to combat the lame stream and all the lies is a good thing. After all this is over, where does he go to get his good reputation back, from Joyless Reid, from SatanWood, Ilhan Omar, BLM, or Antifa.....
For sure, and ultimately, Kyle the person is a complete unknown factor. Yes, he defended himself incredibly and valiantly in a way that is the definition of "self-defense" but without knowing the person we could only look at his actions. His actions were to defend his community, and ultimately his own life.
Whatever his views are, that's less relevant. We know Kyle as the symbol, not the person. He's also 18, and his actions show that he's virtuous where it counts. Let him believe BLM aren't bad or whatever else, plus we don't know how much coaching and editing was done on FOX's part.
The future will be when he gets vindicated by the media (of course they will try and settle), then I would prefer not hearing about him more, he's served better than most at his age.
To be fair, he might just want to minimize the target on his back. Theres 0% chance a right supremacist is going to kill him for saying he supports blm, and by saying that he might stop 10% of the left supremecists from wanting to kill him
Something about this, and the recent attack on Lin Wood, doesn't sit right to me. We must all think critically and keep track of everything simultaneously going on.
I'm having a hard time with this too. I also looked up Lin wood's response to the whole mess. I'm pretty sure Fox is trying to cause a schism among the patriots.
Just fyi, be careful who you follow. Some "insiders" I followed turned out to be DS. It only became apparent when they started claiming General Flynn was satanic and Mike Pompeo was a CIA DS asset.
After watching the interview, no I'm not skeptical of Kyle. Am I skeptical of Fox, always. But be careful of making the sweeping generality conviction. Sweeping conviction is what the left does, I think we're much better than that here.Everyone on Fox isn't a dirt bag. Hannity was interviewing Trump after the Rittenhouse interview, is Trump now compromised for speaking on Fox? Let's use a little rationale here. Did you listen to the interview or did you just auto nope, nope nope. If you didn't listen to it you missed this gem
I do not believe Lin did anything inappropriate with Kyle and his case at all. Kyle may mistakenly believe that. That other guy, tho, isn't he the one Lin warned was trying to abuse clients for donations or something similar? I only trust God 100%, but, as far as men go, men that I do not personally know, at that, I trust Lin more than most. He sticks his neck out and seems to have not stood to gain much personally from all this.
Things are so corrupt, I wouldn't be surprised if DS actors terrorized Kyle and his family convincing them they can save him and protect him if he'll play along. Then they gaslight the whole family to the max while dazzling them with the spotlight.
I’m holding off judgment of him for now. I’m sure he was offer big money to go on Tucker’s show. The kid has been through hell and while most of the libel cases will be slam dunks, it’s going to be some time before he sees any money from those. He may just have want/need some money to disappear for a while.
let's wait 10 years and then see what he has to say about what happened. . He is just a kid and I hope he disappears and gets a chance to grow into being the man he was striving to be last year when this all went down.
I don't think he meant that he supports the whole group. The name of the group is the most deceptive part, which makes me think that he doesn't realize that BLM is about way more than black lives
I mean, they named it Black Lives Matter for a reason. That way if you disagree, you look racist. He probably doesn't want to say anything that's going to rub anyone the wrong way after what he's been through. He also mentioned not being very political, which makes me think that he agrees with the phrase "Black Lives Matter" and not the group "Black Lives Matter"
How is this so much media?? This is his first interview.... Besides, getting out there to combat the lame stream and all the lies is a good thing. After all this is over, where does he go to get his good reputation back, from Joyless Reid, from SatanWood, Ilhan Omar, BLM, or Antifa.....
You forget that FOX and TUCKER are controlled opposition.
Lots of people here forget that it's unfortunate.
Anyone who has been onto the conspiracy since 911 knows that Fox and Tucker are as swampy as it gets.
FOX news basically sold the war on terror themselves
And patriots will use them to get their needs met. Either Kyle is deepstate or he’s not.
If he is then settled.
If he’s not patriots are using Fox to further their plan. That’s exactly what I think because I know deepstate railed hard against Kyle.
