My uncle, a patriot and vet has just found out he’s had undiagnosed cancer for a while and not much time is left. He’s willing to try extreme measures.
Thank you for your time and hope to god I get some good suggestions.
My uncle, a patriot and vet has just found out he’s had undiagnosed cancer for a while and not much time is left. He’s willing to try extreme measures.
Thank you for your time and hope to god I get some good suggestions.
Bookmarking this. Just finished 6 months of chemo and my doc is wanting to so some more. I'm tired and completely over it.
May God be with you Fren.
If cancer didn't kill you, chemo will sure as hell try. I know a man who is a Guinness athletic world record holder who beat leukemia. I'm not sure what he used, but he said that essentially cancer hates oxygen, and what he used oxygenated his blood and starved the cancer. The last time I asked him what it was, he couldn't remember (d'oh!). I'd think that he would be the world's spokesman to speak out for that therapy, but he's already had to go into a bit of hiding for harassment issues. My guess is that it could have been chlorine dioxide, which Jordan Sather recommends.
This. Joe Tippens' story lays it all out.
Yes, try this.
My Mom also had pancreatic cancer and we got here to try it.
She had never smoked pot before so the dosage necessary was a lot for her. She never took the full dose needed, but what she took got her 2+ more months.
Eventually she stopped taking it because she wanted to go out and do things before she passed and pot will make people want to sleep.
Sativa will give her the benefits and keep her up. Figure out what the different terpes do.
The right to try was passed by TRUMP
Trump also said the cures for cancer will be released...
Maybe anons are releasing the info through non stop research and dedication to TRUTH... Iknow 1000% If i were in his shoes I would take ALL Fenben and Ivermectin I could get my hands on... What is left to lose?
#1: Quit consuming alcohol. Just quit. Now. If no quit, then will die.
Moving along…
“Sulforaphane has been reported to inhibit pancreatic tumor initiating cells and breast cancer stem cells.”
Buy (Thorne makes the highest quality supps with high concentrations for medicinal use; not cheap but it’s the best):
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas that can lead to local and systemic complications. Repeated attacks of AP can lead to chronic pancreatitis, which markedly increases the probability of developing pancreatic cancer. Although many researchers have attempted to identify the pathogenesis involved in the initiation and aggravation of AP, the disease is still not fully understood, and effective treatment is limited to supportive therapy.
We aim to summarize available literature focused on phytochemicals (berberine, chlorogenic acid, curcumin, emblica officinalis, ellagic acid, cinnamtannin B-1, resveratrol, piperine and lycopene) and discuss their effectiveness and therapeutic value for improving AP.
This study is based on pertinent papers that were retrieved by a selective search using relevant keywords in PubMed and ScienceDirect databases.
Many phytochemicals hold potential in improving AP symptoms and may be a valuable and effective addition to standard treatment of AP. It has already been proven that the crucial factor for reducing the severity of AP is stimulation of apoptosis along with/or inhibition of necrosis. Supple- mentation of phytochemicals, which target the balance between apoptosis and necrosis can be recom- mended in ongoing clinical studies.
berberine (5 and 10 mg/kg) decreased the serum levels of amylase and lipase through the activation of the JNK pathway
Chlorogenic acid
chlorogenic acid decreased the histological severity of pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury; it also decreased the levels of pancreatic enzyme activity and reduced the serum and pancreatic levels of MIF
curcumin decreased amylase serum level as well as cytokines (IL-10 and TNF-a) along with reduction and down-regulation of TLR4 and NF-kB expression
amla decreased serum levels of lipase, amylase and IL-10
Ellagic acid
ellagic acid reduced inflammatory and oxidative stress in pancreatitis and caused improvements in the fatal damage
resveratrol reduced histological damage as well as hyperamylasemia and hyperlipidemia; it also decreased serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1b and increased anti- inflammatory cytokine IL-10
resveratrol attenuated changes of both histopathologic and biochemical markers induced by severe AP
piperine reduced the production of TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 as well as cell death, amylase and lipase activity, and cytokine production in isolated cerulein-treated pancreatic acinar cells along with inhibition of MAPKs
lycopene protected the pancreatic tissues from oxidative damage through the inhibition of neutrophil infiltration and lipid peroxidation”
Check for these and other supps. Try the search field or browse the menu. Basically you want to control/support: inflammation, liver detox, stage 4 REM sleep (quit stimulants including caffeine and nicotine and cannabis and take a melatonin supplement before bed about 5mg), stress, direct sunlight exposure/vitamin d3, estrogen dominance/hormone balance, strength and interval training. It’s extremely important to properly fast for at least 24-48 hours each week (zero food/calories and only water and maybe salt, preferably potassium chloride). This induces autophagy which is critical for beating/preventing cancer.
Read all of these:
If you come across an article or a study that’s paywalled, copy the doi link and paste it here:
May God speed you and your loved ones, fren.
Ivermectin kills cancer I am hearing? Worth a shot.
The protocols mentioned here are good, but if he is really serious then cut out all sugar. Why do you think high fructose corn syrup is added to everything we eat?
Slowly killing all of us.
Pretty sure Joel Tippens took 383mg ‘active’ Fenbendazole every other day. The box ‘Panacur C’ will say how many active mg are in each 1.0g packet. John Hopkins University did a lot of studies decades ago with Fenbendazole and I saw one of them stating that in humans studies’ 2500mg/day for prolonged periods had ZERO negative side effects (so they were doing the tests on humans too).
Fenbendazole is an ANTHELMINTIC compound. Ivermectin is also classified as an ANTHELMINTIC. Recent studies have come out showing Ivermectin was a promising drug to cure ovarian cancer.
