This thread is causing anguish to some while resonating with a lot more people.
I humbly request people who want to respond to this to read this fully.
I will start off saying that while OP (u/GoingCamaro) raises very valid point about this movement being a worldwide movement and when the Awakening happens a lot of people will be in deep shock because their world view is black and white just like a lot of normies.
However, I do believe this post would have better resonated with everyone if it acknowledged and empathised with the fact that white people have been targeted and demonised and "racism" has been weaponised for way too long.
I also believe that those people getting triggered by this post are not necessarily racist. Infact, I would go so far as to say most are not racists. I think the real triggering aspect is the fact that the entire mainstream has been against them for so long and this post happens to call out white people wanting to isolate themselves very specifically.
OP has pointed out very well that a lot of problems such as higher crime rate in ethnic communities are actually caused by the Cabal and these communities are in fact victims of the Cabal as well. I agree with this wholeheartedly. We have to always see who the real enemy is, and the tools used by enemy are not our enemy. They are our brothers and sisters who hopefully will Awaken soon.
However, OP specifically called out white people wanting to isolate themselves into their own community, equating it to racism - without similarly acknowledging that this is caused by the Cabal as well, and they are as much the victims of Cabal's divide and conquer as the ethnic communities we talked about before. I think this was a great omission causing a lot of heartache.
As a person of color who has experienced racism in 3 continents myself, I have no hesitation in saying racism is much like "Qanon" a divisive term coined by the media that serves no real purpose.
What most people refer to as "racism" is actually "racial prejudice" - and it's a very natural thing, because we evolved as tribal beings. Most of the times just being exposed to interactions with members of different "races" is enough to take away the prejudices. Some prejudices cannot be helped. I myself has prejudices against my own race and I work hard to ensure I don't perpetuate the very same myself.
Does racial prejudice justify anyone from hurting any person based on their skin color? Absolutely not. However, is it a crime to think of different set of people differently? No, it's natural and is reflected by the sum total of our experiences. I always keep wishing that people of my own race behave themselves better setting up a better stereotype as more people interact with them.
Also, let me be clear - I respect the choices of any people wanting to isolate themselves, its part of freedom of expression, as long as they dont hurt or needlessly allow others to be hurt. I would love them the same as I love any other human being in this world, and I understand why sometimes communities thrive when there is a common cultural foundation.
I guarantee that most people who want to isolate themselves would actually prefer to be with others who share their world views regardless of their skin color, especially post Awakening, once the divisive effects of the Cabal is removed from the equation.
I sincerely thank GoingCamaro for creating that thread and appreciate their intention, even though the execution could have been better ;)
I am going to lock that thread since I think it has run its course.
OP why do you use the term "person of color" ? This term is divisive in of itself and really just a rebranding of "colored people." Except now it is used to other white people.
I agree with the phrase "we are all one race" and it's worth pursuing unity over time with those who will accept the culture in the country. I don't go to Japan and ask them to change.
Most immigrants I have met from Africa are hard working, intelligent folks. While people who grew up in the hood/slums tend to have a degenerate culture, regardless of skin color, that is furthered by fatherlessness. We have a huge cultural divide that has long been caused by Dem policies and ignoring it as something that can be immediately unified within a generation is also a problem. As much as we want them to change.
I also will not apologize for believing that some cultures and beliefs have more merit. Christianity in particular is a set of beliefs about the world, which I believe are true. They are also incompatible with Islam, humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, non Jesus accepting Judaism, freemasonry, gnosticism, etc because they hold conflicting claims to truth. Either one is true or none of them are. Since I am a Christian, I believe our country should return to its foundation of all people are welcome if they accept the culture, and only Christian ethics should be taught. Moral relativism and postmodernism are the reasons we are in the mess we are in as a culture.
I am familiar with this view, and I think it is deeply flawed. In many ways, it's the same mindset and way of thinking where, in a marriage, for example, one or both of the spouses come to a conclusion "I'm right, so she must be wrong. If she's right, then I am wrong".
Before you go off thinking this and that, let me clarify a few things, to shore up the suggestion that there are alternative ways of thinking about this.
Firstly, I strongly agree that some cultures and beliefs have more merit.
Secondly, my view is, like yours, that Christianity is superior to anything else out there.
Thirdly, I personally define a belief system (a faith) and the culture they give birth to based on the motivation behind them; some faiths and belief systems are inspired by and given birth to by God the Father, while others are inspired and given birth to by the Devil. Satanism, luciferianism, various forms of paganism such as Moloch worship, etc, are essentially inspired by the Devil. The major faiths are not.
