Alright, not to excuse anything he may have done, but...
You want the guy to bolt out of the room, with kids there, on live TV? Granted that "teacher" was having the kids say some terrifying shit, but still, it would be a bad idea to have him immediately run out.
So how did that teacher on 9/11 conveniently have children parroting things that happened on 9/11, before GWB was notified of the attack? When he was being told he had a small smile/smirk on his face, almost a self satisfied little smile. Explain that scenario.
Wouldn't at least one of the hundreds of people involved with 9/11 being an "inside job" have remorse and at least left final instructions with their attorney to "spill the beans" after their death (or even before)? I suppose the response could be, "The people involved are all so evil that none will ever experience remorse". This question has been raised for the JFK assassination, which would have involved only a couple dozen people, and no "death bed confessions" have come from that, almost 60 years ago, so perhaps it's too much to ask of the evil people.
I think they do, but it's only to their group - they get joy from keeping the lies to us intact.
We are the vulgar & profane to them and for us to believe their lies gives them the power they desire, and they pass that "power" into the next piece of crap coming in behind them.
Need to know basis. You compartmentalize the scheme, never introduce the parties involved, kill the loose ends, threat and intimidate those that might come forward, you control the media outlet and the majority opinion. Anyone who comes out is categorized as crazy and conspiracy theorist.
...and they're very, VERY angry at that caller for demonstrating it on live TV (as if we hadn't noticed the picture cards for reporters and all of that trunalimunumaprzure).
I’m not gonna lie, as a Christian it kinda bothered me someone did that. Joe Biden may be a POS but Christmas is a time to be Christ-like and saying that to someone while they’re being kind and wishing you a Merry Christmas feels very unchristian to me, ya know?
I’m all for saying Fuck Joe Biden but can we not pervert the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ?
I don’t think that matters much. We all know what that means and he chose to say it on TV while we’re supposed to be celebrating God and His Son’s sacrifice for us. Not spreading hate.
How are we better than the Demoncrats if we treat the season so poorly? I get some people may not be religious but if you are I don’t see how you can like this.
Have I said to be a pushover? You seem to think you can either honor God or be a pushover and that’s not true.
You wanna call the great men who fought in World War 1 pushovers, boy? Read up on the Christmas truce. Those where men who were dying in ways you can’t imagine but they still stopped the bloodshed to honor the holiday. If they could do it to honor Jesus’ birth then why can’t we?
A warrior knows when to fight and when not to fight. If your fighting dishonors God then you have lost the fight.
Freemasons worked very hard to overthrow Christian monarchies and institute Democracies ... maybe this is why.
Well, yeah; considering that Muhammed was a pedophile, why would they be afraid of Muslims?
Alright, not to excuse anything he may have done, but...
You want the guy to bolt out of the room, with kids there, on live TV? Granted that "teacher" was having the kids say some terrifying shit, but still, it would be a bad idea to have him immediately run out.
He was there, on purpose, in front of children on purpose, and the teacher was told what what to say.
That's some freaky shit.
And they had the children do an incantation: Plane Must Hit Steel!
Exactly. )That just makes my blood run cold. ). And that fucking smirk on w's face....
I think you mean incantation.
Lol, yes, it was autocorrect, but I am going to leave it.
I, Pet Goat II.
Pretty sure it's all Joe when he's sniffing children and taking showers with his daughter.
so true.. I wish I could just have 4 hours of Dinesh on AM 1420 every work day
Try the CFR.
Yes, it is time . Lets give the "Squad " a firing squad then unseal their records .
Obama via Ron Klain is the main puppeteer. Klain also has help from Susan Rice, and probably Valerie Jarrett too. They were the force behind Obama.
So how did that teacher on 9/11 conveniently have children parroting things that happened on 9/11, before GWB was notified of the attack? When he was being told he had a small smile/smirk on his face, almost a self satisfied little smile. Explain that scenario.
My reaction to 9/11 being a inside job is my gold standard of what cognitive dissonance feels like.
