Going purely off volume, shorts have exceeded volume for all but four days since April 19th. Those being June 11th, and Aug 4th-6th. This is important because we've essentially had naked shorting be about half of all volume since a stretch from April 5th to 19th having alternating longs and shorts but ultimately canceling itself out. Before that period was again a stretch of shorts outpacing longs going back to Feb 19th.
Now it's been confirmed in various interviews that the SHFs were over 250 million shares short on a stock where only about 70 million shares were supposed to exist. The gap of shorts with no longs, indicating naked short selling would triple that value, at minimum. So there are now roughly 750 million shares short on a stock where there should only be about 76 million shares. There will be a financial crater from this, and a LOT of people are going to be hit from the fallout.
Considering the term Ape is derived from the Hedgies calling retail dumb money, retail embracing it and taking it to it's extremes, see jokes about eating crayons, not being able to understand it all is par for the course for an Ape.
One of the problems with the DD on Superstonk is that some of it does tend to build on other works, so if you have time and wish to add some wrinkles you might want to check this out.
What's going to happen to GME? Think of the biggest number you'd believe is reasonable, then add three more zeroes, then double the number of zeroes, and heck double it again, now you're getting close.
We're basically waiting for one of the hedgefunds to fail a margin call and get liquidated, because that's when the computers take over, and when they have to sell all of their assets and buy every share they shorted at whatever price is listed, prices all over the market are going to go into flux, which will lead to other hedge funds failing. Then the buck starts going further up the chain, and the fluctuations get bigger, and the market makers start to fail, and this process continues until all that's left in our path is the FED and it might fall.
Make no mistake, the fallout will likely be worse than the crash of '29, plan accordingly and Noblesse Oblige.
This is my thought lately. Most, if not all brokers get sucked into vortex and go belly-up when MOASS is complete and Wall Street gets turned inside out. That is of course if the SEC allows what should happen to happen.
That said, I've been lazy and haven't DRS'd any of my shares held at Charles Schwab, due to the fact that I heard their transfer process takes forever. And I don't want to have to open a Fidelity account to transfer from Schwab to Fidelity and then to Computer Share but I think that's my safest option even in light of the recent Fidelity snafu last week showing their 11 million GME shares on loan. Sigh.
All of my buys the past few months have been through Computershare, so yes I am DRSing. My plan however involves leaving two shares per broker outside the horde. Although the bulk of my shares are still being held hostage to an extent over at SoFi / Apex, because I still have a few stupid sell orders up.
Anyway, using the two per account rule should give me the time to get some funds out of them before they go belly up, when the MOASS dominoes start tumbling.
For real...I can't believe anybody actually cares anymore. I hear shit on the radio while driving during commercials and I just think...what the fuck nobody cares about this nothingburger anymore.
I know this is a meme on stocks.. but seriously. I've been looking at what's playing in the movie theater for the last 4 months and nothing has even remotely got me thinking I need to go see it. It's all garbage. My 20 year old son and his friends are not interested either. So we haven't gone.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife is the only film I've gone to see since 2019, it was actually pretty good and unwoke which was an even bigger surprise. However this was a Friday night and the theater we were in was not even 1/4 filled.
first time in the cinema in years, went to watch the sopranos prequel. it was the day of release yet hardly anybody was in the screen. movie was painstakingly unremarkable. got home and found it uploaded onto free watch sites. safe to say, i won't be returning
There’s a joke here about amc shills but I believe I’m on the wrong sub.
Oh hey, I get to plug GME before going to bed.
Going purely off volume, shorts have exceeded volume for all but four days since April 19th. Those being June 11th, and Aug 4th-6th. This is important because we've essentially had naked shorting be about half of all volume since a stretch from April 5th to 19th having alternating longs and shorts but ultimately canceling itself out. Before that period was again a stretch of shorts outpacing longs going back to Feb 19th.
Now it's been confirmed in various interviews that the SHFs were over 250 million shares short on a stock where only about 70 million shares were supposed to exist. The gap of shorts with no longs, indicating naked short selling would triple that value, at minimum. So there are now roughly 750 million shares short on a stock where there should only be about 76 million shares. There will be a financial crater from this, and a LOT of people are going to be hit from the fallout.
