All of us. Me, my wife, and my kids...
The kids and I have no symptoms, although they started the week with some congestion and body aches. I have had no symptoms to speak of. My wife is miserable with severe flu-like symptoms; headaches, body aches, congestion, fatigue, vomiting.
Knowing all of that, the only one of all of us that got the jab is my wife. Pretty interesting, I think. She told me that it would have been worse if she didn't get the jab. I responded that it would have been way worse if I did get it. She told me that made no sense, and I said it made as much sense as what she said. She wasn't amused.
Coincidentally, my shipment of Ivermectin got here yesterday and my wife and I both started taking it... Not because I kept telling her about IVM, but one of her girlfriends who happens to be a nurse (and is red-pilled) told her to take it. So hoping that she starts feeling better after a couple of doses of that.
Sorry you're all sick.
But... one thing... as long as people keep calling the flu "the rona" or "covid", the scamdemic will be perpetuated. Sure, there may be a lab-create virus going around, but testing for it has been inaccurate. By testing, the people give power to the authority because of "case numbers". So, we need to stop testing, stop calling it something special, and just get well with rest and good health, including supplements and Ivermectin.
My opinion, anyway.
AGREE 100%
These are the ice bucket challenge morons who are compelled to follow group think.
'I got the Rona!!! I belong! Have sympathy for me!! LOOK AT ME!!!'
Hit the nail on the head, bud.
I wouldn't say we're all "sick." We all have positive tests, but only my wife is sick. The rest of us are fine.
There are some really great articles from credible sources explaining that those who are vaccinated are the ones getting sick and perpetuating the pandemic. Maybe you could share them with the nurse friend who will, in turn, share the with your wife ; )
I'm aware of them. I've read a lot on the topic... It's not worth talking about it to my wife. It's not that she's rigidly political, she just doesn't have the patience to hear me out (though it is partly her politics). It's pretty annoying, but I've resorted to being stubbornly defiant whenever she talks about the coof by refusing to do what she asks then telling her "I'm not allowed to talk about why." It really pisses her off (and I get a kick out of it), but she made that bed.
Look. I know a lot of people here love talking all tough about how rigidly principled they are about this stuff... But we all have to manage our relationships and our lives the way we think is best.
No judgment from me. I was just suggesting a way to sneak the info to her via her nurse friend. Hang in there. I know it's tough to navigate this polarizing issue.
The tests don't work.
I wish you guys a speedy recovery
this please
lol no symptoms?
what you have is a bullshit narrative, guy.
Your wife has the Flu
Stop running around like an idiot and take back reality
We all have positive tests, guy.
who made the tests, guy?
and why are you retards taking tests when you're not sick?
The MAN!
Second sentence in my post re my kids: ".. although they started the week with some congestion and body aches."
Have to send my kids to school so my wife tested them before sending them to school sick. It's a headache if it ends up spreading through their classes for ALL of us parents.
Well, you're a fag, but you don't see me getting all pissy about it.
Dude, calm down. If he wants to get tested it's his choice. Why are you so pissy about it?
My question for your wife, and any who make this claim, is how does she know that she would have been worse without the jab? Covid affects everyone differently. So stating that it would have been worse, is absolutely impossible to prove. EDIT: And my apologies, I do hope you all recover quickly.
Congratulations on natural immunity.
Hope you all get better! Ya doesn't it suck when your wife doesn't believe you but as soon as one of her girlfreinds says something it is all OK!
My husband and I plus our children and daughter-in-law all had it last August.
Ivermectin, Vits C and D plus hydration packets and rest = we were all fine in 4-5 days. Our daughter is the only one with lasting effects - still doesn't have full senses of smell and taste.
Your wife is then producing the S1 spike protein as her immune system got told to do, it's no wonder she is having a rough time. Try adding zinc as well. I hope you all get better soon.
Yup. We were already doing the vitamin C and zinc before the IVM got here. Then we rolled that into the daily supplements.
Tell them all to keep eating and drinking, even if you have to force yourself to.
The medicine doesn't work if you start to starve due to lack of appetite.
I had all it all, zinc, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, z-packs...
None of them made a difference when everyone stopped eating and sleeping for 36 hours straight.
Don't make the same mistakes I did.
Force feed them if you have to.
Also do the Diphenhydramine (available in some Benadryl brands) and lactoferrin.
My daughter got Covid (tested positive FWIW) on the same day my IVM showed up. She was over it in 2 days. Then my SIL got it, 2 days on IVM and he was feeling pretty well, with a slight headache. I was sick with similar symptoms beginning of Dec, and it lasted over a week (no IVM). Unfortunately I used up my order of IVM - parents were sick and I gave them some. They started getting better right away.
And you just had to get tested hummmmm??? People - STOP GETTING TESTED!!!!!!!!! Let's go back to 2 years ago - before this covid crap started - if you felt sick, you just took care of yourself - you didn't run out to get tested for something!!!! So, stop doing it now! is it like a badge of frigging honor or something?? Personally, I could give a rat's ass that you have the "rona - it's just a cold anyway. Just take your vitamins - drink lots of water - and take it easy.
Oh fuck off.
Wow! God bless you too!
*The Flu. Fixed it for ya.
"All of us. Me, my wife, and my kids..."
"The kids and I have no symptoms"
Contradict much?
Somethings fucky...
We all have positive tests. My kids and I have no symptoms... Who has it? Me, my wife, and my kids...
What's the problem?
Oh, so now you appeal to the fraudulent tests?
An employee of mine went and got tested 2 days ago. Positive. Then he got tested again yesterday. Negative. He still fell sick as a dog. Now what?
Why in the world would you even get tested by a fraudulent test when you have no symptoms!?
Still makes no sense.
Because we don't live in an ideal world. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.
A battle I didn't want to have was with my wife about testing even though I said that I wouldn't test unless I had symptoms. After my kids tested positive, then her, I just didn't want to have that argument with her; it's just not worth it. So I told her I would do a rapid test and nothing more... Argument averted.
Whether it's fraudulent or not, doesn't matter. It's the information I have to go off of. I'm not going to, on principle, deny that the test was positive just so I can say f*ck the system.
So your wife runs the roost.
Got it.
My wife knows better than to try and parrot the popular narrative in our house.
And you miss the point. You used a fraudulent test to further the narrative. That's exactly the problem. The lie keeps getting perpetuated every time we do the things [they] tell us to do.
It's more of a team thing.
Sure, man. That happens. And I bet your wife thanks you for it, too.
Yeah, well. It is what it is. You'll just have to deal.
Make sure you take some zinc with that. Ionic zinc can also be found at your pharmacy in the form of zicam or cold-eze.
Sounds awful. God bless your whole family, including your dippy wife.
Heaven forbid she trust her husband ugh sorry mate
Sounds like the flu...not covid. I doubt ivermectin will help with that.
IVM will help that
We all have positive tests.
The tests mean nothing. They can't differentiate. If you have the flu, it will be positive. Coronavirus is, by definition, 90% respiratory. What you described above is flu.
Right. The virus doesn't even exist... Got it.
I didn't say that. Only that the test can't differentiate between coronavirus and flu. Comprehension problem?
Just an incident, not a problem.
People now-a-days need a test to tell them if they’re sick or not.