posted ago by JordyTheCat ago by JordyTheCat +261 / -0

Additionally, Black Rock and Vanguard should be feeling the PAIN tremendously very soon (similarly with a bunch of other hedge funds and asset management firms). If you understand who Black Rock and Vanguard are connected to nearly everything, you'll understand how much of a big deal this is.

SEC voted on boosting hedge fund disclosures which is making the 'dark pool' investors feel quite uncomfortable.

I mean, guys. We are literally witnessing the greatest wealth transfer in human history. This time, the good guys really have won... no matter how much the system is rigged, it's only a matter of time until it's exposed and collapses.

Lastly, it would be quite interesting to see if there will ever be a relationship between TMTG and GME for the gaming/crypto side of the market. Not saying it will happen but both of them have been working behind the scenes to really disrupt the current social media & entertainment industries.