Some may not agree but something doesn't sit right with me about these two. I have to say I've been in Lins corner since the beginning and he is one of the only ones I haven't second guessed his motives. Either way we need to start seeing action soon and I've heard enough talk from all of them already.
same here, but there is a thick fog of war. Keep your mind open. Its possible Lin and Flynn are shaking the tree to find hidden traitors in patriot community
Just going to throw this out there, Lin Wood was telling patriots not to vote in the GA runoffs, I remember this so clearly. I was upset by this because we (patriots) need to vote in every single election. We give them the fight and make them cheat more. So when people talk about Lin Wood being a great patriot, well I have to admit, yes at first I thought he was someone to listen to however I feel that people need to stop listening to him. He is addicted to the drama it seems. I say God Bless them all, however we knew going into this that we would have those that would try to lead us astray. Trust in God above all else, leave the drama behind and put it all in God's hands. We may have to fight a war on the ground however God is the only one that can get us out of the mess we are in.
Some may not agree but something doesn't sit right with me about these two. I have to say I've been in Lins corner since the beginning and he is one of the only ones I haven't second guessed his motives. Either way we need to start seeing action soon and I've heard enough talk from all of them already.
same here, but there is a thick fog of war. Keep your mind open. Its possible Lin and Flynn are shaking the tree to find hidden traitors in patriot community
Ever see where mtg got her start? Figure it out and you'll find you were correct.
Meh. Im bored with all her talk
Accept that no one is perfect and take the victories where you find them.
That. So very much that.
Yes, they do!
The shills are really pushing to keep this feud alive.
I just sit back and laugh.
I don’t trust either one. General Flynn “seven rays of light” prayer + his support of Cardinal Dolan of Knights of Malta made me mistrust him.
MGT went after Lin Wood like a rabid dog; don’t trust “her”.
What does Lin Wood ever do besides start drama?
Just going to throw this out there, Lin Wood was telling patriots not to vote in the GA runoffs, I remember this so clearly. I was upset by this because we (patriots) need to vote in every single election. We give them the fight and make them cheat more. So when people talk about Lin Wood being a great patriot, well I have to admit, yes at first I thought he was someone to listen to however I feel that people need to stop listening to him. He is addicted to the drama it seems. I say God Bless them all, however we knew going into this that we would have those that would try to lead us astray. Trust in God above all else, leave the drama behind and put it all in God's hands. We may have to fight a war on the ground however God is the only one that can get us out of the mess we are in.
I trust Lin wood more than these two. General Flynn nor MGT have been vocal about depopulation; unlike Lin Wood.
If we voted harder we would have won GA. Its all Lins fault.
Rigged by dominion, didn’t matter.
No kidding. Who rigged dominion though? Who set up communist China? Who is behind this implementation of communism.
Questions every truth seeker must ask..
*German collision. Adidas is from Germany, but close enough. Confirmation approved.
Also, hidden comms, red, white and blue. In what they are wearing. His shirt, her shirt and jeans.