Hey, Sternarian message is God sent. The people who are dying are dying in hospitals, and why wouldn't they when the government is paying hospital bounties for bodies. Stay home, get horse paste (Ivermectin) and ride out the storm.
I'm all for Howard going to the hospital in my place, so he can get Remdesivir and a ventilator. I'm not vaxxed, but I do have robust natural immunity. I'll be fine. I might die at home one day, but you'll die soon in a hospital.
Just wait, Mr. Stern until you realize the ones really getting sick are the vaccinated. It isn’t the unvaccinated spreading it to you, it is the vax itself causing your illness. When you all wake up and realize that, should we beg the hospitals to turn you away? Right now I would not set foot in a hospital because they are “The Killing Fields.” Most of the doctors don’t have the ball to stand up to the hospital administrators and say, “this is wrong.” To keep providing remdesevir and vents only to have the majority die should say something. Doctors who don’t question what is going on, who don’t provide early treatment are complicit.
He put himself in the oven with the rest of the morons who fell for this 'experiment.'
Also, ugly as hell...even after his plastic surgery.
He's really is a degenerate.
I don't take medical advice from a guy who makes a living telling dick jokes.
The best thing that ever happened to Howard Sterns first wife was the divorce.
Hey, Sternarian message is God sent. The people who are dying are dying in hospitals, and why wouldn't they when the government is paying hospital bounties for bodies. Stay home, get horse paste (Ivermectin) and ride out the storm.
Or do like I do and take the Frontline doctors vitamin regimen. I have a good immune system but I work with the public, a little help doesn't hurt
I'm all for Howard going to the hospital in my place, so he can get Remdesivir and a ventilator. I'm not vaxxed, but I do have robust natural immunity. I'll be fine. I might die at home one day, but you'll die soon in a hospital.
Roll over and die you POS Stern
Another POS that enjoys America's Freedoms and thinks others freedoms should be taken away
This guy's still relevant?
No. He is only a blip when he says stuff like this which is intended.
I'll post his clip making fun of Whoopi Goldberg dating Ted Danson
Full on black face and slave voice. That should be fun to put back out there
Howard Stern is an old Jew in a curly wig.
What can we expect from a creep.
That’s like asking to die suddenly next week
I'd rather go home and die than to take advice from this jackass.
That blue blooded joo needs to just take off his wig and call it quits
So that's how he got his show.... Satanic Cabal Member.
Fuck Howard Stern and fuck the horse he rode in on.
Why would anyone care what he says? Lets not give the foolish a spotlight.
Just wait, Mr. Stern until you realize the ones really getting sick are the vaccinated. It isn’t the unvaccinated spreading it to you, it is the vax itself causing your illness. When you all wake up and realize that, should we beg the hospitals to turn you away? Right now I would not set foot in a hospital because they are “The Killing Fields.” Most of the doctors don’t have the ball to stand up to the hospital administrators and say, “this is wrong.” To keep providing remdesevir and vents only to have the majority die should say something. Doctors who don’t question what is going on, who don’t provide early treatment are complicit.
He reminds me of Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons, except Bob had a few redeeming qualities.
He's not wrong. We HAVE been given plenty of opportunity.
"you're going to go home and be fine"
fixed it