Boycott Amsterdam. If they lose their tourism it will hurt them bad. We have legal weed and Kamala Harris (legal prostitution), so there's no need to go to Amsterdam. Tell your friends.
Oh wow. Chinks took over Panama too after Carter sold us out. I loved it there. My fav things in Netherlands was the museums (art fanatic) and the food. Of course the culture. They farm venison too which is very cool. I came across a deer farm with my children one night and a thousand shiny eyes met us at the fence…completely tame. Great memory 💕👍🏽
Your question is wrongly attributed to the present time.
Furthermore, your question only makes sense if it qualifies the we, especially the place you seem to refer to with we. Since that is unknown, your question does not compute.
I agree with what she says. But she backstabbed the only real opposition party along with a bunch of others right before the elections. Because of some fake drama the media made up about the party being antisemetic. Turns out it was 1 unrelated guy tweeting something in an unrelated chat...
Brave and beautiful. Time her countrymen and women rose up to defend her and others who are being excluded.
The globalist elites want her dead and replaced.
Wow I'm in love.
This is the only thing that matters right now.
Intelligent women are always this stunningly beautiful
Boycott Amsterdam. If they lose their tourism it will hurt them bad. We have legal weed and Kamala Harris (legal prostitution), so there's no need to go to Amsterdam. Tell your friends.
Been there 6 times, but not for 20 years or so. Tourism got pretty bad last couple times I went. I love the Netherlands.
Only chinks en masse.
There is a particular type of stone used to make marketsquares called kinderkopjes, childheads, because they are as large and shiny.
When chinks are in town, it' s the same thing. You can literally walk on their heads from Muntplein all the way to Central Station.
Beautiful country indeed. Poorly managed.
Oh wow. Chinks took over Panama too after Carter sold us out. I loved it there. My fav things in Netherlands was the museums (art fanatic) and the food. Of course the culture. They farm venison too which is very cool. I came across a deer farm with my children one night and a thousand shiny eyes met us at the fence…completely tame. Great memory 💕👍🏽
sorry man, got mixed up here
What does Amsterdam have that we do not?
Your question is wrongly attributed to the present time.
Furthermore, your question only makes sense if it qualifies the we, especially the place you seem to refer to with we. Since that is unknown, your question does not compute.
Fine, go to Amsterdam and support terrorism.
I agree with what she says. But she backstabbed the only real opposition party along with a bunch of others right before the elections. Because of some fake drama the media made up about the party being antisemetic. Turns out it was 1 unrelated guy tweeting something in an unrelated chat...
Damn, she's gorgeous.
Our side really does have far more attractive women.
The exclusion is not legal at all. This is blatant human rights violation and all violators will be prosecuted.
Pretty chick but she betrayed FvD and went with Ja21. She was having some time off and held this speech. She now works for MaesLAW.
Smart but not very dry behind her ears.
needs to leave the country, i'm thinking.
She got my attention. cute