Qanon is the fake conspiracy theory group of the left. Those of us that followed Q know damned well that it was Q and the Anons. Period. The rest is just bull crap and propaganda.
They have even combined things to make it pop. Q is alway by itself. Here it has Trump hair and a white rabbit. They are clearly trying to make that association stick.
Trump say 17 a lot. He says BOOM a lot. Crooked, fake, phony, false, traitors, should be in jail. Yet, for all the years I listened to him prattle on; never have I heard Q or QAnon come out of his mouth.
I really want to rewatch a lot of Trump's speeches. I think they were peppered with info that only makes sense as time passes.
The bitter fake news refuses to call us Q because the DS used Q/17 in its comms. Q took their most important comm for itself and made it a White Hat comm that draws big attention. However, the fake news can't call us Q coz that would interfere with DS comms and confuse their minions. They're desperate to push QANON on us and prevent normies from noticing the Qs and 17s that the DS constantly uses for their own comms.
Even if it makes it easy to identify their fakes and false flags (like some idiot running around calling himself QANON John) they do that anyone as a show for the normies. But if they called him JohnQ17 then their minions might confuse him as one of their own. Basically they are stuck. They have to use QANON no matter how obvious it is to our side.
No, I mean Q supporters. They won't even call us that. Or call it Q.
Another reason is when you can't attack the messenger then you attack the supporters. However, if you look at Q/17 you see the DS using it in their comms for a long time. Q Clearance started a year after Queen Elizabeth 2nd was coronated.
They use it all the time to signal something classified. They want to communicate with their sleeper cells classified information without getting caught.
There are many many reasons Q was chosen, but one thing was to destroy the DS's ability to use. It is now a White Hat comm and they can't stand that. They really can't. It's too important to how they talk in plain sight. Now it's ours.
For the newbies…
Qanon is the fake conspiracy theory group of the left. Those of us that followed Q know damned well that it was Q and the Anons. Period. The rest is just bull crap and propaganda.
Absolute bullshit FF! Just who is Qanon anyway?? No one seems to know. Except maybe the clowns & the chump media
Sounds like false flag bullshit to me.
They have even combined things to make it pop. Q is alway by itself. Here it has Trump hair and a white rabbit. They are clearly trying to make that association stick.
Trump say 17 a lot. He says BOOM a lot. Crooked, fake, phony, false, traitors, should be in jail. Yet, for all the years I listened to him prattle on; never have I heard Q or QAnon come out of his mouth.
I really want to rewatch a lot of Trump's speeches. I think they were peppered with info that only makes sense as time passes.
The bitter fake news refuses to call us Q because the DS used Q/17 in its comms. Q took their most important comm for itself and made it a White Hat comm that draws big attention. However, the fake news can't call us Q coz that would interfere with DS comms and confuse their minions. They're desperate to push QANON on us and prevent normies from noticing the Qs and 17s that the DS constantly uses for their own comms.
Even if it makes it easy to identify their fakes and false flags (like some idiot running around calling himself QANON John) they do that anyone as a show for the normies. But if they called him JohnQ17 then their minions might confuse him as one of their own. Basically they are stuck. They have to use QANON no matter how obvious it is to our side.
Why would they call us Q. Q is the person/group that posted thousands of messages.
This is the answer:
No, I mean Q supporters. They won't even call us that. Or call it Q.
Another reason is when you can't attack the messenger then you attack the supporters. However, if you look at Q/17 you see the DS using it in their comms for a long time. Q Clearance started a year after Queen Elizabeth 2nd was coronated.
They use it all the time to signal something classified. They want to communicate with their sleeper cells classified information without getting caught.
There are many many reasons Q was chosen, but one thing was to destroy the DS's ability to use. It is now a White Hat comm and they can't stand that. They really can't. It's too important to how they talk in plain sight. Now it's ours.
It should be possible to look up this case in public databases... PACER?
Fake News and their QAnon conspiracy.
If he was sane, she probable was, so he is justified, he walks. If he is insane, he walks. This guy is a genius.
It's part of the great aWOKEening a bad meme from the BlueAnons.
FakeNews. Only total idiots believe this drivel
Your subject line/thread title (the 2nd part - "Who the fuck is QAnon?") made me laugh out loud - thanks! :-)
Oh great, so NOW they have a formal criminal case solidifying the claim that "QAnon" people are certifiably "insane." Peeeeeeeeeeeeerfect. :-(
So HE is a c eye aye child sex trafficker, and his wife figured it out….
well the judge agreed it was insane . . .