Yeah, I know 2 people that died... and a guy in his 30’s that had a massive heart attack. With the push to jab babies here... anyone that supports it can suck a dick.
I dont support the vax and i would never take it. The simple fact is for every person that dies BY THE OWN CHOICE by taking it we must take into account the amount of people that are still alive because we didnt have 5 years of lockdowns. The number of deaths is at least 10 fold. You cant have everything, you cant profess hate because the vax may have killed people without also saying that countless more lives it saved because it stopped the countless suicides, OD's, murders, robberies, domestic violence, child abuse, starvation and 100's of millions put into poverty.
That's all true. They did make the choice. Unfortunately it wasn't informed consent. So just because they made that choice based on poor facts doesn't mean we just say "oh well". Those vaccinated people are our family and friends. They aren't just a "casualty to a war". If nothing happens soon, people will be at 3rd, 4th, and 5th shots. The death tolls will still be in the millions, if not hundreds of millions over the next 5-10 years.
Yeah I’m not sure I like the idea of “collateral damage“ that involves children. But I do know this: whatever the plan is, it’s way over my head. It’s been put together by people who are a lot smarter than I am, if it exists at all. And I believe it might.
They had all the information at their fingertips. Just like you and I did. I even tried to inform my family members (mom, dad, brother) about it. They had the choice made up. They took it.
It's a personal responsibility issue. I was ready to lose my job over my stance and I am the sole provider for my family (wife, children). A lot of people didn't want to run that risk.
Advocating for something that is obviously hurting people is good? Pandemic fear cult dogma? What the fuck are you talking about? I personally know people that have died from the vaccine. You wouldn’t really know his stance on “personal freedom” from his recent interviews.
"Trump takes credit for vaccine, encourages to get it, says its great, says me talking about it is stupid" HERE IS WHY TRUMP IS A GENIUS FOR SUPPORTING THE VAX AND YOU'RE STUPID FOR NOT SEEING IT
The OP says NOTHING of the sort. In fact, you've injected a totally fabricated statement just like Shifty Schiff.
In this case it wasn't. He had to say what he said to get Pesky(or whatevr her name is) to mention & etc. He knows that we think ourselves. The few that will take it because of that interview is unfortunate but this is a war & in wars we take causalities. Sometimes it's important to lose battles that cost men in order to win the war.
In game theory, you dont evaluate a move solely based on that move. In Chess, you dont look at a move that, say, sacrifices the Queen and say that its a bad move.
You always have to look at the alternatives and the countermoves. If the alternative to sacrificing the Queen is checkmate, then the sacrifice is a good move. If the counter move to losing the Queen brings you closer to checkmate, again its a great move.
You need to apply the same thinking to everything Trump does. His individual actions may not make sense to you, but that does not mean he is not looking at it as a game theory. This is not the first time Trump's moves have been blamed as being bad moves, but all his moves always turn out to be the right moves when you watch the game unfold further.
You have to ask yourself how his current stance affects you personally.
Does it make you question your choice to not take the vaccine? Hopefully you made that choice based on evidence and not based on personalities.
Do your friends point at that and ask you why you are not taking the vaccines? Its a great oopurtunity to show them that you are not a cultist but a free thinker.
Are you worried about loved ones taking the vaccines because of his stance? This is really about free choice. If they chose to follow him blindly, its not your responsibility. Trump knows what he is doing, and in the end he will answer to those people.
I don't quite agree with how you see things working around here.
I see people knowing full well, who has been manipulating them for a long time, Media, Coporate America, Government, tell them to get an extremely questionable vaxx.
And I see an enormous amount of support for Donald Trump here most of the time as well.
Because the guy did facilitate a lot of good to happen for our country with as much time as he had.
And it is getting hard for people to justify Trump's stance on the vaccines, seeing as how there is a mountain of evidence that these things are harming people all over the world.
So I see a lot of venting on the known douchebags running our world into the toilet. To be expected, these Celebrities/ Corporations / Political Figures have really turned on America.
And I do not believe America wants to see Trump turn on them too. And I do not believe he will.
I do not put my faith in him, but only The LORD above. In that faith, I trust The LORD to see his children, in this country and across the world, right on through to the other side.
But to surmise, I will say that here, what I see, is a bunch of people, figuring things out in a process, sharing information and ideas, re-thinking things, expanding thinking, among all sorts of other things. So to call out an entire community of people looking for truth in a world of DECEPTION... bad form in my opinion.
Makes me wonder why you interject to say such things...
I mean you just said essentially the same thing but nicer. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy between when literally any one else in the world supports the vax and when Trump does.
Yeah, I know 2 people that died... and a guy in his 30’s that had a massive heart attack. With the push to jab babies here... anyone that supports it can suck a dick.
I dont support the vax and i would never take it. The simple fact is for every person that dies BY THE OWN CHOICE by taking it we must take into account the amount of people that are still alive because we didnt have 5 years of lockdowns. The number of deaths is at least 10 fold. You cant have everything, you cant profess hate because the vax may have killed people without also saying that countless more lives it saved because it stopped the countless suicides, OD's, murders, robberies, domestic violence, child abuse, starvation and 100's of millions put into poverty.
