599 Our KGB is incompetent: The Feds planted CP on the wrong Kyle Rittenhouse 👉 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive (context) 3 years ago by catsfive +599 / -0 76 comments download share 76 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
As long as he's innocent, he'll be ok. God wins and his name is cleared because the op has been monitored. In the universe where the elite cabal win, he gets let out and there is no sex offender registry.
Catch 22 and he only burns if he's guilty.
Eternity basking in the Light of the Face of God is worth a lifetime on earth of suffering
Fuck these people who say "its ok your entire life is ruined, its ok because God is on your side."
I'm not that invested a story about the FBI planting evidence on the wrong person.
Larps to defend a pedophile
Patriots can be in control of core functions but the rot flows out of the cracks like a putrid corpse.
Sounds like toxoplasmosis in the brain of a rotting coprse—not very reassuring!
And maybe come into more money than he's ever seen in his life.
Fuck sakes your idea of ok is to spend your whole life suffering under brutal injustice so you can get some cookies from god afterwards?