I've used it and it is not BS. Using it for how you describe is one of its indicated uses. There is actually a lot of good science on it. The MSM lies about this like they did about COVID and the job - total disinfo psyop campaign. They should be charged with crimes for their fraudulent protection of big pharma.
It works. Also known as Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). And NO it is not what the lying fake news says it is; that is -- "bleach". Its molecular structure is more different than water (H2O) is to that of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). It is used in several municipal water treatment and is very safe to use.
Sodium chlorite reacts with mild acid (such as 4% hydrochloric--the same acid in your stomach, or phosphoric acid or citric acid or vinegar or lemon juice, doesn't really matter that much) to release chlorine dioxide, which is an oxidizer similar to hydrogen peroxide but is not toxic to healthy tissue in the mild concentrations given in the directions on the Jim Humble website. It is, however, very effective against various pathogens including viruses, anaerobic bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites, etc.
I tried mms about a decade ago with stomach upset. This year I saw that there was new protocols for rather than activating it and drinking it instead yiu activate it and leave in a sealed jar of water (separate from the drops) and it will infuse the gas into the water. This new version is called chlorine dioxide solution or CDS. I tried it and it wasn't near as bad.
It works, was just thinking about mixing up some up today. Clears nostrils and sinus' out and helps me kill colds if I lightly sniff the yellow gas.
Drinking it continually throughout the day as per the protocols can be a chore, but it does help me fight off illness. It should work well for Candida.
NPC should learn that Bleach is Sodium chloride, MMS is Chlorine dioxide, two completely different things. Nobody is injecting bleach, leftys! ;)
Cannabis oil (RSO) is great for getting rid of Candida, as is getting plenty of Magnesium chloride daily. Inhaling H2O2 also had me coughing up Candida, may look into that as well. Good luck!
A kid told me about that in middle school. He had the whitest teeth I've ever seen that weren't on television lol. I didn't trust the little troll tho.
I really got into the research months ago and bought some online. Been using it sparingly. If you watch any videos on Jim Humble, the inventor, you can tell it’s legit.
It’s stated by a lot of voices speaking out that it’s a way of cleansing the spike and possibly even the graphene out.
Everyone uses the chlorite + activating solution but some just put a drop in a glass of water a couple times a day. Your stomach acid activates it and releases the chlorine dioxide.
My guess is that it works based on the media referring to it as bleach for the past few years.
I know it sounds nuts and I personally can not vouch for it but a lot of the online communities talking about candida and parasites swear Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine wipes that stuff out fast. I've thought about trying it but haven't yet because it seems crazy.
I've used it and it is not BS. Using it for how you describe is one of its indicated uses. There is actually a lot of good science on it. The MSM lies about this like they did about COVID and the job - total disinfo psyop campaign. They should be charged with crimes for their fraudulent protection of big pharma.
It works. Also known as Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). And NO it is not what the lying fake news says it is; that is -- "bleach". Its molecular structure is more different than water (H2O) is to that of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). It is used in several municipal water treatment and is very safe to use.
Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is toxic.
Sodium chlorite reacts with mild acid (such as 4% hydrochloric--the same acid in your stomach, or phosphoric acid or citric acid or vinegar or lemon juice, doesn't really matter that much) to release chlorine dioxide, which is an oxidizer similar to hydrogen peroxide but is not toxic to healthy tissue in the mild concentrations given in the directions on the Jim Humble website. It is, however, very effective against various pathogens including viruses, anaerobic bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites, etc.
I tried mms about a decade ago with stomach upset. This year I saw that there was new protocols for rather than activating it and drinking it instead yiu activate it and leave in a sealed jar of water (separate from the drops) and it will infuse the gas into the water. This new version is called chlorine dioxide solution or CDS. I tried it and it wasn't near as bad.
Been using it for a mouth rinse.
But did it help? And, were your teeth whitened in the process?
Asking for a friend.
Weren't whitened but it did clear up gum inflammation
Huh. Thanks.
I was super scared to try it but have used it. It seems to get rid of head congestion and sinus infection type stuff for me.
It works, was just thinking about mixing up some up today. Clears nostrils and sinus' out and helps me kill colds if I lightly sniff the yellow gas.
Drinking it continually throughout the day as per the protocols can be a chore, but it does help me fight off illness. It should work well for Candida.
NPC should learn that Bleach is Sodium chloride, MMS is Chlorine dioxide, two completely different things. Nobody is injecting bleach, leftys! ;)
Cannabis oil (RSO) is great for getting rid of Candida, as is getting plenty of Magnesium chloride daily. Inhaling H2O2 also had me coughing up Candida, may look into that as well. Good luck!
Correction: bleach is sodium hypochlorite
I hate to be a stickler, but bleach is Sodium hypochlorite that's been diluted in water. Sodium chloride is table salt.
I thought the miracle solution was hydrogen peroxide
A kid told me about that in middle school. He had the whitest teeth I've ever seen that weren't on television lol. I didn't trust the little troll tho.
Some links:
The discoverer's website: https://jimhumble.co/
Lots of docs in pdf format: https://mmsinfo.org/
How to make purified chlorine dioxide dissolved in water (instead of drinking the sodium chlorite reactant itself): https://vimeo.com/655078933?embedded=true&owner=33993543
Where to buy the raw material: https://pforlife.com/sodium-chlorite-salt-based-chlorinated-chemical-powder-flakes.html
The inventor of the CDS (purified chlorine dioxide dissolved in water) protocol's website: https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/cds-protocols.html
I have seen it mentioned in other threads a time or two- I don’t know much about it, but am commenting to follow the thread bc I want to learn more
I really got into the research months ago and bought some online. Been using it sparingly. If you watch any videos on Jim Humble, the inventor, you can tell it’s legit.
It’s stated by a lot of voices speaking out that it’s a way of cleansing the spike and possibly even the graphene out.
Everyone uses the chlorite + activating solution but some just put a drop in a glass of water a couple times a day. Your stomach acid activates it and releases the chlorine dioxide.
Mmsforum.io is the best forum for this stuff.
Apparently it cures...everything.
Yes it works. You can even buy it in commercial mouthwash formulas - Closys and TheraBreath contain stabilized chlorine dioxide.
My guess is that it works based on the media referring to it as bleach for the past few years.
I know it sounds nuts and I personally can not vouch for it but a lot of the online communities talking about candida and parasites swear Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine wipes that stuff out fast. I've thought about trying it but haven't yet because it seems crazy.
Check out the reviews.. https://www.amazon.com/100-Pure-Gum-Spirits-Turpentine/dp/B00KE62DWS/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=WAY4AFVDH1YU&keywords=turpentine+pure+gum+spirits&qid=1642395433&sprefix=pure+gum+spir%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-6#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div
Dr. Jennifer Daniels talks about it a lot. https://www.bitchute.com/video/o7Ykamq6dSit/
I use it and swear by it.
Good stuff. No worries.
Bye Felicia
Your DS Bitching whine is in line to deport
You come all the way here and spout the same nonsense mainstream media does.