While we're soon to hear a bunch of bull crap about the Jan 6th 'Insurrection'...🥱😴 I decided to create a meme that factually describes who actually was involved with the failed attempt of an Insurrection. Pretty much sums up to...The government needs to tried a lot better with their blatant FFs.

they wouldnt involve AOC she is way too retarded
But she was nearly raped and killed. If she'd been somewhere other than where she was, and the protesters were violent psychopaths, and they gave any crap about her, she might have been raped and killed that day.
she likely has rape fantasies which is why she even mentioned this. trying to hide her inner desires.
Sure they would involve a retard in a retarded hoax. Mr.Ed said the "nsurrectionists" stole all of her size 13 shoes. What would the FBI , their infomants and lefty journos want with her clodstompers? Oh, right, they are perverts, but it didn't happen anyway.
No, she told the world she was afraid she was going to be raped, and this set off firestorms. Now she is saying R's are against her because she won't "date" them. This woman is a sex-obsessed narcissist.
Nice one!
Love it. Might want to have insert of pawn store with 5+ black men jumping through broken glass door and shooting a black retired Police Officer.
Yes the pawn store is on equal footing as the Capitol. Actually a bit higher...truth in advertising.
The only thing is that it would not be representative because local law enforcement at the pawn store was instructed not to interfere and were thus not eligible for a Medal of Honor from the treasonous president budun as the black Police Officers received for shooting an unarmed female veteran.
NCSWIC. NCSWIC NCSWIC NCSWIC NCSWIC 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
Ha ha how drunk and dopey Traitor Nanzi looks
That is one dumb-looking old broad
She's been demon possessed for half a century or more.
Mike Pence was in the middle of this circle jerk. He let us down.
Wait but i know people who went from my town and they sure as sh*t were not antifa… good trump voting patriots
Sure, there was Trump supporters there. They went to protest the corrupt and fraudulent election.....not overthrow the government like the government/media/Dems/RINOs were trying to say. Thus their claim for the 'Insurrection'.
The ones acting violent, I'm quite sure, were not Trump supporters, but rather antifa and undercover feds.
It was a Peaceful Patriot Protest AGAINST the terrorists overthrowing the govt.
This script-flipping shit is so comically lame. Next they'll be claiming patriots are the ones chopping off their kids' peckers and turning them into drag queens
Some patriots got swept up but they weren't the organizers.
There were plenty of them, protesting peacefully. If you watch the video by Juan O Savin "The Calling", he has nice footages there.
You can cuss on here fam. That's not what this meme is trying to convey.
Didn’t Jussie smollet report that he was attacked by guys in Maga Hats. I also saw a photo of Hillary in a prison guard hat with a mustache with the caption about Maxwell’s guard change. Anyone can put on a hat and blend in with the Patriots that you know. I suspect the Patriots you know didn’t commit violence or destruction of property like the feds and their agent provocateurs
Add that faggot ray epps.
Don't forget Christopher Wray
Hang them ALL....😁
You need to stick a run over corpse under the tire of the truck and put Ashlee Babbitt's face on it.