I've been a very vocal anti-COVID individual since the end of 2 Weeks "to flatten the curve". It was clear to me then that this was extraordinary and wildly overblown. Obvious that it would be used to begin stripping away our rights and gutting our Country/The World. I was not shy about this and I politely engaged and asked questions with damn near everyone around me from the very beginning.
The big question I get now is "Can you explain to me how you don't even think COVID is real?" (Now that people are awake enough to even consider an alternative/extreme explanation to the past 2 years)
This has become even more confusing to me as of late with Dr. Malone (vaccinated) and Dr. McCollough (double infected) stating that they both got hit extremely hard by COVID 19. I cannot explain away how people I trust are claiming to have been infected w/ COVID, despite still having these same questions for the previous 2 years:
How has this virus never been isolated or purified? To the best of my understanding it is still all based on computer models and extrapolations.
Where did the flu go?
If it is a real virus, why so much emphasis on the false PCR tests, the inflated case numbers, the inflated death statistics?
Why depend on racking up hospitalizations and deaths via medical mistreatment and pure ignorance regarding early treatment? (I usually spin this question a bit a say that if someone neglected the flu virus until they could no longer breathe easily - the outcome would be similar)
How does someone like Dr. Peter McCollough outright claim that he just* recently had Omicron? How could he have known that? Did he run genetic sequencing to verify?
I'm fully willing to accept that COVID is a real thing. My goal is not to prove it's complete fiction. However, with the questions above, if you remove the false positives, the medical malpractice, the miscounted deaths, flu/pneumonia reclassification as CV19, what are you left with?
A small percentage of really, really bad respiratory infections? Could these simply be a result of inhalation of bacteria laced air from masking/dirty or humid masks?
What concrete evidence actually exists to prove that COVID is even real amidst the endless sea of lies we've been force-fed over 2 years?
Sidenote/Personal Background & Observations: I know 2 people personally who SWORE they had COVID. 1 of them turned out to be a bacterial lung infection from riding a bike last winter with 2 masks on. The other was sleep deprived and now thinks she may have just had really bad pneumonia. Both* of them were given Remsdesivir and it royally fucked them up/almost resulted in intubation. Everyone else I know who "got COVID" had relatively mild symptoms and sat around with a mask on just waiting for it to get worse.
Conversely, I know about 8-10 people who have suffered some seriously bad adverse reactions from the vaccines (2 of whom are currently in comas).
Covid is real it is a coronavirus been around a long time and is related to the common cold. That information is available even on the CDC website. No one is saying it isnt a virus it is but its not a dangerous virus as long as you have an immune system. The only people who die of covid are those already at deaths door. The vaccination on the other hand is killing young and healthy.
"Covid is real it is a coronavirus been around a long time and is related to the common cold." I agree with this 100%, in fact, I went so far as to dig up research that indicates SARS' genetic sequencing is identical to "COVID".
Coronaviruses are a dime a dozen, there are tons of them.
I just can't figure out how some people are getting hit with a ton of bricks for what is seemingly the same SARS bug that's been floating around for 20 years now.
My only thought is that the original PCR tests were tampered with to actually* infect people with some kind of crazy fucked up SARS variant for the earlier cases. But I have no idea.
Wuhan and Fauci did gain of function on it. I think it's real. They really did want a mass die off. It failed. Or, it was released to force vaccines, which will kill with ADE.
Same question posted earlier today. Maybe some of those answers will be useful.
My take is that they needed a small truth to exaggerate, and intentionally muddied all the data.
Thanks just read that thread... still seems to be a pretty big split.
It's totally real and very bad! (Again, mostly based on anecdotes and bad illnesses w/ shitty treatment)
It was* real, kind of, and now the vaccines are killing people (If it was* real, where'd it go? Why was it never isolated?)
It's totally not real/never ID'ed and the vaccines are the only bioweapon (This is where I'm placing my money personally - I just need a better understanding of my questions above)
Well, there's a unique pathology related to blood clots and the like, and lots of people who say they've had it. Myself included. So I know it's real, or at least something is causing real symptoms that are both different and worse than a bad flu. Exactly what it is I don't know: an aerosolized parasite, a strange cell phone frequency, a virus, whatever.
And there's fake data everywhere, studies on both sides that contradict each other. And fake stuff about the origin or lack thereof.
So if you don't trust the news, and you also can't trust internet anons, and then maybe also have trouble trusting people who you know who tell you what happened to them, you're kind of out of luck as far as info you can trust. Trust yourself.
But sooner or later it's helpful to trust someone, so choose wisely. At least our remedies here are better than a hospital stay! Cheers 🍻
My guess is it seems like Covid-19 is almost a brand name for the cold/flu now the same way people say they went through a bunch of Kleenex when it was really some random tissue brand.
I know 30+ years ago I had the flu as a young and otherwise healthy teenager and pretty much thought I was going to die. I’ve never been so sick in my life. I was begging to be taken to the hospital to my parents and they refused because it was just the flu and my P A mom said there was nothing that they could do for me anyway.
If Covid had existed at the time, I’m certain I would have called it that.
If there isn’t a test to differentiate the flu and Covid, then from a pacing and leading example it makes sense to share and use the term Covid as people think they know or have had Covid.
Getting “Covid” multiple times may ultimately eventually be the wake up call to others that the Covid tests are just faulty.