Bottom line, if I were you or your loved one, I would alternate Fenbendazole and Ivermectin every other day. There is also a lot of research and anecdotal evidence that increasing the pH of your blood/body is a great thing to do as well. Cancer, apparently much like fungi prefer acidic environments for growth. I think some of the ways to do this are strange, like apple cider vinegar which is acidic but may actually help increase the blood alkalinity/pH. Not my specific area of expertise but these are the first 3 things I would do before even considering Chemo/radiation routes. God bless and good luck - keep us posted.
For the record, I currently take hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin monthly alternating the product every 2 weeks. This is for viral prophylaxis and also because the media and govt tell me I shouldn’t. I take Fenbendazole every summer (2 years now) For 5 straight days as my parasitic cleanse. No side effects no problems.
“Because the govt tells me I shouldn’t” hahahaha me too friend. Me too
panacur C is $7.50 a box while Fenbendazole is $59.99 for 90 capsules of 222mg please explain the difference if any .
these prices are from amazon
Buy the 90 capsules for sure!!!
The Panacur has (4) packets inside that are 1.0g but only 222 mg active Fenbendazole or the equivalent of 1 of your pills.
To equal the same amount of active Fenbendazole you would have to buy 90/4*$7.50= $168.75 worth of Panacur C at $7.50/box
Buy the 90 222mg capsules for sure much cheaper
my orders in , thanx fren
Where do you get hydro and fenben?
Hydro comes from Mexico OTC my friends bring back each time they go to their farm near Cancun. 20 packs of 200mg tablets.
The Fenbendazole I get at Tractor Supply I use the Panacur C brand which I think is Merck.
Also been stockpiling the 500 and 50ml bottles of 1% oral/injectible Ivermax (Aspen Pharma) whenever I can find them. Just came down with a chest/sinus cold yesterday. 1 dose 2.5 ml drank with a little juice in the middle of the night last night and it’s gone today...! Ivermectin is the
Shit thanks fren!!
Also look into MAF (Macrophage activation factor). I have seen alternate medical folks talk about it, and how it can help get rid of cancer. It was a real cure that was suppressed by the Cabal. Not sure at what stage its effective, but please check it out.
Very apt!
I always wondered what options there were in forcing the macrophages to kill the cancer cells after the cancer had grown and released its deterrent to keep them at bay. this makes absolute sense to me as this was a way I thought you could cure cancer and it seemed so simple but no modern methods I saw even came close. Just the same old “pump them full of chemo and radiation and gather the families monthly checks for the next 50 years”
Yeah, if you have good concentration of MAF in your body, Cancer will not be able to develop, apparently. However I am not clear on whether it would be effective once the tumor has metastasised. Clearly we need more scientists researching on this not ending up dead.
Its a shame. I wanted to be an oncologist growing up and changed my mind when I saw how horrible the medical system was for cancer patients. My mom died in her sleep of a stroke during her last round of chemo while in recovery from Ovarian cancer that ravaged her body. She died about two years ago. Once I learned of ivermectin, fenbendazole, and all of the other things that can treat/cure cancers I was floored and felt like it was too little too late. I can prevent it in myself and my family to prevent anymore needless death from chemo in my family.
This just shows your integrity, fren. I know lot of people who go into the medical field and close their eyes and ears to everything disturbing they come across.
Now I understand why they had shows like Greys Anatomy, which essentially dehumanised medical profession. It was predictive programming.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. The monsters who have been systematically killing us for profits will pay, if not in this life in the left. My mom was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer and underwent surgery and chemo just before Covid. She got pressured into taking the 2 jabs and I constantly worry about her. Luckily both my parents have decided not to take any more jabs.
I have heard doctors talk about sudden surge in cancer. This again links cancer with immune system, something we have never heard much in main stream at all.
I sincerely hope cancer cures are something we are shown after this.
Look into hydrogen peroxide therapy
Ivermectin and fendbendazole. Joe Tippens took panacur c which is for dogs, but same shit. Can find his protocol online. Ivermectin recently shown to stop cancer growth.
Ivermectin in vitro only from what I gather
I’m praying for your uncle, and you. Much love to you both
Check out clif high on YouTube. You’ll have to scroll back pre covid. I’m no expert and sympathetic to your situation. I started watching his woo series and wanted to see what he was like before. I only listened to the cancer content passively. Anyway, claims he cured himself. And walks people through his research.
At a point he left and went to bitchute. He’s reminiscent on many of his post YT cancer videos but I don’t remember which one’s. And honestly, I don’t remember where the really good cancer content was (YT or bitchute).
He also referenced aleksandr solzhenitsyn book cancer ward…. same author as the gulag archipelago. Basically, cancer unknown to siberian natives due to chaga mushrooms.
Clif has wide ranging content. Good luck.
Im just drinking about a tablespoon every day
Ozone therapy. High dose vit. C. Juice fasting.
Take in conjunction with a few rounds of IV Vitamin C
Because the cures and effective treatments have been hidden, not even doctors know what the dosages etc. should be. There simply is no data. However, look at what Roger Stone's wife took. He publicized the names, not the dosage information. You may be able to contact him, but for legal reasons I doubt he will give anything like exact dosages.
Not sure what u mean by "undiagnosed".
The dose is 222 mg / day
My aunt was diagnosed nov 1st and passed away New Year’s Day. This was 10 years ago and it breaks my heart this drug wasn’t relevant then. She would have tried anything. I’m sure we all have these stories by now. It’s heartbreaking:(