People say here you demand:
a). Trudeau to change the vaccine mandate decision, or:
b). Resign.
You should expect BOTH!
First: Change the decision.
Then: Resign.
If you feel satisfied with first one only (he will change the decision, ... for 1 week, ... so you go home), then he will implement it back, and your effort is lost.
Once you already got to Ottawa: Solve your problem once and forever.
100% this.
It's not just Trudeau who needs to resign either. The entire motherfucking government. Sitting around and waiting for these losers to tell us it's okay to live our lives again is giving them WAY too much power. If we give them that power, then they retain the power to throw the country back into chaos as the OP alluded to.
The problem is that we have no one ready to step into power.
Hopefully that can be rectified soon.
There are plenty of people ready to step into Power, and even if there weren't, I could care less because we do not need to be governed in a time like this.
What's a worse problem to have. Not having someone to "step into Power" or having a fucking psychopath currently at the helm destroying our country.
Parliament needs to go. Anyone involved needs to go.
I agree. For the mandates AND SO MUCH MORE! Even just the way he has spoken to Canadians - the hatred and division he has sown. HE IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING FIT TO LEAD THIS COUNTRY! RESIGN, JUSTIN!
They have politicians on their side some of them anyway. Trudeau would have to announce to Canada and then sign the agreements so he cannot go back on it.