Woah. This is wild to think about and explained well. Some of the DD on r/SuperStonk is hard to follow. Thanks for making this easier to understand.
And yes, I’m an ape even though I don’t understand it all.
Considering the term Ape is derived from the Hedgies calling retail dumb money, retail embracing it and taking it to it's extremes, see jokes about eating crayons, not being able to understand it all is par for the course for an Ape.
One of the problems with the DD on Superstonk is that some of it does tend to build on other works, so if you have time and wish to add some wrinkles you might want to check this out.
If you don’t already I would strongly encourage you to also look into gold and silver to protect yourself from the coming collapse
What are you expecting to happen with GME? How does the situation resolve, as you see it?
Market goes down,shorts don't have enough collateral.
GME moons.
Or we lock up all the shares in computershare.
Shorts can't short.
We moon.
Is it too late to get in and buy GME?
Anything below a million is a discount.
What's going to happen to GME? Think of the biggest number you'd believe is reasonable, then add three more zeroes, then double the number of zeroes, and heck double it again, now you're getting close.
We're basically waiting for one of the hedgefunds to fail a margin call and get liquidated, because that's when the computers take over, and when they have to sell all of their assets and buy every share they shorted at whatever price is listed, prices all over the market are going to go into flux, which will lead to other hedge funds failing. Then the buck starts going further up the chain, and the fluctuations get bigger, and the market makers start to fail, and this process continues until all that's left in our path is the FED and it might fall.
Make no mistake, the fallout will likely be worse than the crash of '29, plan accordingly and Noblesse Oblige.
Welp, i do own GME and am holding. so i'll be there
This is my thought lately. Most, if not all brokers get sucked into vortex and go belly-up when MOASS is complete and Wall Street gets turned inside out. That is of course if the SEC allows what should happen to happen.
That said, I've been lazy and haven't DRS'd any of my shares held at Charles Schwab, due to the fact that I heard their transfer process takes forever. And I don't want to have to open a Fidelity account to transfer from Schwab to Fidelity and then to Computer Share but I think that's my safest option even in light of the recent Fidelity snafu last week showing their 11 million GME shares on loan. Sigh.
And u/queue-anon
What trading / brokerage platform would you recommend?
Fidelity; Vanguard; SCHWAB?
I want to pick some individual stonks on my own… not gambling with much money at all….
All of my buys the past few months have been through Computershare, so yes I am DRSing. My plan however involves leaving two shares per broker outside the horde. Although the bulk of my shares are still being held hostage to an extent over at SoFi / Apex, because I still have a few stupid sell orders up.
Anyway, using the two per account rule should give me the time to get some funds out of them before they go belly up, when the MOASS dominoes start tumbling.
This is why they focus on amc not gme. 5 million shares drs. Evergrande go boom.
I will dance, just a little.
Long time ago. I think folks for a wake up call with the fidelity thing. We can start MOASS ourselves. Evergrande helps.
For real...I can't believe anybody actually cares anymore. I hear shit on the radio while driving during commercials and I just think...what the fuck nobody cares about this nothingburger anymore.
I know this is a meme on stocks.. but seriously. I've been looking at what's playing in the movie theater for the last 4 months and nothing has even remotely got me thinking I need to go see it. It's all garbage. My 20 year old son and his friends are not interested either. So we haven't gone.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife is the only film I've gone to see since 2019, it was actually pretty good and unwoke which was an even bigger surprise. However this was a Friday night and the theater we were in was not even 1/4 filled.
Wow, really??
Definitely have to watch it soon!
Only one I’ve seen since then is The Wrath of Man. Surprisingly really good.
I wish Brokeback Mountain would replay on the big screen.
first time in the cinema in years, went to watch the sopranos prequel. it was the day of release yet hardly anybody was in the screen. movie was painstakingly unremarkable. got home and found it uploaded onto free watch sites. safe to say, i won't be returning
Two more weeks
2 more years. 2 more decades. Possibly 2 more centuries. Likely 2 more millennia
Time to throw the popcorn.
I only know about it because online, if social media ignored it, like a troll it would vanish