Maybe someday it will help reduce the fear people have once they’ve survived Covid 10 times
You are left with a Big Hoax!!
These are also questions I am currently struggling with.
To date I know of 4 people, 2 couples, that have had what appeared to be the symptoms reported as SARS - COV2. For all four they were tired, coughing, breathless (not all) but all four got over it within about 2 weeks. The first couple got it very early on in 2020, the other about 3 months ago.
Another friend who I used to work with was in hospital in Thailand for 1 month, and whilst he was "on oxygen" he admitted it was a mask that he would put on and take off when he felt the need. He said he felt awful at times, but recovered. The stumbling block wasn't that he was unwell for the entire month just that the tests would be positive, then negative, then positive so the hospital wouldn't let him leave earlier.
One friend swears his Father died of SARS - COV2 at the age of 84. Now he was also very very unwell with serious conditions, but to my friend he died of Covid19.
After injections I have 2 friends dead from heart attacks, both fit and well and in fact one was working as a bodyguard. 3 female friends all had huge heart palpitations requiring 2 of them to go to the hospital, the other one is still having work done. Their hearts would go from an average resting rate in the 70's to 150 + in secs. Another female friend had her eyes swell shut, again only days after having the injection. A 33 yr old friend now has bells palsy. Another, his right arm will not work properly. A friends son who plays football for an under 23 team, watched his mate collapse whilst playing and is now not allowed to play due to heart inflammation.
My own Father, 2 days after getting his "booster" collapsed for 5hrs stating his legs just stopped working! He then had a rash down his entire right hand side of his body, and his lips swelled up.
So when I weigh up what's going on, it's obvious to me that yes some sort of influenza went round (which you would expect seasonally) but the injections are doing real, very bad harm.
I can only conclude this is being done on purpose, the purpose must be to harm or kill people. The push for children to be injected when even most of their own data shows their is less risk of harm to children and more likely to be struck by lightening than die or be seriously ill from whatever this is, is more indication that the whole thing is for very nefarious reasons imo.
I've just watched a New Zealand Dr, who is well regarded talk through a lot of this from the start, well worth the watch especially for those who now maybe questioning the official narrative after their own 2 year experience. Here's the link..
Sorry yes you are correct, I heard that the other day. Once children start being injected the liability protection isn't just against the child but also against adults. So if your children or family adults get injured, unlucky!
Thank you for that, sorry for your losses - I've had some pretty bad issues in my circle as well, 100% limited to the vaccine. 2 bad cases of "COVID" but it turns out 1 may have been a bacterial lung infection and the other a bad case of pneumonia.
Watching video soon.
Thanks. I fear it will only become worse, if indications are anything to go by. Already fully vaxx'd friends are astonished at testing positive for CV. Although can we really rely on the tests?
I think whatever you want to call it, there is a new and different virus with unique ability to cause a cytokine storm difficult to control once it starts. I think the novel characteristics of this virus were manufactured intentionally, i.e., that the virus is a bioweapon. I think this primarily because they lied to us about it being from a bat in a Chinese "wet market."
Yeah, perhaps, the issue from my POV is that if this is the case... why the hell can't we see it? Isolate it? Verify that it's different?
I've studied the flu virus imagery under electron microscopes - it's unique.
SARS / SARS CoV 2 / Bronchitis (SARS) are all identical.
With all of the false positive testing, the disappearance of the flu, the questionable origins of COV19, the similarity to other illnesses... and medical malpractice which is/was rampant through the entire 1st year. It would not be hard for me to believe that COVID 19 was a mildly mutated version of SARS, if not SARS itself.
I just want proof that it's something new and unique. Outside of anecdotes and conflicting origin stories.
It might be more profitable to stop trying to compare a virus to chemical elements, which can be isolated, or to microorganisms, which carry on respiration and reproduce reliably. Think of them more like self-assembling legos with only a few types, (Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen) which don't always find the same fit. To reproduce they have to have some way of hooking into living cells.
Here are a few images purporting to be covid. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/novel-coronavirus-sarscov2-images
General structure. https://www.academia.edu/66697355/Role_of_Structural_and_Non_Structural_Proteins_and_Therapeutic_Targets_of_SARS_CoV_2_for_COVID_19
Effort on determining structure. In the middle they admit it will be a brute force slog, amino acid by amino acid. https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/infectious-disease/know-novel-coronaviruss-29-proteins/98/web/2020/04
Here's an article about the difficulty of pinning down the virus and using xrays which have distinctive features for diagnosis. This is not a definitive test but better than "like a bad flu." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7187882/
Here is NIH on tests for diagnosis. There are a lot besides the PCR test we know, but we don't really know how good the others are just from this. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/overview/sars-cov-2-testing/
Many things on detecting variants, e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33626040/
I think we may be more aligned in our thinking than not.
I think any cytokine storm is being produced by the very thing people are and were injected with, as was predicted and warned about months ago!
As for the initial story about it coming from animals at the wet market in Wuhan, it's pretty much without doubt proven after testing thousands of animals there that it didn't.
What's more is that the unique "furin - cleavage" site used by the S1 spike protein to bind with the ACE2 receptor cell just isn't seen anywhere in nature, and strongly points to it being man made after splicing different viruses together.
Agree. This did not come from some bat in Wuhan and I think it was intentionally created and released.