Basically Hedge Funds have been creating synthetic shares of companies and "Naked Shorting" (Borrowing more shares than exist and selling them on the market to lower the price so they can buy back at a lower price and keep the difference) stocks for decades.
This destroys companies as it manipulates the stock price downward and drives companies out of business. The HF's get rich of this while going LONG (Betting on upwards movement) on competitors that will take over that market share. Now this ONLY works IF they can drive a company out of business which they've been successful at doing so far.
It appears Amazon is the final boss of this fraud as the companies the HF's have been targeting were all Amazon competitors in areas they wanted to expand or eliminate competition at Amazons behest.
By retail investors getting behind GME while these HF's were naked shorting the stock they have not only stopped that from working but also SCREWED the HF's since they need to return every share they borrowed and sold and THERE AREN'T ENOUGH SHARES. The short interest is well over 200% of shares that exist that we can see on paper. If we estimate dark pools it's prob over 500%.
Basically they need to buy all the shares that exist at LEAST a couple of times over to close their positions because they couldn't bankrupt GameStop. They got greedy, they got caught. This will cause the price to TEMPORARALY go higher than any other stock we've ever seen when the short squeeze happens. To give an example VW has a short sneeze back in 2008 where it went from the edge of bankruptcy to the most valuable company in the world with a stock price of over $1000 a share.
Here's the kicker.... VW was only about 20% shorted. A FRACTION of GME.
This will be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world and BREAK the corrupt Wallstreet and banking systems. And it looks like the SEC knows it and has been putting in the framework for the last year to liquidate market makers via new laws, rules, and regulations that address a massive, unheard of black swan event.
Gamestop now has zero debt, record sales, a KILLER team, and are working on something HUGE in secret. How huge? People HIGH up in companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and more are leaving their jobs to work for GameStop. Ryan Cohen is a GOD among CEOSs that turned Chewy into a killer company. He could have gone ANYWHERE he wanted. He chose GameStop. Dude has a plan.
What's another way to say Q's phrase "GAME OVER"?...... Game Stop. I think this is part of the plan. A financial arm of attack to drain the resources of the central banks and financial establishments that have been stealing from taxpayers then getting bailed out by taxpayers for decades with no consequences. A rigged system that needs to be torn down and replaced.
I also think that GameStop is working with LoopRing to make a blockchain based stock market system that will cut out the middle men, make fees pennies, and eliminate almost all fraud like Naked Shorting, FTDs, and more. Returning Power to the People. GameStop's motto is "Power to the Players"
When? I'm hoping by the end of next month. (2/22/22 if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly) But it could be sooner or longer. Shorts MUST cover.
Thanks for coming to my TARD Talk.
You can learn alot more here
If you do decide to invest DO NOT USE ROBINHOOD or WeBull. They have already screwed investors once and sold shares without permission.
DRS is best (Direct Registration of Shares that puts the stocks in your name instead of with a broker) is where you want to go for that. Takes a bit longer to to it this way. You can also move shares from your existing broker to Computershare IF they allow it. Some are trying to stop you from doing this.
None are perfect but Fidelity has been about the best IMO if you don't have a broker and want to get started.
Disclaimer: Never invest more than you can lose and always do the opposite of what Jim Cramer says. Although I've made over $150,000 this year on stocks and crypto I'm still very much retarded and go to the hospital at least once a month for eating too many crayons or getting them stuck in various orifices. My brain is as smooth as cellophane and there's not a wrinkle in sight. Very little surface area. That being said I'm all in. All my portfolio is currently GME and my crypto is LRC. There's no bigger plays out there IMO. After the squeeze I'm gonna buy a crap-ton of DWAC but currently it's not in the same category even if it goes 10x in the next 6 months GME is still the better ROI.
My understanding of the GME situation is exponentially higher after reading this post.
If Vanguard/Blackrock lose everything because of, the chaos that is coming will be unlike anything earth has ever seen.
I've read very good DD that estimates a minimum of 800%.
Calculated several different ways.
Hedges are fukt.
BlackRock and vanguard are LONG on GME. They will probably not lose on that front.