Fourthly, the relationships between the faiths inspired by our Creator can be compared, by analogy, to a bunch of different kids in different grades in a school. I.e. elementary school, high school. A kid in grade 6 (year 6) in elementary school knows something about the world, about maths, for example, and about how things work. A kid in 3rd year junior high, knows more, in general, and has more information about the world, maths, science, etc. A kid in year 3 in Senior high school, the same.
Putting aside personality differences in this analogy, they are each at different stages of 'learning about the world' and they perceive and understand different things, while none of them has a complete or perfect understanding.
Fifth, the goal and purpose of all faiths inspired by the creator is to bring all to Christ and bring about rebirth (which is salvation) through Christ.
Sixth, going back to the stages of development analogy, the reason why different faiths inspired by the Creator differ is because the expression of God's transcendental Truth manifests different based on numerous factors:
the different geographical and physical environments the targeted society or ethnic community exists in
different histories, with different issues requiring resolution
different levels of intellectual development, including levels of scientific development, cultural development.
You or I know that the information we can effectively share with someone depends a lot on these sorts of factors: their intellectual development, their personal histories, the issues they have (eg. in denial on certain things) etc.
Likewise, because the Fall of Adam and Eve essentially destroyed our human capacity to grasp truth spiritually and intellectually, God has had to raise us from the ignorance that our spiritual fall caused (we forgot who we are, who our Father is, and what our purpose is, etc). This is the real path of development behind human history. It's not Marx's stupid and Satanic theory that history is development towards the Communist Utopia, but that human history is the history of God raising humanity through increased truth and intellectual development (aka spirit and truth) in order to prepare us for complete and full acceptance and rebirth through Christ.
Prior to the establishment of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, the societies where they were founded were essentially barbaric. These faiths lay a foundation for the people to be improved in spirit and in truth to a level where they can much more easily recognize and accept Christ.
Judaism is special because God was raising them to receive his Son. But they failed, and so their mission passed to Christianity. Judaism is like the kid at the top of elementary school, but Christianity is like the kid at the top of Senior High.
Faiths like Buddhism and Hinduism, when practiced properly, are like kids in 4th or 5th grades in Elementary school.
There is by far Much, Much more in common between the teachings of these major faiths than there are differences. Focusing on the differences ignores that the common root is God. And even though, as Christians, we have access to the highest expression of Truth God has revealed so far, we are, by definition, waiting for the Return of Christ so that the final level of understanding can be received, and our rebirth completed, and the Kingdom fully manifested both On Earth and in Heaven. (Currently, Earth is still a mess).
If Christians truly understood that these faiths are brethren, we would be able to embrace them, and win them through love to Christ. We don't do that, in general, NOT because they are all wrong and only Christianity is right, but because, even though we are the eldest brother with the greatest blessing and we understand the most important truth: that full salvation ultimately comes only through Christ - we are still ignorant of why our Father even created these faiths, and we fail to recognize our commonality and instead focus on the differences. Thus, we cannot lead fully.
When Christ returns, the true purpose of all faiths will be revealed, and Christianity will finally be able to fulfill the role of true elder brother and guide for the other peoples of the world. Fuller understanding will reveal what is true and what is not true in each faith, and we will be able to begin to appreciate the unique aspects that God reveals through each of us instead of thinking that only one or the other has the true understanding.
I disagree on the analogy, as it would be true if we were talking about two sides of a flawed perspective of human wisdom, but the Bible doesn't claim to be that. It claims to be the word of God to man through divinely inspired human writings.
I implore you to study other religions, what they actually say. They do not point people to Jesus in the slightest. Talmudic Judaism depicts Jesus as a sorcerer who is boiling in hot excrement. Islam rejects Jesus as savior and has many contradicting instructions to the Bible including verses in the Qur'an today Muhammed described as satanic verses. Muhammad claims to be given the Qur'an by an angel of light, who disguises himself as an angel of light?
Someday look at the similarities between Islam and Mormonism, which itself was born out of freemasonry! The devil is not creative, he continues to use the same lie across cultures.
All other religions are born out of the same lie that the serpent told Eve in the garden, "Eat of this fruit and you will not die; you will be like God." They focus on a series of rules to worldly ascension and following a list of rules that focuses on man, instead of focusing on God. Christianity is the only belief system that focuses on God's reconciliation and love for us. It either comes from God and is of the utmost importance, or it is a lie not worth considering.
