I'm not anti-black but I am curious about this recent trend.
I rarely watch TV, but I saw a lot of commercials at a sports bar last night. Although they make up about 13% of the population, it seems that 90% of the commercials featured black individuals, couples, and families. Even in areas where black individuals tend to exhibit little interest, they were featured.
It was actually somewhat rare to see any other race featured in the commercial last night (except the Home Depot commercial used whites.)
This is way beyond being politically correct. Is there an objective here? If so, what do you believe it is?
To create the illusion that whites are vastly outnumbered in the US. They do the same things with homosexuality. Less than 4% of the entire US population is gay, but most millennials think they're 40% of the population.
See how the trick works?
Also with transgenders. They roughly represent about 1/2 of a percent of the total population and yet take up an inordinate amount of time and energy with their bullshit. Not enough to just accept them, they want to be worshiped. That's why they were put in the closet in the past.
Very true. When Obama was pushing the gay agenda there was an unspoken rule. Anyone in retail that specifically dealt with the public face to face was to be gay. You got hired by how gay you were to give the illusion, as you say, that the gay community was many times larger than it actually was. Meanwhile they were covertly pushing through a strong perverted brainwashing agenda to our children in school. Now look at where we are. Everything is perverted and backward. Our children are the main targets for this sick agenda.
Maybe because Obama is gay.
Joan Rivers said Michelle Obama was a tranny. A month later Joan died in surgery.
She's either a tranny or a hermaphrodite: https://shorthand-social.imgix.net/prod/story/3gSC3N1FDj/media/e5a185e0c80111e7a61c7318cab86c92/original.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&fit=max&fm=jpg&q=70&auto=format
They're also pushing petite women can kick 300 lb men around like ragdolls. It's very embarassing.
Most tv shows now are female leads.
Crazy propaganda.
They arent killing my spirit they are just pissing me off even more.
What's amazing is how many "I believe in the science" people think that's realistic.
Now you know why MTG is out there talking shit.
I also think that the blacks in those commercials act more white than wonder bread, when majority of them in real life don't act like that. They want blacks to act more like the whites they're trying to replace.