My understanding is that they are also heavily vested in the players that stand to lose.
π π
Vanguard IRA here. How do I direst register with compushare? Exactly? 5th grade level. Please. Not familiar will trading etc. Will DR impede trading during mooning? TIA.
IRAs are a little more of an issue to direct register. Computershare does not have a GME IRA account set up so there are issues like custodial ownership and other shit.
Some have said fuck the early withdrawal fees and transferred it to a regular brokerage account then DRSβd. I would probably read up on the various subreddits to see what you are most comfortable with but as it stands now I donβt believe you can DRS vanguard IRAs.
Okay so you can either go to and set up an investor account and then call vanguard and tell them you want to directly register your shares with computer share. They should know the process.
Or you can just call vanguard and tell them you want to directly register your shares through computer share. They should be familiar with the process and they will send them over and it will automatically create an account for you using your name and social security number I believe then you can log in and finish setting up your account instead of password and everything.
If you go to that subreddit and search vanguard DRS you should be able to find detailed instructions for your specific broker
I'm on mobile right now but if you run into any trouble either DM me or leave another comment and get in front of my computer and send you the appropriate links and info
tendie time?
I hold GME and I'll be honest, up until reading your post, I had no idea I was doing it, other than purely for shits and giggles. Whoever, you are that is a great piece of writing to make something that is so murky/opaque so clear to me. Thank you. GAW is amazing.
Thank you for this writeup. I've been trying to understand what is going on with GME. The big thing I can't figure out is why this hasn't happened yet? Isn't there some cutoff date where the HFs are forced to cover their shorts? Are the brokerages letting them keep kicking the can down the road with the hope that Reddit will eventually lose interest?
You say, "Shorts MUST cover". My question is, WHY? What is the event that happens that forces them to cover? And why hasn't that happened yet?
I'll keep doing my research, but I'm hoping somebody can answer these questions. Thank you.
So for the last year the gov has putting in place new laws, rules and regulations to handle this AND deal with the collapse of market makers. Right now the HF's are using every dirty and illegal trick in the book to kick the can and hide their position which is A) Costing them ALOT of money. B) Drawing more regulator attention.
These bastards are fighting for their lives. Nothing's off the table. They will gladly pay a few million dollars in fines over going bankrupt any day.
That being said every day that goes by compounds and costs them ALOT more money with less effect and some of the tools / methods they were using are no longer available. They are also not propping up each other as much since tools & resources to do so have grown thin. In fact it LOOKS like we had a big margin call last week on a major HF.
Shorts must cover because they have to return the stocks that they borrowed contractually. Right now they are dealing with new margin requirements that can lead to liquidation. If they can't return the shares borrowed they get liquidated and the debt goes up the ladder to their clearing house and eventually the FED till it's paid.
4 ways (That my dumb ass can think of) that it ends:
RC and GameStop have a plan / strategy to deal with this. They aren't doing this blind and hoping for the best. Top people are leaving Amazon, Google, Apple, and more to join GameStop and are signing NDA's about what's coming. Whatever it is we can safely assume it's massive.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions.
Very welcome!
Great post, fellow HODLβr.
Funny you mention 2/22/22 because Iβve been seeing vague references to that date all of a sudden (but not GME related) by a few different people who work for Peter Thiel. I was thinking they are hinting at that date as the end of the Federal Reserve currency, as they would know.
Last week one of them called out 1/24 as a red market day, and sure enough it crashed, until βsomebodyβ intervened mid-day by injecting $3.1 trillion all at once, to stop the crash. Now the same person has mentioned 2/1/22 as markets red (and BTC) so we shall see. Iβm sitting on 5k shares of UVXY in anticipation of a crash, so bring it on.
Also count how many times RC has posted poop tweets or poop emojis. Poop = #2
He's posted it 5 times which may mean 2/22/22 which is a TUESTDAY MORNING which lines up with another of his posts. There's also a few other things that point to that date.
Right now it's just a shitty theory but it will be great if true. Deff going in the movie!
Buy Hodl Computershare Hedges are fukt