Thanks for the reply.
"as it would be true if we were talking about two sides of a flawed perspective of human wisdom, but the Bible doesn't claim to be that."
No, but YOU claim that your grasp of the scripture IS not flawed, and is not less than perfect. Despite the fact that the Bible itself is inspired by God, you also have a responsibility and role in HOW you understand it. If you don't have the humility or ability to recognize that, you've missed the point. Even Paul states VERY clearly that he saw only dimly, as in a mirror.
How many Christians through out history have acted based on their interpretation of the Bible, and done horrendous things? Therefore, unless we have the humility to recognize that what we CHOOSE to believe about the scripture is the choice no one can avoid, we miss the point. We focus on dogma, justifying it as 'true' because scripture says so, instead of realizing in humility that scripture is a guide, and that we ourselves must grow and develop our understanding of it.
"Divinely inspired human writings". Indeed. So why can not God inspire other human writings? Answer: He can. Of course he can. But even God is limited by the capacity of the instrument. Or otherwise, why did not God reveal through Moses the higher understanding that Jesus brought? I'll tell you why. Because Moses and the prophets were not at the level of spiritual growth that Jesus had.
The New testament, while written by men, is what it is because those men and authors were able to inherit the foundation of Jesus. BUt even Jesus stated, very clearly, "I have many things to teach you, but you cannot bear them now".
What if one of the things Jesus has to teach us is how the jigsaw puzzle of the world's religions inspired by God come together with Christ as the centerpiece? If it is, you'll never know it because you've chosen to block any other view of the truth out based on your own flawed view.
You cannot teach Highschool Geometry to a kid from elementary school. You cannot teach Post-graduate physics to a second year junior high school student.
I have studied other religions. As I say, the teachings are far, far more in common than not. The core teachings are very very similar. However, They cannot and do not reach the level of Christian understanding BECAUSE they do not have Jesus' foundation. Obviously.
You cannot blame a goat for not being a cow. A cow is a cow and a goat is a goat. They both can deliver milk.
Moreover, the different faiths each had different missions. Of course they do not point people towards Jesus! (Even the old testament did NOT point people towards Jesus himself, but to the Messiah, the Christ. The problem was that the Jewish leaders and people at the at time did not realize or recognize that Jesus is Christ.)
But if all the people in the world were barbaric Moloch worshippers, how far would Jesus' teaching have gone? The truth is, there were numerous religious reformations established around the world approximately 400 years before the advent of Christ, as was also the case in Israel, through the final prophet Malachi.
We cannot deny that the mission of the Chosen people was taken from the Israelites and given to the Christians. Parable of the vineyard shows this 100%. So what would have happened IF Israel had received Jesus instead? His teachings would have spread to the entire world very quickly, because different landing pads were prepared in different parts of the world.
Not very familiar with Talmudic Judaism, and I suspect your own view is highly prejudiced, so I cannot comment except to say that Judaism failed in its mission to accept Christ and fulfill the mission of the chosen people, the very reason God had established them. But we include the Old Testament in the scripture BECAUSE it is foundational to Jesus advent and teaching.
Islam acknowledges Jesus as a holy man, but does not have the core teaching and understanding of the Christ, the 2nd Adam. I mean, der. Of course! If it did, it would be Christianity! But many of the teachings in Islam were a massive improvement over what existed there before in the Arab world.
Why does Christ return? To save the world. Who murdered Jesus when he came? the VERY people who God had prepared for thousands of years to receive him. Only a few Hebrews received Jesus. 72 disciples is not that many.
Christians are very much in danger of failing to fulfill their mission in the very same way, if they do not learn the lessons from Israel, and what caused them to fail. Arrogance was the start. Inflexible, unable to grasp the new way of understanding that Jesus brought. He brought the upgrade to the 2000 years of Hebrew teaching and history, and they failed to receive it because they clung to their limited view.
Any Christian who is unable to realize how God has been working and who only clings to their limited arrogant view is very liable to be one who rejects Christ when He returns, and whom Jesus predicted he himself would reject. Matt 7:21
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’
So, what is the will of the Father in Heaven?
Also, note: Jesus says MANY. Not "a few"
We are called to use our upgraded understanding of Truth through Jesus to understand HOW to discern between what is true and what is not true. We cannot grasp clearly what is NOT true about the teachings in other faiths unless we can see clearly what IS true in their teachings.
