Rep Ramthun just attempted to pass an Assembly resolution to recall WI’s presidential electors.
Not only is it illegal, it’s just plain unconstitutional.
As chair of the Rules Committee, there is ZERO chance I will advance this illegal resolution.
Jim Steineke
Why are you just copy pastaing your post onto every post about Wisconsin? You sound like you Don't want WI decertified which means your either a glowie or a RINO.
Where are you in Mich? Just left, but still care deeply about that beautiful, yet corrupt state.
So much lost opportunity because of the governing skills of dems. Every fricken place these idiots are elected, it goes to shit. People still don't get it.
So that Gateway Pundit article says this:
"The assembly voted on the resolution to have passage to the Rules Committee, to get an opinion if they can go forward. They could have tabled it. They didn’t even have to hear it. But because it was found privilege, they had no choice. And now the legislation moves to the Rules Committee."
Speaker Vos told reporters — “There are some who believe — there’s one who believes — that we somehow have the right (to withdraw electoral votes) even though every lawyer that we have worked with in Wisconsin says we cannot undo the 2020 elections, “ Vos said. “You know, Rep. Ramthun has that belief. That’s his right. But I think that what we’re focusing on is not the past. We are looking at the past to learn from it.”
Sadly, I think all of the rule committee persons are batting for the other team and will flush this.
So we need to do this tomorrow ...Call your legislator (608)266-9960 and (800)362-9472 8:15am-4:45pm ... and tell them to PUT THE RESOLUTION THROUGH!!!!!!
Speaker Robin Vos' number (608)266-9171.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to watch this. We’re years into this process, and as a group, still have no idea how our state legislatures work. Awake? Maybe. Informed? Not a chance.
All that hoopla over the Arizona audit and WIsconsin beats them to the punch.
It’ll be Wi, then Ga, and then Az. I think that, even though they watered down the findings, Az got the other states to take a deep look.
I just watched the video clip...
Wait - No. I watched the video and nowhere did this happen.
What am I missing?
Rep Ramthun just attempted to pass an Assembly resolution to recall WI’s presidential electors. Not only is it illegal, it’s just plain unconstitutional. As chair of the Rules Committee, there is ZERO chance I will advance this illegal resolution. Jim Steineke
It will now go to the Senate.
Why are you just copy pastaing your post onto every post about Wisconsin? You sound like you Don't want WI decertified which means your either a glowie or a RINO.
Because it’s literally a quote from the person who is going to kill this when it hits the Senate.
It’s DOA. GP is clickbait. Take your aggression elsewhere.
It likely won’t get past the Senate. In fact it’s very unlikely. I’ve heard the Wisconsin Senate is full of CUCKS
just like my GOp in Michigan. Im in a SE michigan county and we are running a MAGA slate to take out the RINOs. need a full party housecleaning!
Where are you in Mich? Just left, but still care deeply about that beautiful, yet corrupt state.
So much lost opportunity because of the governing skills of dems. Every fricken place these idiots are elected, it goes to shit. People still don't get it.
I will stand here fighting until my dying breath. I'm deadset on fixing my county GoP/ Running for School board.
Let the dominos fall!
Seems theres some confusion.. not to be a bucket of ice but we might need to squat hold
It now goes to the Senate.
alrighty then!! now we're talking
Good hopefully we will see some real action and soon!
I watched the video linked below and this did not happen in that video. Nowhere else is this being reported. Could this be a mistake/click bait?
Try this link then ...
So that Gateway Pundit article says this:
"The assembly voted on the resolution to have passage to the Rules Committee, to get an opinion if they can go forward. They could have tabled it. They didn’t even have to hear it. But because it was found privilege, they had no choice. And now the legislation moves to the Rules Committee."
And then, there's this article:
Speaker Vos told reporters — “There are some who believe — there’s one who believes — that we somehow have the right (to withdraw electoral votes) even though every lawyer that we have worked with in Wisconsin says we cannot undo the 2020 elections, “ Vos said. “You know, Rep. Ramthun has that belief. That’s his right. But I think that what we’re focusing on is not the past. We are looking at the past to learn from it.”
Sadly, I think all of the rule committee persons are batting for the other team and will flush this.
So we need to do this tomorrow ...Call your legislator (608)266-9960 and (800)362-9472 8:15am-4:45pm ... and tell them to PUT THE RESOLUTION THROUGH!!!!!! Speaker Robin Vos' number (608)266-9171.
for Naysayers always remember Politicians WANT reelected so they will react to the LOUDEST noise while pretending to have values..
Fake news
Its very real, happened at 4:30 this afternoon with the vote happening around 8pm.
It’s clickbait.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to watch this. We’re years into this process, and as a group, still have no idea how our state legislatures work. Awake? Maybe. Informed? Not a chance.
Try this then ...
It now goes to the Senate floor.
It just says exactly what happened. You put the extra context into it and call it fake. It says assembly