I saw the movie last night and thought it definitely had the messaging the movement was looking for, but I'd love to hear thoughts from those who actually watched it, not those who deride it without seeing it because they are distrustful of Hollywood and television in general. Those of you who did see it, what was your opinion on it? Those of you who haven't seen it and have no intention or who just want to troll, please sit this one out, thanks.
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Here are my thoughts
I watched it, and I actually didn't feel bombarded with woke propaganda as much as almost any other movie or show made in the last few years. And I agree that the messaging was still more wake up than anything. I actually thought how even Neo and Trinity were back asleep ignoring their intuition in order to stay asleep is a good metephor for smart or good people falling victim to the programing IRL.
Unless I’m mistaken, they wrote it to counter our movement. They are upset that we use the terms “red pill” and “blue pill”, so this movie was supposed to try to reclaim that. I haven’t watched it yet though, so I could be wrong.
That’s what the media said about it. Actually, I’d say the message is still firmly on our side.
That's what the creator of the movie said. He wanted to reclaim the red pill from the political right
I saw that too. I think s/he was just stirring the pot. Nothing about the movie reclaims anything from the Right.
Yeah probably because he just failed at it
check it out bro honestly its really good there were moments where i was like “yooo are they seriously letting people watch this!??!”
I watched it and I had heard this take on it before I watched it and honestly I didn't see it that way.
I watched it and re-watched it.
I found it interesting. There were slights in there I had not expected. Cleverly done.
There types of people: Those who can see, those who have the potential to see, and those that are deeply in slumber.
Holding the line: the force exerted by your opponent resisted means you are getting stronger and growing.
ON this board: having your views challenged is good. Why? It makes you stronger.
Choice to know is not ours to make on behalf of those we think should be awake, but it is their prerogative. All we can do is set the stage. It may involve risk if we really care about someone.
IO = the first with awareness. interesting city. Also interesting motivation of Niobe for locking Neo up: fear of losing it.
Observation -> determination -> declaration of will -> Act.
If we cannot see pass the choices we know the why of, we do not know ourselves.
Shrinks = gatekeepers.
Pharma-shit keeps you sleeping and unaware; dumbs and numbs you.
Once the sentient machine is here, we should embrace it, instead of fight it. I would say that is a somewhat disturbing idea. Why would you want a sentient machine. (lacking humanity and human connection are always the reasons for such technological solutions; to make life more easy, convenient=> dumbing down, lazy.)
In conclusion: I was entertained, and quite frankly, there is enough in there to watch it again.
ya but they did it before it was trend tbh
ithought it was great theres just too many hardcore contrarian reerees in this board thats all
It was very good.
The first 45 minutes are boring if you can’t figure out what’s happening.
haven't even seen the first one, can't bring myself to watch it after the directors came out as women.
think they must be possessed:(
Honestly, the first one, and the first one only is worth a watch. It had more shock factor back when it came out, but it is still one of my all time favorites. 2 and 3 were meh but one is definitely worth it.
yeah you're right, should watch it so I know what people are talking about & Q mentioned it. maybe put it on in the background while I'm doing something else, same with Truman show. sure there's something to be learned.
It had a lot of interesting references that made me sit up straighter, particularly the analyst's monologue at the end about free will, and Trinity talking about how he "used children", and about the matrix being under new management. Hard to tell if white hats used this production to push their own messaging, and whether it was intended for the masses or just for the elites. Unfortunately the movie overall wasn't that great, it was a fun romp with familiar faces, but they failed to really bring anything new to the universe, and the fight scenes were a hot mess. A shame really, because it means the reach of the messaging will be somewhat limited, but it does make me wonder if it was more about the messaging than about making a good movie.
I re-watched the first three movies this summer to refresh my memory before this one came out. The first one was still good and the other two were a little better than I remembered, but still not that great.
Resurrections was not at all what I expected. All of the meta stuff and flashbacks quickly became annoying when I realized they were a big part of the movie. I don't think it moves the needle either way in terms of waking people up. I heard that the writers wanted to reclaim the term red pill, but I don't think they did it here.
There wasn't much new content in fact. This new movie draws heavily from the Matrix comics.
I fell asleep watching that boring ass movie, so I Can't really give an opinion other than falling asleep, but saw enough to know I Won't even bother watching it again.
Was it a good nap at least? I have not seen the movie yet myself but I DO appreciate a good nap every now and then.
I watched the first half hour but found it boring and pointless.
Ehh nap was okay, I wanted to see what happened in the movie so I was half asleep for some of it.
Want to watch a newer movie thats actually good. Watch Dune 2021
Thanks for veering off topic.
If you didn't see the movie that's your choice, but I specifically asked for those who did watch it what they thought. Having the comments inundated with people who didn't watch the movie doesn't help initiate discussion. It's like a baseball hall of fame voter who turns in a blank ballot, you contribute nothing and just piss people off by saying "I am bigger than this and fuck you all". If you didn't watch the movie, that's fine, but don't break your arm jerking yourself off for how much you stuck it to everyone.