406 States that turned blue in 2020 (media.patriots.win) posted 3 years ago by YoFoo 3 years ago by YoFoo +406 / -0 35 comments download share 35 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"Illegally" changed laws.
That's a cute trick, isn't it?
To illegally change laws.
To change laws illegally.
To disobey the law to change the law.
Remind me again what the point of having laws are when the lawmakers break them?
In other words.
Banana Republic
Clown World
It's NOT a LAW, it it didn't follow the legal procedure.
No need to follow it.
Just Sayin!
I was gonna post that exactly.
It seems everyone has forgotten Nevada.
Hillary supposedly won NV in 2016, so it didn’t flip. But you’re right that BS occurred there, too
I cannot view content on patriots.win right now 😢 because my employer has blocked it. I guess they don't know about GAW yet.
Lol surprised they didn't ban the entire .win domain.
That's just sad.
Were the laws changed by the legislature or election policy/procedure by the secretaries of state?
States where prosecution should begin for participation. May they lead by example…….
East side of the valley has a lot of CA Dems that are ruining AZ.
My, that is a co-inkidink!
Oh no. If anyone moves to one of these great red states because it is better don't take your leftist ideals with you.
tons of us are questioning it.. no 'DS-controlled' media asset or politician is questioning it
But Cooovvviiiid! Are you trying to kill grandma?!!
Im shocked lol.
Same states that stopped counting votes so everyone could go home, shower, get 8 hours of sleep, breakfast buffet and be fresh for unloading boxes of freshly printed ballots.
Color me 😱
I actually know people who legitimately think Biden won! The Great Awakening is really helping me weed out the stupids in my life.
Bless their hearts.
Yep, mail-order pResident…. They only had to rig a few states
Blue side should say "States where illegal vote by mail and ballot harvesting was implemented weeks before the election"
wonder how many other "blue" states had laws change when they flipped --back in the day.
oh, the other ones just have ALOT of really old and dead people voting.
Also these are all swing states