To get at Lin Wood? Why would DS take Lin down risking allowing the protests to be effectively managed?
Kyle was precedent. We can now defend from riots.
All to take Lin out? Why not deliver a heart attack?
Makes no sense.
Operation chaos. They do this shit to distract us while they steal our money and poison our children.
Kyle isn't.
For sure, and ultimately, Kyle the person is a complete unknown factor. Yes, he defended himself incredibly and valiantly in a way that is the definition of "self-defense" but without knowing the person we could only look at his actions. His actions were to defend his community, and ultimately his own life.
Whatever his views are, that's less relevant. We know Kyle as the symbol, not the person. He's also 18, and his actions show that he's virtuous where it counts. Let him believe BLM aren't bad or whatever else, plus we don't know how much coaching and editing was done on FOX's part.
The future will be when he gets vindicated by the media (of course they will try and settle), then I would prefer not hearing about him more, he's served better than most at his age.
To be fair, he might just want to minimize the target on his back. Theres 0% chance a right supremacist is going to kill him for saying he supports blm, and by saying that he might stop 10% of the left supremecists from wanting to kill him
Something about this, and the recent attack on Lin Wood, doesn't sit right to me. We must all think critically and keep track of everything simultaneously going on.
I'm having a hard time with this too. I also looked up Lin wood's response to the whole mess. I'm pretty sure Fox is trying to cause a schism among the patriots.
Just fyi, be careful who you follow. Some "insiders" I followed turned out to be DS. It only became apparent when they started claiming General Flynn was satanic and Mike Pompeo was a CIA DS asset.
Why does Trump still do interviews on FOX? Because he knows a lot of normies still watch it.
After watching the interview, no I'm not skeptical of Kyle. Am I skeptical of Fox, always. But be careful of making the sweeping generality conviction. Sweeping conviction is what the left does, I think we're much better than that here.Everyone on Fox isn't a dirt bag. Hannity was interviewing Trump after the Rittenhouse interview, is Trump now compromised for speaking on Fox? Let's use a little rationale here. Did you listen to the interview or did you just auto nope, nope nope. If you didn't listen to it you missed this gem
I do not believe Lin did anything inappropriate with Kyle and his case at all. Kyle may mistakenly believe that. That other guy, tho, isn't he the one Lin warned was trying to abuse clients for donations or something similar? I only trust God 100%, but, as far as men go, men that I do not personally know, at that, I trust Lin more than most. He sticks his neck out and seems to have not stood to gain much personally from all this.
I think patriots used Kyle/Fox to take out a DS target: Lin.
MSM and social media are still waging a war on him using lies. He has to push back.
It's personal for him. Seems like Kyle's a fighter and not the type to let others do his fighting for him.
Things are so corrupt, I wouldn't be surprised if DS actors terrorized Kyle and his family convincing them they can save him and protect him if he'll play along. Then they gaslight the whole family to the max while dazzling them with the spotlight.
Just commented this on another thread.
The fact that he's running onto Fox and stirring up more drama instead of getting away from this mess tells me we shouldn't care what he has to say.
I’m holding off judgment of him for now. I’m sure he was offer big money to go on Tucker’s show. The kid has been through hell and while most of the libel cases will be slam dunks, it’s going to be some time before he sees any money from those. He may just have want/need some money to disappear for a while.
let's wait 10 years and then see what he has to say about what happened. . He is just a kid and I hope he disappears and gets a chance to grow into being the man he was striving to be last year when this all went down.
Exactly this.
The only odd thing is him supporting BLM
I don't think he meant that he supports the whole group. The name of the group is the most deceptive part, which makes me think that he doesn't realize that BLM is about way more than black lives
I mean, they named it Black Lives Matter for a reason. That way if you disagree, you look racist. He probably doesn't want to say anything that's going to rub anyone the wrong way after what he's been through. He also mentioned not being very political, which makes me think that he agrees with the phrase "Black Lives Matter" and not the group "Black Lives Matter"
Entire thing is fake.