Mercy, kindness, service to others, sacrifice - these are taught by ALL the great faiths. Righteousness, etc. The standards vary depending on their culture and level, but these points are common.
If you, as a Christian, are unable to recognize this, what chance to people of OTHER faiths have to recognize the superiority of Christ's teachings? They shall know my disciples by their love.
It's more than that. Christianity is the only belief system that focuses on rebirth through God's own son.
But that, dear friend, is the entire point. That IS what makes Christianity unique. It's so arrogant and illogical to say, other religions are 100% wrong because they are NOT Christianity.
Basically, its like saying, if someone is NOT a Christian, they have no value, no connection to God, and God does not love them. They don't know anything.
I find this viewpoint to be narrow in the extreme. Salvation comes through a relationship with Christ, NOT through Christian dogma.
Anyway, that's my view.
May God guide us both.
I made no claim to my own perspective on all of scripture, not sure where that accusation comes from. Only that the Bible is God's word and no other "holy book" comes close. Reading them is so vastly different and full of direct contradictions. The core message of the NT is Jesus is the need for redemption through solely Jesus, which is outlined in passages such as John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." and Luke 13:22-28
23 And someone said to him, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able."
It is narrow, Jesus tells us directly so. Talmudic Judaism and Islam explicitly reject this view. They do not accept Jesus as savior. It is important to understand this point or you will be deceived by many such as the current Pope who are pushing for a one world religion that rejects Jesus as the only way. You don't have to like it because it doesn't seem "nice" to not have these religions build into one, but the Truth is the truth. I believe the OT is included in that Truth.
You need to ask yourself, why did these lesser, explicitly contradictory religions come after Jesus? It contradicts your recognition of a developing spiritual maturity, theirs is a regressive one.
Many Arabs were Christians before Muslims came in any slaughtered many of them, stole their wives as sex slaves, and forced the remainder of them into submission. This is not from external sources! This is from their own Hadith!
You need to spend more time in the Bible and other primary sources (the Qur'an and Hadith) and less time on esoteric websites that fail to grasp the common description of the text. The Bible says in Acts over 400 people received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in one day, that is far more than 72.
I do not deny that some of the other faiths teach virtues...but those are first and foremost found in the revelations of the OT prophets, Jesus, and His disciples. There is nothing new that is true in the other faiths... It is not that they are 100% all lies, it is that the important points are lies. They are distractions used by the adversary to lead people down a wrong path of personal atonement that is impossible. Only Jesus can save.
I agree but the problem with your suggestion is the 1st amendment but it is also the most critical piece of our foundation. Bit of a conundrum.
You have been misled by leftist and even "right wing" talking heads, or perhaps by individuals who listened to them.
The 1st amendment prevents the establishment of a particular state religion to protect both the practitioners (forced compliance) and belief system from government influence over doctrine. It does not prevent teaching general Christian ethics rather than the utilitarian and postmodernist moral relativism we have now. Christian ethics including Bible study were taught in public schools!
Consider Mr. Fisher Ames of Massachusetts, who provided the wording for the First Amendment passed by the House of Representatives. He would certainly know the intent of that amendment, yet he never used the phrase "separation of church and state." Rather, he called for the Bible always to remain the primary textbook in America's classroom: "Why... should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the sacred book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and, probably, if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."
what I mean is that freedom of religion allows for equal footing for all how can Christianity be the dominant religion or culture without it being implemented by the state? bc sooner or later someone from some other religion will say..... well why is the bible the only thing being taught?
Freedom of religion allows for all religions to be practiced by the people, not to be taught equally by the government as ethically/morally correct. Imagine having to be spend equal time on satanist or molech ethics...
Yes, the state as part of public schools will have to spend some time determining what constitutes "general Christian ethics" or at least ethics in alignment with Christian beliefs but you can't replace ethics with nothing! A school without some kind ethics at all is anarchy and leads to the morally bankrupt society we have now where cheating is fine, lying is fine, what you "feel" is true is fine, and so on because there is no backing "why" for the students on why they should follow these things.
Secularists (I expect driven by the cabal) have argued this conflation and taken advantage of the confusion to take God out of the equation. When you do that, you are obscuring the truth, and it impacts all other parts of education.
I'm actually not opposed to large religions or religious books being taught in school but they should not be given equal weight to ethics. We should hold firm to Christian ethics because we legitimately believe they result in the best outcomes for human living.