the strange part was the adams servering for 17 years, q being the 17th letter of the alphabet. piled on top of all of the other "coincidences". it starts to get, freaky.
JQA was a far better president than he gets credit for, and was arguably the greatest diplomat in US History. His involvement in the Amistad case was admirable.
Samuel S. Curtis laid out the town of Denver, and named one of the main streets after himself.. Denver WS part of the wild and wooly past of Colorado!! 🤔
Rumor has it that Denver and Atlanta are slated to become the new administrative and governmental centers of the North American Union once the globalists get it fully up and running.
Quincy= Quin= one of 5
Is Q five people
John Quincey Adams was the first and only president to join the Anti-Masonic party
Q= 17th letter
Quincy is a city in Massachusetts
The northern Federalists, National republicans, Anti masons and Whigs always did well in Massachusetts.
this^ and Kennedys were from Massachusetts & John Q. Adams served in the House of Representatives for 17 years;)
All right, this is starting to get freaky.
But, it's freaky awesome! I love these comms! The Ultimate in Cool!
the strange part was the adams servering for 17 years, q being the 17th letter of the alphabet. piled on top of all of the other "coincidences". it starts to get, freaky.
JQA was a far better president than he gets credit for, and was arguably the greatest diplomat in US History. His involvement in the Amistad case was admirable.
and it's located on a small block between 18th St and 17th St
you are witnessing the masonic internal revolt ;)
Q could be five people.
Now look at Q1776 😉
What are the odds
and who penned Common Sense?
Owned by:
1776 Curtis LLC, 130 Vantis Dr #200. Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-2691
according to
colorado branch:
delware llc:
From ANON post :
Cleaner then skeeters Peter baby
What is important about Curtis? Thank you in advance
Samuel S. Curtis laid out the town of Denver, and named one of the main streets after himself.. Denver WS part of the wild and wooly past of Colorado!! 🤔
Yep, and now the moochers are demanding "Fair Share" from the producers... 😒
Great, Now let me pour another shot of Don Q rum with lime and honey.
Well, Well...What a "Coincidence"...😎
What a beautiful QUINCYdence.
Interesting that Dave from X22 starts every single show by saying this exact phrase:
"Hi and Welcome"
Hi (17) and Welcome (76)
or 1776
That's all... mathematically impossible.
Mathematically impossible but yet you figured it out, what's to stop him from knowing that and using it?
That is the point. It's not random. It was chosen as a comm.
I see what you did there.
I'll take it. QWe win see
Should I be alarmed that I gave the 322nd updoot, with all the mason-fagging going around on this site? Kek!
I need magnify to reach out to me. Is there a way to private message someone on here?
so what is this building then?
Denver is probably the scariest place to be during all of this - theres symbolism all over the city - not to mention the airport.
One way or another, this evil will be destroyed.
Rumor has it that Denver and Atlanta are slated to become the new administrative and governmental centers of the North American Union once the globalists get it fully up and running.