“Why didn't the reports that the PCR tests being faulty or unable to differentiate between influenza and "covid" cause the people to reject the entire pandemic narrative?”
I was expecting apology texts after that revelation, but… crickets
I suppose the MSM didn't repeat it and the NPCs got their firmware upgrade the next day from the TV.
Man It's hard enough for me to integrate all of the competing knowledge, an NPC definitely can't process facts which aren't currently addressed in the media.
Think about incentives and identity. If her identity is tied to the lifestyle and persona of someone who watches the BBC, that is going to be difficult to change. A major scandal could break that. If a scandal about the BBC being infested with pedophiles came out and gained momentum, then the incentives would totally change. There would suddenly be no reason for anyone to tie their identity to the BBC and people would immediately begin to rewrite their memories. “I never really listened to it that much. Just when I was driving in the car.” Or, “To be honest deep down I did always think it was pretentious.” “It was really just that one show I liked.”
I think the best strategy would be to try to turn her to someone still on the left like Jimmy Dore or Russell Brand so she is still able to maintain aspects of the BBC lifestyle that she is attached to while starting to frame BBC itself as establishment corporate power in bed with the corrupt financial structure of moneyed elites. Ask her why the BBC always pushes the war agenda whenever the government wants war, even if the people don’t.
People aren't making the connections they need to in order to realize that they were wrong. That requires analysis. People are too scared and confused, by design.
Look up the folks you expected to get apologies from and rub their faces in it; remind them with a big fat told-you-so. They'll be pissed-off, but at least they'll be forced to think.
“Why didn't the reports that the PCR tests being faulty or unable to differentiate between influenza and "covid" cause the people to reject the entire pandemic narrative?”
I was expecting apology texts after that revelation, but… crickets
I suppose the MSM didn't repeat it and the NPCs got their firmware upgrade the next day from the TV.
Man It's hard enough for me to integrate all of the competing knowledge, an NPC definitely can't process facts which aren't currently addressed in the media.
They are brainwashed.
Yup. It must be horrendous for you in the UK. Doing opposition research on bbc world news carries the risk of nausea.
Yes, it's horrendous, I really can't do it.
The BBC has control my of wife's mind and there's nothing I can do about it at the moment.
Think about incentives and identity. If her identity is tied to the lifestyle and persona of someone who watches the BBC, that is going to be difficult to change. A major scandal could break that. If a scandal about the BBC being infested with pedophiles came out and gained momentum, then the incentives would totally change. There would suddenly be no reason for anyone to tie their identity to the BBC and people would immediately begin to rewrite their memories. “I never really listened to it that much. Just when I was driving in the car.” Or, “To be honest deep down I did always think it was pretentious.” “It was really just that one show I liked.”
I think the best strategy would be to try to turn her to someone still on the left like Jimmy Dore or Russell Brand so she is still able to maintain aspects of the BBC lifestyle that she is attached to while starting to frame BBC itself as establishment corporate power in bed with the corrupt financial structure of moneyed elites. Ask her why the BBC always pushes the war agenda whenever the government wants war, even if the people don’t.
People aren't making the connections they need to in order to realize that they were wrong. That requires analysis. People are too scared and confused, by design.
Look up the folks you expected to get apologies from and rub their faces in it; remind them with a big fat told-you-so. They'll be pissed-off, but at least they'll be forced to think.