It's not that easy, you have to be genuinely repentant not to mention afterwards you need to keep moving forward in being the person Christ truly created you as doing good works and struggling for your salvation against sin. You can't just ask for forgiveness and it's all good. As the left say you have to make repreations for your past crimes. This is what God accepts, a truly repentant heart.
This is why you are a human and not God as God is Love and His forgiveness is beyond what we understand. He isn't just as we think in human terms because we would want justice for certain things but all God desires is for us to repent, follow Him and have a heart turned to His will.
It's up to God to decide, much like the right thief on the cross was truly repentant and accepted into heaven.
Also, I am Orthodox not Catholic so I don't know anything about deathbed confessions. I do know we are supposed to live a repentant life attending Liturgy, partaking of Communion, and going to confession. All of this helps us live a life pleasing to Christ.
Man has man's own laws to be followed and God said we should follow them as long as it doesn't conflict with Him. Example being forced to worship idols. But after we repose God is the judge of us.
Some things are hard to believe even if you experience them firsthand. A little dog I used to have years ago, one time he farted and it was so bad that I literally checked outside to see if the septic tank was screwed up and coming up into the yard but it ended up just being a little dog ripping farts.
Gofundme has a history of removing fundraisers they disagree with so nothing new there. Only someone that hasn't been paying attention to anything at all would actually believe the fundraising through gofundme would go to the truckers.
I believe the problem is that people are still far too gullible and want to believe that everyone else is kind and honest when a large portion of society is not honest at all. Most people are still kind in general but not that many anymore are honest, especially businesses.
Maybe the mayor and his staff were responsible, but the police are now doing their bidding. The police know it is wrong-the mandates for shots and masks. They also no confiscation of food and fuel of peaceful protesters is wrong. They support those doing wrong, while further taking away rights of those peacefully protesting. That is police over reaching and each one will personally pay as will the reputation of the police. The truckers won’t be moved, but the police and courts will try to keep them behind bars just like the Jan. 6 protesters. I guess police don’t believe in personal freedoms. When you take off your uniform, you are a citizen just like the truckers and one day you will regret you didn’t stand with the truckers for freedom.
Yes I read that late this morning! That is great. They either stand with the other patriots or they lose support and might be held accountable for their heavy handed ness.
I'll never understand why anyone cares how history will remember then when they'll be dead and won't know how they were remembered anyways. These people are traitors to their countries but they are not cowards.
They will be seen as the last bootlickers of a disgusting pedophilic system, people who turned on their fellow man when it would have been so easy to go in the other direction and help, people who chose money over humanity. They will be remembered as traitors to mankind.
Your welcome. I imagine they did. Thus cliff high video was woonderful. Canada is the country that has the highest infiltration of World Economic Forum. We have a big mess to clean up.
Globally. I am sincerely scared for our children. . Praying for us, we have a huge job in front of us to save them. After last night's tlav I will totally check out the new clif high.
I think you will enjoy. At least we are heading in the direction we need to go. I have 4 children let alone all the children around the world. I talk to my 8 year old and tell Her God wins as all evil will be banned from this earth after we get through this. I don't plan on letting her down. We do have to keep our thoughts positive and focused as with all the sheep surrounding we sure need to pick up the slack from them. Let me know if you like it.
And God will remember them as traitors.
Unless they repent and ask for forgiveness.
I don’t think it’s a loophole if those asking for forgiveness are genuine.
I feel like God can tell the difference between genuine faith and people using it as “get out of hell free”.
Agree to disagree.
It's not that easy, you have to be genuinely repentant not to mention afterwards you need to keep moving forward in being the person Christ truly created you as doing good works and struggling for your salvation against sin. You can't just ask for forgiveness and it's all good. As the left say you have to make repreations for your past crimes. This is what God accepts, a truly repentant heart.
No, fuck them all.
This is why you are a human and not God as God is Love and His forgiveness is beyond what we understand. He isn't just as we think in human terms because we would want justice for certain things but all God desires is for us to repent, follow Him and have a heart turned to His will.
It's up to God to decide, much like the right thief on the cross was truly repentant and accepted into heaven.
