posted ago by Greekish ago by Greekish +51 / -1

Many "elites" have vanished from public view or been replaced with one or more doubles. Killary is a prime example of a double and Biden is the most obvious.

Podesta bros

Deborah Birx

James Comey

Bill Barr

GW Bush

Susan Rice

Tom Hanks

John Brennan

Gina Haspel

Chelsea Clinton & husband

Bill Gates (double)

Bill Clinton (double)

Adam Schiff (double?)

Hunter Biden (double)

Compare Hillary that you see on TV and Hillary in 2016, also Biden, Pelosi, Fauci, Schumer, Obama, Michelle, the Queen, the Pope. It's easy with Google image search. Many have been replaced with doubles/actors. It's a scripted movie designed for public awakening.

What do you think?
