Do they know if they break their own Internet, they will give us the win for sure since all of our Patriot sites are now on their own systems? Unless they totally take down AT&T and the other phone and big Cable companies.
We haven't had any major solar flares (X class) in a very long time. We've only had a few M class flares this whole year. I get e-mail notifications at the beginning and end of every single one, from the upper C class all the way to X class.
OK so I have to agree with them on this. You guys probably aren't up on the 'plasma sun' theory but there's a pretty well developed alternative theory of how the sun works, instead of the standard gravity model. It's part of the Electric Universe Theory, and worth checking out:
ANd there's a great channel called 'suspicious obververs' who basically watches the sun every day and does a 'space weather report' daily. It's crazy how often he is able to spot major storms, earthquakes, voclacoes and more based on the activity of the solar wind.
If there was to be a massive solar flare, or even micronova, pointed in our direction (there are many flares but the chance of being hit is low) then it could certainly do great damage to our electrical infrastructure. Theoretically if it was major enough it could completely disable all the tech on the side of the earth that gets the direct hit from the plasma.
Just re-watching that EU video by Wall Thornhill - a classic. He talks about the cosmic power lines, the z-pinch, thunderbolts... glad I found that one. Worth a watch - bet most people don't realize that fake science is as bad a thing as fake news! Here's some real science for ya
Setting the stage for a communications blackout? Hmmmm… what could be coming?
Red 3, is it? Can’t remember which number...
That damn Sun. I never trusted him ever since the Egyptian days.
"Down towards earth"
In outer space?
WEF must hire some talented fortune tellers.
Do they know if they break their own Internet, they will give us the win for sure since all of our Patriot sites are now on their own systems? Unless they totally take down AT&T and the other phone and big Cable companies.
yeah so lets make the entire world reliant on technology. Absolute clowns
Digital currency......................sun knocks out power. GOOD LUCK
Who's funding the lame arse forums?
Klaus may fall into a wood chipper. Just letting you know it's possible ;-)
We haven't had any major solar flares (X class) in a very long time. We've only had a few M class flares this whole year. I get e-mail notifications at the beginning and end of every single one, from the upper C class all the way to X class.
OK so I have to agree with them on this. You guys probably aren't up on the 'plasma sun' theory but there's a pretty well developed alternative theory of how the sun works, instead of the standard gravity model. It's part of the Electric Universe Theory, and worth checking out:
ANd there's a great channel called 'suspicious obververs' who basically watches the sun every day and does a 'space weather report' daily. It's crazy how often he is able to spot major storms, earthquakes, voclacoes and more based on the activity of the solar wind.
If there was to be a massive solar flare, or even micronova, pointed in our direction (there are many flares but the chance of being hit is low) then it could certainly do great damage to our electrical infrastructure. Theoretically if it was major enough it could completely disable all the tech on the side of the earth that gets the direct hit from the plasma.
Anyway I'm just saying, this is something that is outside the control of the WEF or anybody else for that matter, and worth keeping an eye on IMHO
Just re-watching that EU video by Wall Thornhill - a classic. He talks about the cosmic power lines, the z-pinch, thunderbolts... glad I found that one. Worth a watch - bet most people don't realize that fake science is as bad a thing as fake news! Here's some real science for ya