Yeah, that is what I have always thought of him. Very active in the brain on calculating certain things while rather disconnected from "normal social ques".
A form of autism.
I think they are both on the so called "spectrum". My only troublesome manifestation that I am aware of is inappropriate (not profane) "outbursts". These are usually related to things I find humorous but others don't seem to understand.
I have OCD, and I believe to a degree "tourettes", but many of these things manifest in unusual ways. It's not always textbook (Im an RN as well). As an example, when I was younger I would get very strong compulsions to make these "growling" type sounds every once in a while. I'm sure she is aware of it but it is nearly excruciating to ignore the ticks when one is starting. I have somehow grown out of most all of my ticks and am fairly "normal" now. I get it though, the thought to hum is likely all consuming and will drive her frantic if she doesn't complete it.
Looking up inside her head? Like her eyes roll all the way up, or she just looks up for a few seconds? One of my oldest friends has what are called 'away seizures' due to epilepsy. He'll look up for a few seconds, then he sort of comes back to us, blinking and getting back in to the conversation.
Easy, he is cold be very mildly Autistic or have Tourette Syndrome. My 9yr old daughter is mildly Autistic and will do many similar type movements before she must 100% control herself to be in front of people or talk about something with people other than her parents. People with mild Tourettes also do the same. Tourette ticks aren’t just verbal, but can be body movements just like Autism.
Elon has never, not been weird. He may have mild muscle tics for all we know. He is not the most socially correct person nor does that bother him. "his brain does not have a shut off switch" is something that he described in the past, as far as he is bombarded with info/ideas non stop(in a not healthy way) (when he first started talking about the damn chips and a way they may be "good" for some people) Like how an artist gets inspired to "paint something" and they go into manic mode with pin point focus on ONLY that image in their mind that they have to get out onto canvas, only for him, it does not stop.
High functioning autism
Yeah, that is what I have always thought of him. Very active in the brain on calculating certain things while rather disconnected from "normal social ques". A form of autism.
Yes, Tourettes, I have it too.
Asperger's. We 're all weird.
I think they are both on the so called "spectrum". My only troublesome manifestation that I am aware of is inappropriate (not profane) "outbursts". These are usually related to things I find humorous but others don't seem to understand.
I have OCD, and I believe to a degree "tourettes", but many of these things manifest in unusual ways. It's not always textbook (Im an RN as well). As an example, when I was younger I would get very strong compulsions to make these "growling" type sounds every once in a while. I'm sure she is aware of it but it is nearly excruciating to ignore the ticks when one is starting. I have somehow grown out of most all of my ticks and am fairly "normal" now. I get it though, the thought to hum is likely all consuming and will drive her frantic if she doesn't complete it.
Please make her aware of it somehow. I didn't find out I was "different" until very late in life. Now I try to catch myself.
Looking up inside her head? Like her eyes roll all the way up, or she just looks up for a few seconds? One of my oldest friends has what are called 'away seizures' due to epilepsy. He'll look up for a few seconds, then he sort of comes back to us, blinking and getting back in to the conversation.
Could be epilepsy in that case.
I am praying for you and her🥰 What a strong person you must be.
I’d certainly appreciate some on my behalf if you’d not mind. I’m Amy
Yes. That’s as accurately as it can be stated without going deep into the relationship between back pain and the mind.
Easy, he is cold be very mildly Autistic or have Tourette Syndrome. My 9yr old daughter is mildly Autistic and will do many similar type movements before she must 100% control herself to be in front of people or talk about something with people other than her parents. People with mild Tourettes also do the same. Tourette ticks aren’t just verbal, but can be body movements just like Autism.
Thanks for the info...Appreciate it...
elon is weird but i like him...i far
I think everybody missed what the video is showing. Look at Elon's neck. It gets some weird creasing when his head moves, like his skin is synthetic.
When you can pick apart every second of a persons life, you are bound to find a few quirky moments. I see nothing of consequence in that video.
I do know if you look at his recent tweets from his Twitter account, none of them seem to make any sense and in many ways, bizarre.
As opposed to really weird?
Very strange facial movements...
Tourette, I have it too.
Elon has never, not been weird. He may have mild muscle tics for all we know. He is not the most socially correct person nor does that bother him. "his brain does not have a shut off switch" is something that he described in the past, as far as he is bombarded with info/ideas non stop(in a not healthy way) (when he first started talking about the damn chips and a way they may be "good" for some people) Like how an artist gets inspired to "paint something" and they go into manic mode with pin point focus on ONLY that image in their mind that they have to get out onto canvas, only for him, it does not stop.
It's called Tourette, I have it too.
I don't think he's a robot.