Q outright said the D Party, meaning democrat party, will be dead when this is all over. in other words, no more liberals in the US. But I find myself pondering, what will happen? We can't exactly function with a single party system or else you're even more prone to corruption because all of the power is consolidated into a single organization. Likewise, what about every other country in the world? The US is pretty unique in that our liberals are usually considered "moderately right" compared to say, Australian Liberals, or German Liberals. Heck, even Canadian liberals. Our conservatives are "far right". So where does that leave every other country?
Looking at history, I'm going to guess we'll probably end up in a Whig/Republican/Democrat scenario like what happened during the civil war era. One party (the Democrats/Whigs) is going to die off into irrelevance, which results in basically a one party system for a few election cycles (8-24 years) during which a few new contender parties will form that are also conservative but have slightly different views. So basically we'll end up with 2 conservative parties that agree on basically everything, but differ on how to go about achieving those goals.
As for every other country. I honestly have no idea. Most of them would need a complete revamp on their whole political systems to ensure nothing like this happens again.
2 party system doesnt work..
there needs to be a something put in place to make sure members of congress and senate are not profiting off their positions.
There needs to be term limits
There needs to be a watchdog group that will make sure the constitution is being followed.
There needs to be an easier way to recall politicians that do not follow through on their promises.
There needs to be an age limit
no more donations from big companies
election is one day, paper ballets, national holiday.
I disagree on the party system not working. It CAN and has worked, but the vulnerabilities for corruption as what makes it seem to not work. That being said I do agree with literally every other thing you said. Might I also add that ALL politicians be required to divest their investments during their terms into a trust of some sort similar to what's required of the President? I think that would cut down on a lot of the corruption. Also, we need to make it illegal for anyone in office to accept ANYTHING from a third party. No more lobbying, no more "dinners and vacations" from foreign nationals, etc.
If representatives allow the non-Federal no-Reserve to continue conjuring worthless doll hairs then the new system will just corrupt itself all over again.
Remove/counter temptations for corruption.
Stop the bloat/overreach and it won't be such a target for corruptive influences.
Yea, we need to see their investments, no more insider trading
Putting investments into a trust is "required" for the President, but president DJT also did nothing of the sort.
Maybe our new system of governing will be so different that there won't be a need for political parties.
As long as the taxpayers no longer fund the parties, I'll be happy.
Q themselves said that the dems will implode and only patriot republicans and those we put in charge will remain
There will always be liberals, just not those with stolen power like today.
I imagine the future parties will be variations of conservatives who support workers vs big business. Those debates are more sober and rational, which is closer to what we had in the 80's.
The conservatives in Australia and Europe are more left because of decades of psyops run by the cabal. You wouldn't believe how conservative Europeans in the countryside are. They sound like they're from Texas.
transparency and a simple set of principles,,,
A problem with having parties is that the politicians start working for the party and not their constituents. Another is that you cannot pick and choose. You might like one policy from one party and another policy from another. While you might find an independent politician who espouses both those policies you will not find a party member who will.
Then there is the likelihood of corruption. If you only need to bribe a party to guarantee the outcome of a vote then that is much easier to subvert than having to bribe several hundred individuals.
With global communications as fast as they are now we don't need political parties anymore. We can find out info on issues, talk about it online or at meetings, and decide for ourselves. Politicians are 18th century anachronism now.
Parties are alliances, and alliances are necessary for power blocs, and blocs are necessary for negotiation. It's more about strategy than communication.