That's all true. They did make the choice. Unfortunately it wasn't informed consent. So just because they made that choice based on poor facts doesn't mean we just say "oh well". Those vaccinated people are our family and friends. They aren't just a "casualty to a war". If nothing happens soon, people will be at 3rd, 4th, and 5th shots. The death tolls will still be in the millions, if not hundreds of millions over the next 5-10 years.
Yeah I’m not sure I like the idea of “collateral damage“ that involves children. But I do know this: whatever the plan is, it’s way over my head. It’s been put together by people who are a lot smarter than I am, if it exists at all. And I believe it might.
They had all the information at their fingertips. Just like you and I did. I even tried to inform my family members (mom, dad, brother) about it. They had the choice made up. They took it.
It's a personal responsibility issue. I was ready to lose my job over my stance and I am the sole provider for my family (wife, children). A lot of people didn't want to run that risk.
Only outlook that nails it 👍🏽
So we let them poison us to get our freedoms back? What’s being done is terrorism and Trump should call it out instead of pushing this vaccine.
Advocating for something that is obviously hurting people is good? Pandemic fear cult dogma? What the fuck are you talking about? I personally know people that have died from the vaccine. You wouldn’t really know his stance on “personal freedom” from his recent interviews.
The OP says NOTHING of the sort. In fact, you've injected a totally fabricated statement just like Shifty Schiff.
You are fucking hilarious.
Dang I wasnt aware this is the only post in this place
Gaslight anons and mock the GA with fake news and you'll get the attention you're looking for.
Sorry for insulting you. You really are funny lmao
This is what I don't get. This is why I agree he needs to stop pushing it. Not say anything.
Yep. All these comparisons of support vs not support fail to leave the option of keeping your mouth shut.
"Keeping your mouth shut" IS an option. Those who choose that option don't vote in the poll ie they digitally keep their mouth shut.
In this case it wasn't. He had to say what he said to get Pesky(or whatevr her name is) to mention & etc. He knows that we think ourselves. The few that will take it because of that interview is unfortunate but this is a war & in wars we take causalities. Sometimes it's important to lose battles that cost men in order to win the war.
Despite five plus years some armchairs still create and share Trump "needs to" opines. Fascinating.
Obviously, living and learning rates vary dramatically which give tremendous, and for me, much needed, opportunities to develop patience.
The simple fact is that Trump is a politician and going against the vaccine would make him loose way more overall votes. It’s a numbers game.
In game theory, you dont evaluate a move solely based on that move. In Chess, you dont look at a move that, say, sacrifices the Queen and say that its a bad move.
You always have to look at the alternatives and the countermoves. If the alternative to sacrificing the Queen is checkmate, then the sacrifice is a good move. If the counter move to losing the Queen brings you closer to checkmate, again its a great move.
You need to apply the same thinking to everything Trump does. His individual actions may not make sense to you, but that does not mean he is not looking at it as a game theory. This is not the first time Trump's moves have been blamed as being bad moves, but all his moves always turn out to be the right moves when you watch the game unfold further.
You have to ask yourself how his current stance affects you personally.
Does it make you question your choice to not take the vaccine? Hopefully you made that choice based on evidence and not based on personalities.
Do your friends point at that and ask you why you are not taking the vaccines? Its a great oopurtunity to show them that you are not a cultist but a free thinker.
Are you worried about loved ones taking the vaccines because of his stance? This is really about free choice. If they chose to follow him blindly, its not your responsibility. Trump knows what he is doing, and in the end he will answer to those people.
Right!! Enuf said already. STOP.
I don't quite agree with how you see things working around here.
I see people knowing full well, who has been manipulating them for a long time, Media, Coporate America, Government, tell them to get an extremely questionable vaxx.
And I see an enormous amount of support for Donald Trump here most of the time as well.
Because the guy did facilitate a lot of good to happen for our country with as much time as he had.
And it is getting hard for people to justify Trump's stance on the vaccines, seeing as how there is a mountain of evidence that these things are harming people all over the world.
So I see a lot of venting on the known douchebags running our world into the toilet. To be expected, these Celebrities/ Corporations / Political Figures have really turned on America.
And I do not believe America wants to see Trump turn on them too. And I do not believe he will.
I do not put my faith in him, but only The LORD above. In that faith, I trust The LORD to see his children, in this country and across the world, right on through to the other side.
But to surmise, I will say that here, what I see, is a bunch of people, figuring things out in a process, sharing information and ideas, re-thinking things, expanding thinking, among all sorts of other things. So to call out an entire community of people looking for truth in a world of DECEPTION... bad form in my opinion.
Makes me wonder why you interject to say such things...
Frustration maybe?
I mean you just said essentially the same thing but nicer. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy between when literally any one else in the world supports the vax and when Trump does.
True. I agree.