Wood is now allowed to represent Trumps former campaign advisor Carter Page in a state defamation case.
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DeSantis has done more than anyone in regards to everything we are dealing with. Wood is suspect and we need to be cautious. A grifter is going cater to the people he's grifting, he needs a base, and Wood seems to do exactly that.
Is he grifting or is this all political theater to throw off MSM? In his latest post he is accusing general Flynn, Flynn's brother and Sydney Powell as being grifters in their fund raising campaigns.
Wood also had Rittenhouse stay in jail far longer than he needed to after collecting far more than enough bail funds.
Wood was not Kyle's attorney and he wanted Kyle, if he was to remain in detention, to stay in juvie detention not the general. Wood also forked out a significant amount of his own cash to get Kyle's bail money up. Get your facts straight before you glibly criticize Wood.
Lol he raised more than what Bail was set to...and still recommended he stay in jail.
wood has provided all the receipts to support his side of the story. So I stand with Lin over young Kyle getting paraded and puppetted by DS greedy agents and lawyers.
You’re flat out wrong. Uniformed or shilling Woods is NOT a criminal defense lawyer and he was not representing Kyle. He only raised the bail then his foundation.
Facts are Facts
But, Wood was not his criminal attorney.
Not true at all.
I posted this phone interview along with the transcripts of the call (so you don't have to listen to the whole thing) here - https://greatawakening.win/p/140JAntkF6/-lin-wood-interview-by-daily-bea/c/
Here's Lin's explanation of what happened in his own words (responding to questions from a Daily Beast reporter about the Rittenhouse interview on Fake FOX News where claims were made Wood was taking advantage of him)-
Now post what Kyle Rittenhouse said about Lin Wood
I have to ask: what is a criminal lawyer? Maybe my English is off, or, just like toilet-paper becoming bathroom-tissue, I was not notified of a subtle change in culture.
Or, to paraphrase Axel Rose: What is civil about civil war.
Wood stated that he was supporting Kyle in his defamation cases not the criminal charges for which he was tried for.
Since you asked:
What is a Criminal Lawyer?
Criminal lawyers, also known as criminal defense lawyers and public defenders, work to defend individuals, organizations, and entities that have been charged with a crime. Criminal lawyers handle a diverse spectrum of criminal cases, ranging from domestic violence crimes, sex crimes, violent crimes and drug crimes to driving under the influence (DUI), theft, embezzlement, and fraud.
Exactly. He says a lot of what GAW wants to hear, but his actions should be speak louder than his words.
"You'll know them by their fruits", -- the Bible somewhere
Sounds just like x22 LOL