posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +16 / -0

Previous Post: Climate Change?

This one is gonna sound bad. Like, real bad. But you have to remember, I'm using THEIR language. They are the real "racists" and actively do the things they accuse us of.

But it's more than just projection.

Let's get down to brass tacks:

Race in 1828 was defined as:



RACE, noun [Latin radix and radius having the same original. This word coincides in origin with rod, ray, radiate, etc.]

  1. The lineage of a family, or continued series of descendants from a parent who is called the stock. A race is the series of descendants indefinitely. Thus all mankind are called the race of Adam; the Israelites are of the race of Abraham and Jacob. Thus we speak of a race of kings, the race of Clovis or Charlemagne; a race of nobles, etc.

Hence the long race of Alban fathers come.


So, when THEY are talking about race, they aren't necessarily talking about skin color, but rather what LINEAGE you come from. Race originates from the Latin words for rod, ray, radiate. Greek's word for "ray" also depicts it as a horn, which is why most "horned" figures in the Bible may actually just have "rays of light" extend from their heads rather than animalistic horns. This is the presumed origin of the Halo, since the Bible has only one clear reference to balls of light behind ones head.

So, Ray -> Rayce (one with the ray / light ray / line / vector) turns into Race and becomes what we know it today.

Right. So. Here's the tough part.

We ARE White Supremacists...

Yeah, you heard me. By their own language, that is.

Think about it this way: what are White Hats?

Why are Black Hats bad and White Hats good?

Black and White? Good and Bad?

Masonic Chess Boards?

What is a White Knight?

THE WHITE KNIGHT (ARCHETYPE) is the card of the day. This is a level of purity, innocence and strength as well as connection to Heaven that has a nose to smell out evil and darkness and to face it down and defeat, transform and heal it. THE WHITE KNIGHT is courageous, confident and connected and as an archetype is a natural and positive part of our mind. Have a beautiful and powerful day. Let Heaven show off through you today!!

So, when they call us White Supremacists, it has nothing to do with race (skin color) but it has everything to do with Moral Allegiance. White Knights are God-Fearing men and women of any race, or creed, who just want to do the right thing for their fellow man.

So White Supremacists are just those who think White (like the White Light of the Holy Spirit) is Supreme to all others.

That's why they feel safe to just call black people who turn conservative "white in their thinking" because in their language it isn't about race, it's about thought process.

Black people, by their own code, are their own kind -- the Black hats who deal in Black mail and are obsessed with lines (races) of their bloodlines.

"People of Color" refers to the many Family Bloodlines that exist, and have nothing to do with advancing Blacks, Latinos, Asians, etc.

These are the Atlantean, Aryan, Khazarian, Dragon Family, House of Saud, Windsor, Rothschilds, Rockefeller etc. bloodlines that they think give them power to rule over us like livestock. They each have their own family crests and colors, so that's why they are "People of Color." Make no mistake, they are nothing more than mafiosos who think their family tree roots them as anointed beings above reproach. You know, despots and monarchs.

Further, the more sinister of them say they are the offspring of Cain, or even Giants from an Architect Space race of geneticists who planted life here, and so their pure blood makes them our de-facto "Creators."

Crazy, I know, so let's get back on topic.

White People, as represented in the media, aren't references to caucasians. They're literally talking about People of God. Again, nothing to do with skin color, and not even religion. It's anyone and everyone who would stand up and say something, like whistleblowers and White Hats.

So yeah, by their terms, Trump is a racist, white supremacist. Racists, being those who are against the races, i.e. the Bloodline Families, and White Supremacists those who want to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

Black People are their kind, regardless of skin color. They think of themselves like the black colored pieces on the chess board. They want us to think the "game of life" is a duality and they have equal power to God's purity.

They are nuts. We're all on the same team. The world wasn't a silly game until they tricked us into playing one.

So, don't get hot and bothered asking "How could they possibly say that about white people? Don't they know they're the ones being racist?"

They don't care, because you're not talking their language. They are above reproach, because you still follow their scapegoat definitions.

This isn't a black and white world, like they think it is. Life is full of grays. The only Pure White there has ever been would be the one with the title of Son of Man, Christ Jesus. Everyone else is some shade of gray. The only black would be any of those who try to escape the light by hiding in the shadow of things.

And even then, the only black isn't necessarily bad, like they want it to be. God made light as well as dark.

If a workshop was supposed to always be lit, why would it have a light switch? It's lit when people are working, and unlit when people are resting. Evil is simply the urge to turn off the lights when everyone else is busy working, if only to have them hurt themselves as they use their tools. Evil is doing something at the wrong time, in the wrong place, for the wrong reasons; to put it simply.

So, think of it that way, and you'll start to realize just how much of a Spiritual War we are in, and exactly how deceitful their use of language has gotten.

They intentionally conflated Race, Skin Color, and Morality in order to trick us into using their language such they can easily manipulate those who aren't paying attention.

If you are asking why they are so bold to continue being so overtly racist towards white people, it's because they refuse to stop using their secret language, no matter how insane it makes them look.

The saddest part of all is that there are still those who look at their ramblings and continue to think it makes sense.