National Guard necessary to protect against civil unrest once the truth starts to be revealed publicly. They will also oversee distribution of emergency supplies and services, as we will likely be asked to stay in our homes for several days. During those days, information will be declassified and actively disclosed publicly. While everyone is on lockdown, any outstanding arrests will be made to make sure ALL the corrupt players are removed from play. Some of the first dominos to fall in this whole process are expected to be SCOTUS overturning mandate and California decertifying their election.
By collecting and piecing together information from Q drops and other intel dropped across multiple platforms, and using logic and discernment to distill my own truth. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I invite you to do your own research. I just want to reassure people who may be in fear right now.
Right? You can tell it's Sunday. I believe we are nearing the end of our long wait. I believe it will be beautiful and there may be some weirdos that need Guarding by the NG. Just my thoughts. NCSWIC!!!!
I'm with you on this one. I have heard several people predicting this. Supposedly they have cut a deal with Pelosi and part of that requires her to release evidence to demonstrate the fraud in CA. I personally don't believe it, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if this is the one rumor that turns out to be true.
Thanks for the response. Part of my research and discernment is asking questions of those who provide information without sauce. And while I like your opinions, they are really just that. Not trying to pick a fight just saying that your post may sit better if prefaced with "In my opinion..."
It amazes me how obtuse some users on this board are.
You know what? I don't think it's unreasonable to question anyone's motives, intentions, or knowledge when it comes to an anonymous platform where anyone can literally post anything as fact without backing it up. This platform prides itself (or used to) on being factual in nature and those who are serious posters almost always back up their statements with sauce or at the very least they indicate their opinions based on the research they have done. Call me obtuse because I didn't glean from a handshake account the research and/or analysis he/she had done relevant to Q drops and NG deployment....ok, then I guess I'm obtuse.
Like I told the handshake, I'm not trying to pick a fight...Q has said on at least 2 occasions "QUESTION EVERYTHING".
National Guard necessary to protect against civil unrest once the truth starts to be revealed publicly. They will also oversee distribution of emergency supplies and services, as we will likely be asked to stay in our homes for several days. During those days, information will be declassified and actively disclosed publicly. While everyone is on lockdown, any outstanding arrests will be made to make sure ALL the corrupt players are removed from play. Some of the first dominos to fall in this whole process are expected to be SCOTUS overturning mandate and California decertifying their election.
And you know this how?
By collecting and piecing together information from Q drops and other intel dropped across multiple platforms, and using logic and discernment to distill my own truth. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I invite you to do your own research. I just want to reassure people who may be in fear right now.
They got you too. Canceled it.
Right? You can tell it's Sunday. I believe we are nearing the end of our long wait. I believe it will be beautiful and there may be some weirdos that need Guarding by the NG. Just my thoughts. NCSWIC!!!!
I think this is spot on. I’ve heard this same hypothesis from a couple of ‘insiders’.
There aren't any insiders.
What news from California that makes decertification there plausible? Ive havent heard or read anything that leads to California decertifying.
I'm with you on this one. I have heard several people predicting this. Supposedly they have cut a deal with Pelosi and part of that requires her to release evidence to demonstrate the fraud in CA. I personally don't believe it, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if this is the one rumor that turns out to be true.
I always figured that would be how they did things too, just from reading the drops.
When do you expect this to finally go down? We’ve been waiting for too long!
How many times do you have to be lied to until you realize you’ve been punked
Thanks for the response. Part of my research and discernment is asking questions of those who provide information without sauce. And while I like your opinions, they are really just that. Not trying to pick a fight just saying that your post may sit better if prefaced with "In my opinion..."
You know what? I don't think it's unreasonable to question anyone's motives, intentions, or knowledge when it comes to an anonymous platform where anyone can literally post anything as fact without backing it up. This platform prides itself (or used to) on being factual in nature and those who are serious posters almost always back up their statements with sauce or at the very least they indicate their opinions based on the research they have done. Call me obtuse because I didn't glean from a handshake account the research and/or analysis he/she had done relevant to Q drops and NG deployment....ok, then I guess I'm obtuse.
Like I told the handshake, I'm not trying to pick a fight...Q has said on at least 2 occasions "QUESTION EVERYTHING".
Or what’s been being talked about for well over a year now?
“Hits search function”
How long you been here? Search function is a great place to start learning, instead of trolling…
Irrelevant to this thread. The search function has nothing regarding his opinion on NG deployment.
Handshake? Yes Solid Q based information? Yes
Get this man a coat and welcome!
I bet the coming Fauci reveal by O'Keefe plays a role as well.