268 Is there anything missing from the list? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +268 / -0 17 comments download share 17 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
(I'm speaking on behalf of the masses who are not capable of processing all of this... and they are many. I call it communal low-grade depression)
Monuments Marriage Truth Liberty Dissent
common decency, politeness
wallet, trust in my doctor, the ECG of people I know that were fully vaxxed.
Mental health. I made it ok through 2020 but was totally unprepared for the increased insanity of 2021. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for 2022. /s
Savings or earnings/income
Yay Demonshits!
Freedom of speech
Freedom of assembly
Equal protection under the law.
And most of the other inalienable human rights granted by our creator and declared inviolable by the Bill of Rights that govern our Republic.
Aggregate intelligence
Free thought
Availability of non-propagandized information
Bodily autonomy
The heart monitor line on the EKG machine hooked up to a vaccinated individual.
Truth was flattened
the average ass from sitting too much (joke)