Also, I am Orthodox not Catholic so I don't know anything about deathbed confessions. I do know we are supposed to live a repentant life attending Liturgy, partaking of Communion, and going to confession. All of this helps us live a life pleasing to Christ.
Man has man's own laws to be followed and God said we should follow them as long as it doesn't conflict with Him. Example being forced to worship idols. But after we repose God is the judge of us.
No, fuck that. Public and televised executions.
And they won't be able to walk down the street.
Does it matter? They still obeyed, so it's bad enough. It's worse that their government did this though.
Some things are hard to believe even if you experience them firsthand. A little dog I used to have years ago, one time he farted and it was so bad that I literally checked outside to see if the septic tank was screwed up and coming up into the yard but it ended up just being a little dog ripping farts.
Gofundme has a history of removing fundraisers they disagree with so nothing new there. Only someone that hasn't been paying attention to anything at all would actually believe the fundraising through gofundme would go to the truckers.
Agreed! It was a trap. And they fell for it. Idiots lol
I believe the problem is that people are still far too gullible and want to believe that everyone else is kind and honest when a large portion of society is not honest at all. Most people are still kind in general but not that many anymore are honest, especially businesses.
Take God out of life, you get this mess.
I tend to agree - I don't see a city government having the juice to shut down a platform. How much would GFM have made off of this?
When does the pivot happen and they are forcibly removed?
I had to come back just to updoot this.. Saw it on my way out XD
Sounds like admission to conspiracy. What does Canadian law say about this?
I'm assuming it says that conspiracy is illegal, unless you're from the government, then it's okay.
Maybe the mayor and his staff were responsible, but the police are now doing their bidding. The police know it is wrong-the mandates for shots and masks. They also no confiscation of food and fuel of peaceful protesters is wrong. They support those doing wrong, while further taking away rights of those peacefully protesting. That is police over reaching and each one will personally pay as will the reputation of the police. The truckers won’t be moved, but the police and courts will try to keep them behind bars just like the Jan. 6 protesters. I guess police don’t believe in personal freedoms. When you take off your uniform, you are a citizen just like the truckers and one day you will regret you didn’t stand with the truckers for freedom.
Yes I read that late this morning! That is great. They either stand with the other patriots or they lose support and might be held accountable for their heavy handed ness.
Will that be how history remembers them? Are all traItors cowards, or are they just good at doing whatever it takes to get the upper hand?
I'll never understand why anyone cares how history will remember then when they'll be dead and won't know how they were remembered anyways. These people are traitors to their countries but they are not cowards.
A coward is most likely to do nothing. Also despicable, but these people are not cowards. They're traitors
History will remember them as worde then cowatds
They will be seen as the last bootlickers of a disgusting pedophilic system, people who turned on their fellow man when it would have been so easy to go in the other direction and help, people who chose money over humanity. They will be remembered as traitors to mankind.
bAcK tHe bLuE
tHiN bLuE LiNe
Jim Watson is part of the World Economic Forum
Seriously? Link for convenient verification?
Awesome, thank you.. can't say I'm surprised. I suspect they held Davos in Antarctica this year
Your welcome. I imagine they did. Thus cliff high video was woonderful. Canada is the country that has the highest infiltration of World Economic Forum. We have a big mess to clean up.
Globally. I am sincerely scared for our children. . Praying for us, we have a huge job in front of us to save them. After last night's tlav I will totally check out the new clif high.
Ps -thank goodness for bitchute.
I think you will enjoy. At least we are heading in the direction we need to go. I have 4 children let alone all the children around the world. I talk to my 8 year old and tell Her God wins as all evil will be banned from this earth after we get through this. I don't plan on letting her down. We do have to keep our thoughts positive and focused as with all the sheep surrounding we sure need to pick up the slack from them. Let me know if you like it.
I have an infant.. her father chose a new job (mandating the clot shot) over us and ''my conspiracy theories'' so now we struggle on alone.. :/
to bad back charge go fuk me and bankrupt their will show them who to listen to ..then its the mayors turn with the city council
Chargebacks are passed onto the merchant in some cases.
Look at how Amazon Marketplace works.