Our decision to lift restrictions on wishes involving air travel and large gatherings for children and families who are vaccinated is the first step of our phased reemergence plan
Toxins in the environment and food supply, pesticides, plastics, birth control hormones, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, lotions, baby talc, formula, malnutrition etc etc etc. Even air pollution can trigger chronic illness in some people.
The bottom line is that we are poisoning ourselves and some folks are more genetically susceptible than others.
The problem with posting stuff like this is that the full information of the situation isn’t given. We have to do better because my family doesn’t believe the things I say as it is. The MAWS has it on their website that “ travel wishes and wishes involving large gatherings, including theme parks, are currently paused.” This kid wants to go to Disney. They’re not doing theme parks right now.
Does anyone else feel like they would rather settle this with a hot war? Cause I mean... even once devolution concludes, we still have the problem of the sheep who helped facilitate all of this...
To settle the argument of whether or not MAW is doing this, in my opinion, is that it looks like they aren't completely disregarding the unvaxxed kids but rather prioritizing the vaxxed kids. Vaxxed are likely able to do much more than unvaxxed.
Still completely f*cked up though if that's the case. Also, fwiw, I'm basing this off of the links and quotes I've read in these comments. I just hope and pray we're reaching the end of this nightmare.. 😔
One area where I will respectfully disagree: The vaxxed kids are having their deaths accelerated. That would probably limit what they could do more than the vax-free kids.
No more donations for them
They're not completely based, either
And the sickest part of it all is the Make a Wish foundation only helps terminally ill children. Sick.
Your propaganda PR link is at odds with Richard Davis' own statements.
Too many people calling them assholes?
So at least according to the foundation's website, this is not true.
I sincerely hope they're not lying.
It's important to verify stuff like this before posting. We have enough to be riled up about already.
Thanks for posting from their website to show their side, but the link I posted gives another.
That's not correct based on the article you posted. It applies to wishes involving boarding flights or "gathering in large groups".
I'm not saying that's okay, but it's a far cry from "no vax, no wish".
I wish for the TRUTH to be exposed regarding the Root Cause of terminal childhood illnesses.
We know.
What is the root cause?
Toxins in the environment and food supply, pesticides, plastics, birth control hormones, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, lotions, baby talc, formula, malnutrition etc etc etc. Even air pollution can trigger chronic illness in some people.
The bottom line is that we are poisoning ourselves and some folks are more genetically susceptible than others.
Oh, I get it. For some reason I thought it was one thing that I may not have heard.
You could go full antivax and talk about the potentially mutated gene pool, or all the excess additives in our food, etc.
It’s not as it seems. See the link I posted below.
The problem with posting stuff like this is that the full information of the situation isn’t given. We have to do better because my family doesn’t believe the things I say as it is. The MAWS has it on their website that “ travel wishes and wishes involving large gatherings, including theme parks, are currently paused.” This kid wants to go to Disney. They’re not doing theme parks right now.
Also: https://wish.org/news-releases/vaccine-policy
Deep state confirmed?
It's NEVER been about helping the kids with that one. The grift/graft is heavy @ "Make-a-Wish." More like, "Make-[us]-Rich."
Does anyone else feel like they would rather settle this with a hot war? Cause I mean... even once devolution concludes, we still have the problem of the sheep who helped facilitate all of this...
A hot war would certainly get the ball moving soonwr
We’re going to pen up the sheep and educate them.
Even charities have been hardened past their ideology.
Another piece of shit I can now say NOPE when asked for a donation. Damn that is sad, I used to have respect for them.
To settle the argument of whether or not MAW is doing this, in my opinion, is that it looks like they aren't completely disregarding the unvaxxed kids but rather prioritizing the vaxxed kids. Vaxxed are likely able to do much more than unvaxxed.
Still completely f*cked up though if that's the case. Also, fwiw, I'm basing this off of the links and quotes I've read in these comments. I just hope and pray we're reaching the end of this nightmare.. 😔
One area where I will respectfully disagree: The vaxxed kids are having their deaths accelerated. That would probably limit what they could do more than the vax-free kids.
Well, may I remember to never donate to them again.