We all knew it would happen; that it would have to be this way.
If the Cabal is on the run, and they are being hunted like wild dogs, then they can't charter private flights.
They can't hop on their yachts.
They would be easily rounded up.
They have to go by public transport.
Their only chance is to hide among the crowds. They have to lose their identity, and go for broke with alternate identification.
That's why the mask mandate for planes was upheld. So they can disguise themselves a bit better.
That story about illegal immigrants being able to use their warrants as ID?
You really think that is real? I know we are in clown world, but come on!
Nope, those are comms. To what end, I'm still trying to decipher.
But rest assured, the only reason they would lift travel restrictions and mandates so quickly would be in order to make a mad dash for the exit.
Think about it logically.
This is their only chance to do so. It's not like they are gonna be stupid enough to push another pandemic on us just to do this all again, just to have the same opening. I'm excessively doubtful that another pandemic will ever happen.
Color me optimistic, but...
The hunt is on, my dudes!
That's a great point. My pilot hubby said there's no way they didn't know before yesterday that the airplanes would be affected by 5G.
Facts and logical thinking ! 👍🇺🇸
A lost art.
Have you asked/did he explain why 5G is bad for airplanes?
Something to do with the computer recognizing where the ground actually is(altitude) when coming in for a landing is what I understand.some how it gives a false reading.
It's called the "Radar Altimeter" and unlike the altimeter that a pilot would use in the cruise, it reads the height of the ground as the flight is approaching landing. It's needed more when the weather is bad and they are carrying out ILS approaches in cloud. It's the only true way of knowing exactly how high off the ground you are as you approach.
when approaching your minimum landing height (missed approach point) where you need to visually see the runway, if not you go around again or divert. Even using full automated landing systems if the "Radar altimeter" is not accurate, you run the real risk of hitting the dirt before the runway. I've tried to explain this in laymans terms, and hope you get the idea. It's crucial it is operating properly in bad weather especially.
You did a good job of explaining 👍
Didn't we see that in Die Hard 2?
This. One of the frequencies used in 5G is the same or similar enough to that used by the altimeter whereby it cannot accurately measure altitude when landing.
Part of it was also how the antennas are pointed vertically and not offset at an angle from what I've read.
Also the US had its 5g cranked up multitudes higher than other 5g countries.
That was my thought as well.