There are those among the Democrats who are aware their chances of salvaging the party's image at this point is impossible...
What of the incomprehensibly stupid ones which might attempt to come up with a scheme to repair the party's image?
I ask, because it's important to anticipate your enemy's next move, no matter how foolish it may be.
They may try to salvage the Democrat Party's image. They have shown their hand, sure, but there are plenty of suckers still out there willing to jump back on the hellwagon.
So, if you were them how might you salvage their public image?
Honestly, I'm at a loss of any non-obvious means. There's really no topic where they've played a card and it not completely blown their faces off.
Fren, I monitor their forums and they haven't even hit rock bottom yet. The denial is at all time highs and growing.
The scary thing is a lot of their rhetoric is moving away from policy change towards physical suppression of dissent. They openly mock the concept of freedom as "freedumb".
Any non Reddit forums you can recommend?
I’d like to lurk and see what they’re saying
Dailykos or Democraticunderground or ArsTechnica.
There is no discourse permitted on these sites. I pursue an agree and amplify strategy.
If you're lurking I'd encourage you to post so you can build up reputation for operations at a later date.
Ehh.... this is way harder than it sounded like.
I'm not sure I'm psychologically cut out to go under cover and assimilate to their insane commie agenda.
Viewing their posts feels like chewing on tinfoil while walking on glass.
Thanks…. I will begin
Well to be fair a big percentage of them are minimum-wage workers from West Taiwan, so...
They’ve shit the bed. There is no recovery for them. It’s escalated to death match.
Quite a few, I'd imagine. They'd need a miracle to recover, and even if they did, Trump would still win.
We're ahead of the curve, the front car of the roller coaster train. The ones in the middle still have no idea what's coming. The ones in the back are still enthralled by the clickety-clack that just started pulling them up. It's a biig, looong train...
Those incomprehensible stupid ones will wake up, but won't have a plan. The ones with a plan might become compassionate conservative politicians, or they might become angry meter maids.
Why would liberal/communism Care about their image? It has not been the Dem. party since obama/soros/clinton.
I've heard the same about republicans.
There is no dem vs rep... its endgame
Election fraud.
Election night will look like Ontario does today.
They've played their hand on the election fraud game.
People are pissed, and if boards go up to block the windows the ballot counters are gonna find themselves strapped to the front of a bigrig.
Unless they try to garner actual support, not CCP bots and Soros ANTIFA, their only option is to suspend the midterm elections this year.
If they suspend the Election, that would be the end of them for good. They're stupid, but I still have my doubts they are that stupid.