Correct, Their immune system is compromised and many are having re-occurrence of their Cancer they had beat. I know too many people now that have been in remission for years, suddenly (after the first booster) their Cancers have returned in a big way! One has the skin cancer back, two women.. breast cancer (in the breast they didn't lose), my friends Dad just passed Monday, his lung cancer returned suddenly and viciously. All in the last year, all double dosed, there has to be a connection. My good friend "suddenly" died of an aneurysm last month (after his booster), he was 51. I made comments about these connections on youtube videos and other places and I always get jumped on by the know-it-alls saying "correlational does not equal causation". Pretty sure it is Big Pharmas Shill bot army, trying to shift the conversations away from the fact that their "cure" is really the cause of all these other illnesses reemerging.
If he is posting pics of his blister hoping for some compassion, he aint getting it there. He will probably be abused for complaining about "minor inconvenience" to protect everyone else. How dare he hope for a more painless booster? Does he think the whole Pfizer and Moderna revolve around his convenience. The will tell him what to shove and where to shove it, and he better do it, no questions asked, and better keep that smile on his face and dont forget to say "Thank you ma'am".
OK i know what some of the brainwashing techniques are such as fear, trauma, social isolation, relentless propaganda, etc. the question is: how do you effectively de-program the victims? Why are there people whose minds broke through the programming?
This moron has just fully accepted a reality in which routine booster shots are just the new normal. Not an ounce of independent thought there. Hasn't even occurred to him that he can just not take a booster. So sad... And these people think we're crazy.
These people are fucking retarded. I think we should let them die.
There was some dumb broad that had a heart attack after the first one, a stroke after the second, and she said she was definitely getting a "booster." Maybe the third one is the charm.
I think this type of hypnotic devotion to an obvious money making/population culling scam is primarily working on weak minded leftist. It's becoming quite clear that Dr. Michael Savage was correct...Liberalism is a mental's diagnosable! I think we all have symptoms of the years of propaganda, but the difference is "we" fight the symptoms and reject the control over our minds. The leftist gives in to the hypnosis and falls into the cult (whether it's love of government or Covid death jab is good narrative) headlong and will die believing they were thinking correctly.
"I hate the fact that I have to look forward to a week of ridiculous agony whenever I get a booster."
Fucking WAKE UP!
Speak for yourself. Speak TO yourself. "Wake-Up" Enjoy your agony - I guess.
To thine own self be known
No Negativity - just trying to understand your post.
WHENEVER I get a booster?!?
Yeah! That part blew my freaking mind!
It's sad to see society collapsing. Nero is fiddling madly.
Regular side effects he says...
I do not think a vicious herpes outbreak should be considered regular side effects...
CDC does list herpes under side effects, and it is high on the list...
These people are SICK.
The "cure" is making them sicker.
All the breakouts of herpes is an indication your immune system is compromised and too weak to keep herpes from appearing.
Correct, Their immune system is compromised and many are having re-occurrence of their Cancer they had beat. I know too many people now that have been in remission for years, suddenly (after the first booster) their Cancers have returned in a big way! One has the skin cancer back, two women.. breast cancer (in the breast they didn't lose), my friends Dad just passed Monday, his lung cancer returned suddenly and viciously. All in the last year, all double dosed, there has to be a connection. My good friend "suddenly" died of an aneurysm last month (after his booster), he was 51. I made comments about these connections on youtube videos and other places and I always get jumped on by the know-it-alls saying "correlational does not equal causation". Pretty sure it is Big Pharmas Shill bot army, trying to shift the conversations away from the fact that their "cure" is really the cause of all these other illnesses reemerging.
You're right about that. This has been brought up by Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist:
Say what now? That's interesting.
It's so very sad
If the sheep want to walk into the slaughter house willingly, the Cabal will laugh gleefully at their death.
They are hypnotized to not see the S, they think it is the laughter house. Idiots.
I got none of those pesky side effects from not getting jabbed
Aint it the truth!
If he is posting pics of his blister hoping for some compassion, he aint getting it there. He will probably be abused for complaining about "minor inconvenience" to protect everyone else. How dare he hope for a more painless booster? Does he think the whole Pfizer and Moderna revolve around his convenience. The will tell him what to shove and where to shove it, and he better do it, no questions asked, and better keep that smile on his face and dont forget to say "Thank you ma'am".
Kinda interested to make a new account and see...
Do eeet.
It's as though these people are standing in front of a train, see it coming but are determined that it won't hit them. Then, splat
The saying, "You can't fix stupid" is appropriate.
how utterly dense can people be? i can't even. . .
I don't think it's density, I think the brainwashing systems are just so well perfected.
OK i know what some of the brainwashing techniques are such as fear, trauma, social isolation, relentless propaganda, etc. the question is: how do you effectively de-program the victims? Why are there people whose minds broke through the programming?
Just wait until the Pfizer Israelis and the CDC Israelis decree that she's unvaccinated without a third and then a fourth deadly injection.
Here's an almost totally unrelated photo of President Biden on his knees, bowing before the Israeli President as Jews laugh at him.
This is so sadly true.
Uh... is Reddit OP a man or a woman? But all I know is that's a mentally ill person no matter what their gender is...
This moron has just fully accepted a reality in which routine booster shots are just the new normal. Not an ounce of independent thought there. Hasn't even occurred to him that he can just not take a booster. So sad... And these people think we're crazy.
That's what got me! Like there was no.. "I just don't have to get it."
Safe and effective.
These people are fucking retarded. I think we should let them die.
There was some dumb broad that had a heart attack after the first one, a stroke after the second, and she said she was definitely getting a "booster." Maybe the third one is the charm.
I think this type of hypnotic devotion to an obvious money making/population culling scam is primarily working on weak minded leftist. It's becoming quite clear that Dr. Michael Savage was correct...Liberalism is a mental's diagnosable! I think we all have symptoms of the years of propaganda, but the difference is "we" fight the symptoms and reject the control over our minds. The leftist gives in to the hypnosis and falls into the cult (whether it's love of government or Covid death jab is good narrative) headlong and will die believing they were thinking correctly.
Yup, Like children. Don't touch that it's hot. Next Whaaaaaaaa
Haha. It's posts like this that make me sympathize with the elites.