It took me quite awhile to wrap my head around that one.
Wouldn't at least one of the hundreds of people involved with 9/11 being an "inside job" have remorse and at least left final instructions with their attorney to "spill the beans" after their death (or even before)? I suppose the response could be, "The people involved are all so evil that none will ever experience remorse". This question has been raised for the JFK assassination, which would have involved only a couple dozen people, and no "death bed confessions" have come from that, almost 60 years ago, so perhaps it's too much to ask of the evil people.
I think they do, but it's only to their group - they get joy from keeping the lies to us intact.
We are the vulgar & profane to them and for us to believe their lies gives them the power they desire, and they pass that "power" into the next piece of crap coming in behind them.
Need to know basis. You compartmentalize the scheme, never introduce the parties involved, kill the loose ends, threat and intimidate those that might come forward, you control the media outlet and the majority opinion. Anyone who comes out is categorized as crazy and conspiracy theorist.
How many are aware the "Patriot Act" was written PRIOR to 9/11? Do we recall being told it was written BECAUSE of 9/11? Oops.
Or it's a quick-thinking actor that decided to throw us a bone.
Arthur Roberts? Jim Carry?
I've been looking at pictures of Arthur Roberts and Jim Carrey versus Biden version 2 for a few minutes.
I reckon Arthur's nose is too long and Jim Carrey's chin is too big for the job without surgery.
I think we have to keep looking.
There's a mix of actors, cgi and animatronics used for bidan... multiple tactics are used to mess with our minds ability to notice things
Interesting. I haven't seen evidence of these multiple tactics yet, except maybe that hand through the microphone, and the fake sets of course.
It's a full-head mask, not simply additions to the nose and heavy make-up.
Such a thing cannot make a chin or a nose smaller, at least, I don't see how it can.
A wink from the actor, "if you're thinking quick, you'll know I'm an actor playing a role as Biden."
Yes, it's clear that he's an actor. I'm not sure why people don't take this on board.
Carrey for sure. He would have that kind of sense of humor too.
LGB was brought to you by the MSM. ↩️
Can you imagine if that were Putin?
If ever there was a shout out to the whole world that the leader of the free world is a marionette, that would be it.
...and they're very, VERY angry at that caller for demonstrating it on live TV (as if we hadn't noticed the picture cards for reporters and all of that trunalimunumaprzure).
I’m not gonna lie, as a Christian it kinda bothered me someone did that. Joe Biden may be a POS but Christmas is a time to be Christ-like and saying that to someone while they’re being kind and wishing you a Merry Christmas feels very unchristian to me, ya know?
I’m all for saying Fuck Joe Biden but can we not pervert the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ?
Pretty sure Biden's dead and this guy's in on the joke.
I don’t think that matters much. We all know what that means and he chose to say it on TV while we’re supposed to be celebrating God and His Son’s sacrifice for us. Not spreading hate.
How are we better than the Demoncrats if we treat the season so poorly? I get some people may not be religious but if you are I don’t see how you can like this.
As if they give a hoot. While you're trying to preach about decency, they're walking right over you.
Ain’t no one walking over me, son. I’m sorry if you don’t believe in God but to treat his Son’s birth as a joke is insulting to me.
I do believe in God, actually. I just don't believe He wants us to be pushovers.
Have I said to be a pushover? You seem to think you can either honor God or be a pushover and that’s not true.
You wanna call the great men who fought in World War 1 pushovers, boy? Read up on the Christmas truce. Those where men who were dying in ways you can’t imagine but they still stopped the bloodshed to honor the holiday. If they could do it to honor Jesus’ birth then why can’t we?
A warrior knows when to fight and when not to fight. If your fighting dishonors God then you have lost the fight.
Bug off, handshake. Don't tell me how to honor God; that's between Him and me.
It IS serious and don't call me Shirly... 😒
It's not serious; it's a total shill.
Shut up, troll, nobody asked you.